Cancer Breakthrough! A Universal Natural Cure for Incurable Cancers
Updated: Oct 5, 2023
On March 18th and 19th, of 2019 Dr. Robert O. Young Announced a Universal Natural Cure for Cancer at the 14th Annual Global Summit on Oncology and Cancer!

This universal natural cure for incurable cancers is based upon the research and findings of Dr. Robert O Young and Dr. Galina Migalko, published, January 9th, 2019, in the ACTA Scientific Cancer Biology, medical journal, Volume 3 Issue 2, 2019.

Cystic Fibrosis and Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma Lung Cancer both Metabolic and Dietary Acidic Conditions of the Interstitial Fluids of the Interstitium
Cystic fibrosis (CF) [1,2] and Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma (PAC)[3] have similar symptomologies and are chronic, progressive, and frequently fatal acidic conditions of the respiratory system (lungs), lymphatic system (lymph nodes), intestines, pancreas, urinary tract system, reproductive organs and the skin as the alkaloid glands (the salivary glands, stomach, and small and large intestines) produce and secrete alkaline compounds, such as sodium bicarbonate to buffer and preserve the alkaline design of the body and the specific organs and glands affected.
These metabolic and dietary acidic conditions resulting in the build-up of mucous [3] can affect any organ or organ system but primarily affects the respiratory, lymphatic system, digestive, and reproductive tracts in children and young adults with CF and the lungs and surrounding lymph nodes in PAC.
We have suggested from my own clinical research that both of these conditions are the result of latent tissue acidosis (LTA) in the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium or the fluids that surround every cell in the human body, created from metabolism, diet, thoughts and environment and may be successfully treated and reversed with an alkaline lifestyle and diet (ALD) [4].

Introduction and Historical Perspective:
According to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, about 30,000 Americans have CF. This condition occurs mostly in whites whose ancestors came from northern Europe, although it cuts across all races and ethnic groups.
About 3,500 babies are born with this acidic condition each year in the United States. Moreover, about one in every 30 Americans suffer from CF [1,3].
Nearly 40% of lung cancers in the US are adenocarcinoma, which usually originates in peripheral lung tissue [5]. Most cases of adenocarcinoma are associated with smoking; however, among people who have smoked fewer than 100 cigarettes in their life-times (“never-smokers”) [6], adenocarcinoma is the most common form of lung cancer [7].

Its incidence has been increasing in many developed Western nations in the past few decades, where it has become the most common major type of lung cancer in smokers (replacing squamous cell lung carcinoma) and in lifelong non-smokers [3].
According to the Nurses’ Health Study, the risk of adenocarcinoma of the lung increases substantially after a long duration of previous tobacco smoking, with a previous smoking du-ration of 30 to 40 years giving a relative risk of approximately 2.4 compared to never-smokers, and a duration of more than 40 years giving a relative risk of approximately 5 [8].
CF and PAC have similar symptomologies
and are often accompanied by the
following signs and symptoms:
Thick, viscous mucus in the lungs caused by the glandular secretion of sodium bicarbonate in the chelation of excess dietary and/or metabolic acids [3,9,10].

Signs and Symptoms of CF and PAC Citation:
Robert Young: “Cystic Fibrosis and Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma Lung Cancer both Metabolic and Dietary Acidic Conditions”.

To read the entire article go to:
Citation: Acta Scientific Cancer Biology 3.2 (2019): 11-20.

The following is the PDF for my peer-reviewed published article, “Cystic Fibrosis and Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma Lung Cancer Both Metabolic and Dietary Acidic Conditions.” Click on the link below:
You can also read Inger Marie Hartelius’s testimony, including her medical doctor’s statement at the following link:

During my presentation I officially announced the universal natural cure for terminal cancer to the entire World and the results of my cancer research at the Global Summit on Oncology and Cancer in London, England, on March 18th and 19th at the 14th International Conference on Cancer Sciences and Therapy. The Conference was CME certified and recommended to all cancer researchers and doctors around the World.
Marie Inger Hartelius Testifies After 10 Years in Remission from a Terminal
Incurable Cancerous Condition at the
14th Annual Global Summit on
Oncology and Cancer!
Dr. Robert O. Young Shares Freely
The Natural Cure for Cancer!

Alkalizng Nutritional Therapy in the Prevention and Reversal of ANY Cancerous Condition

Recognition for Dr. Robert O. Young from the Editors of Medical Oncology & Therapeutics, Journal of Cancer Clinical Research & The Journal of Cancer Immunology & Therapy for His Research, Findings & Publication for the Universal Natural Cure for Incurable Cancers!

To learn more about the work, research and findings of Dr. Robert O. Young go to:

Dr. Robert O. Young –
According to the work, research and findings of Robert O. Young MS, CPT, DSc., PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner,
“95% of all sickness and disease is caused by what you eat, what your drink, what you breathe, what you think and what you believe. 5% of all sickness and disease is caused by genetic factors which are triggered by what you eat, what your drink, what you breathe, what you think and what you feel and believe.
Therefore, in conclusion 100% of ALL sickness and dis-ease is caused by what you eat, what you drink, what you breathe, what you inject, what radiation you are exposed, what you think, what you feel and what you believe (the placebo effect).”


“For the life of ALL FLESH is the BLOOD” Hosea
“My People Perish Because of Ignorance”
Want to Learn More?
Please Share This Life Saving and Life Changing Intelligence With Everyone YOU LOVE and CARE ABOUT!
From Terminal Cancer to COVID to a Self-Cure for Cancer and COVID!

An Alkalizing Nutritional Approach in the Prevention and Reversal of Any Cancerous or Viral Condition
In 2011, I had the unique pleasure of meeting Inger Hartelius at the Rancho del Sol/pH Miracle Center in Valley Center, California, and had the chance to follow her journey from diagnosis to recovery from terminal cancer to courage and her self-cure. It is an honor for me to pass along her story and personal journey.
We all have a choice, a personal choice in terms of health, wellness, energy and fitness. Please take the time and watch and then read Inger’s enriching and empowering story that I believe will make you wiser and possibly change your life or even save your life – If not your life maybe the life of a friend or a loved one!
Here is the link to Inger’s amazing story of healing from a terminal Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma Lung Cancer with metastasis to the lymph nodes (There is no medical treatment or cure for this cancer – medical prognosis less than 1 year to live – over 10 years later, still in complete remission and in great health) According to Inger and her doctor she is alive today because of Dr. Robert O. Young! What is the price of saving one live? Priceless!
Click on the following link and read and then share Inger’s cure from an incurable cancer with everyone you love and care about!
Let them know that there is a self-cure for cancer and covid!
This is how I regained my future from terminal metastatic lung cancer –
The Reward For Curing Cancer –
The Testimony of Dr. Robert O. Young on Viruses, Vaccines and Cancer – The International Tribunal of Natural Justice

Dr. Robert O. Young, one of the top research and clinical scientists in the World, separates science fact from science fiction or “scientism” as he calls it. Please help support the work and research of Dr. Robert O. Young!

Dr. Young explains how the weaponization of microwave energy and EMF degrades and destroys human health with a bad “environment” or what is referred to as the internal “terrain”.
Dr. Young answers these questions:
Is there a diabolical plan behind superparamagnetic graphene/iron oxide nano-particles that are being found in the bloodstreams of people who have received the CoV vaccine or died from Sudden Adult Death Syndrome?
Could the super-permeation of graphene family substances in food, drinks, water, vaccines, medicines, cosmetics, packaging, and medicines be a planned conspiracy against human health?
Are graphene ferric oxide “circuits” being created in the human body to control the many nano-particle metals being injected into people through vaccines and through the ingestion of food?
Can graphene ferric oxide be “pre-programmed” before being inserted into injections, food, and the environment?
Is the transhumanistic plan for “aggressive remote-control of all things” (The Internet of Things) actually possible through new scientific “mad-scientist” experiments of human subjects using the Graphene Family of Nano-materials?

He exposes the medical fraud and fiction behind the “germ” theory and explains how a family of vectors – 4G, 5G, microwave ovens, smart meters, electromagnetic cars, smart homes, geoengineering the sky, vaccines, pollution, graphene oxide, and more – impact our lives producing all of the symptoms related to a host of modern diseases, from cancers to diabetes and more.

To learn more about his decades-old research on harmful vectors and toxic environment, how the Cabal and Deep State run test experiments in a “dial up a pandemic” scenario at any time, any where; against any animal, individual, and population, as well as how to bring balance to your life and health, go to:
His Media:
His Case Studies:
His Science Blog:
pH pHorever Young articles (over 3000)
His Peer-reviewed Published Articles
His CV
His Books:
Want to tune in on the go? Check out this episode’s podast?
The Corona Investigative Committee Interviews Dr. Robert O. Young

Do YOU Want to Learn More?
To learn more about the nondisclosed ingredients in the coronavirus vaxxines read my latest peer-reviewed published article by Acta Scientific Medical Science Journal, ASMS-22-RW-150 entitled “Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines”

Watch, listen, learn and then SHARE with EVERYONE YOU LOVE & CARE ABOUT!

Watch InfoWars
Special guest Dr. Robert Young makes his first appearance on the show to speak with Liberty Man about his microscopy and spectroscopy findings in the gene juice injections.

Dr. Young and Liberty Man talk about FDA corruption and share perspectives on the nanotechnology aspects of the shots, including topics such as RNA interference, toxicity, shedding, blood clots, and electromagnetic frequencies, and how all of this plays into the larger agenda of a digital ID social-credit prison system.
Healing At All Costs Dr. Robert Young interview with Johnny Cirucci – Full Interview

Support the work, research and findings of Dr. Robert O. Young at:

No donation is too small and will be appreciated and used for continuous research, publications and public education!
* * *
As a special thank you for your donation, I will answer one health or lifestyle related question.
After your donation, please email me at:
Keep your question short and very specific. Please include your first and last name, phone number and email. Your question will be answered within 72 hours.
God bless YOU ALL!
Stay healthy and happy!

RECENT PODCAST WITH DR. ANDY KAUFMAN: Report 259: Dr. Andy Kaufman and Dr. Amandha Vollmer Expose COVID Vaccine Fraud & Science Deception
RAMOLA D REPORTS: Support at Patreon: or Paypal: FIND PRINT/VIDEO CONTENT: Media Site and Magazine:
Dr. Robert O. Young and Dr. Ariyana Love discuss Graphene Based Tissue Scaffolding Technology found In the Covid VaXXine. They also reveal in detail pathological graphene based nano technology that is causing “blood clots” as seen under pHase Contrast, Brightfield and Electron microscopy, NOW in the blood of the VaXXed and UnVaXXed. In addition they discuss the work of embalmer Richard Herschman who discovered synthetic tissue scaffolding in the veins and arteries of VaXXed corpses!
Learn and view more by reading Dr. Young’s articles, “Nano and Micro Blood Clots Seen in the Capillary Blood of the VAXXinated & UNVAXXinated!” at the following link: and, “Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene & Parasites in CoV-19 Vaccines” at the following link:
In addition please read and view Dr. Ariyana Love’s article, “Transhumanist Nightmare: Nanowires Torture the Vaxxed and Scaffold New Tissue!” at the following link:
Find Dr. Ariyana on Telegram at:
Dr. Ariyana’s website:
You can email Dr. Ariyana at:
You can also help by supporting the work and research of Dr. Robert O. Young with YOUR donation at:
The Corona Committee was founded on the initiative of attorney and economist Viviane Fischer and attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. It is conducting a review of evidence on the Corona crisis and measures.
Learn more about the committee:
Anonymous tips to the Corona Committee:
Dr. Reiner Fuellmichs english Telegram channel: Tor: http://2hfjtvg32qm6kjo2esoqu3djhc6xctn2wofnkrpc4vjez47a5wei44qd.onion
Only through your donation the work of the Corona Investigative Committee is possible:
New Books by Dr. Robert O. Young
Truth vs Deception
Liberty vs Tyranny
COVID – 19
Fact vs Fiction
Science vs Scientism
Dr. Robert O. Young and T. M. Ballantyne, Jr. New Book is NOW Available in Hard or Soft Book Cover and Kindle on
Number 1 in New Book Releases!
Number 1 in Medical Ethics!
Number 1 in Human Physician & Patient Medical Ethics
Number 1 in Human Rights Law
Number 19 in Human Rights
Number 80 in Politics and Government
Number 2,396 In ALL Books
Being Sold Worldwide by Amazon!

To order click on the following link:

“Part 2

To Order Part II Click on the Following Below:

Our past covidiocy history will some day acknowledge Dr. Robert O. Young as being one of the seminal medical-science icons responsible for redeeming humanity from an unfathomable abyss.
Despite systematically targeted by a quadrillion dollar medical science establishment for decades, he continues to resurrect and claim ever higher ground in his understanding of human health and planetary welfare.
In so doing he elevates the mind and heart of millions of souls who cherish him as a Godly man and a brilliant scholar.
The coupling of Dr Young with the remarkable T.M. Ballantyne Jr. ignites a most inspired and formidable vanguard in truth and disclosure”. Sacha Stone –
Canada Loves YOU Dr. Robert Young
“Thank-you Dr. Robert Young for being the Camelot of our Time in these days where the balance of the Earth is at stake against the fight of this Dark Regime.
“The Fall of the Olden Ones is finally at hand, and your message to the world brings a desperately needed repose to all the voices that have been silenced.
“Your voice resonates through our hearts as your sound words reassures us and heals our wounds of despair & distraught endure these
many years & life times for those who have walked this Earth since it’s beginning.
“Thank you for bringing in the love of humanity as a messenger of hope and deliverance for the many awakening from the grip of falsehood in this duality of reality we call life.
“Perception has many signs of deceit by the spoken word of what we call the English language.
“Perhaps the reversal of this language will finally be exposed and the Rosetta Stone of Truth will finally allow us to walk this elevation of New Earth in peace and harmony with all of humanity.
“We thank you Dr. Robert Young for being our Anchor in the worst of storms, for being our light in our darkest hour.
“Your support is your true crown of loyalty to Source and it is recognized with such admiration.
“We thank you for every word spoken which brings upon a smile on humanities heart & soul.
“You are a true soldier of our days!!!
“As we watch our loved ones decay in these precious times of hope, YOU have brought comfort in knowing that even if the battle is lost that what is coming will finally bring an end to this life we call war!” – George Boulet – Canada

Solutions to Pollutions
You can NOW purchase “The pH Miracle Revised and Updated” with our NEW book, “Truth vs Deception – Liberty vs Tyranny – COVID – 19 Fact vs Fiction” at a reduced price! Check it out at the following link:

Please support our work, reasearch and findings by purchasing “The pH Miracle Revised and Updated” & “Truth vs Deception – Liberty vs Tyranny – COVID – 19 Facts vs Fiction” and Science vs Scientism by donating at:

A few articles: Alkalizing Nutritional Therapy in the Prevention and Treatment of Any Cancerous Condition – The International Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine