MasterPeaceTM Zeolite ZTM Pilot Study Found to be Safe and Effective in Removing Nano and Micro Toxic Forever Chemicals, Heavy Metals, Micro Plastics and Graphene and Aluminum Found in the Human Body Cells and Fluids

Robert O Young* and Caroline A Mansfield

*Corresponding Author: Robert O Young, Department of Research, Innerlight Biological Research and Education Foundation, USA.

Zeolite, specifically clinoptilolite zeolite, has long been used for environmental Cleanup and animal-feed supplementation, due to its unique crystalline structure and ion-exchange properties that allow it to effectively trap and remove toxins [1]. Over the past quarter century, its application has extended to human consumption as a detoxification agent [2]. In the nano-colloidal [3] product called MasterPeaceTM, Zeolite ZTM by Human Consciousness SupportTM company, a patent-pending combination of nano-sized clinoptilolite zeolite and sea plasma [4], known as Zeolite ZTM, is utilized [5]. To test the efficacy of MasterPeaceTM Zeolite ZTM in
removing heavy metals [6], forever chemicals [7], micro plastics [8], micro and nano graphene and aluminum [9,10] and other toxic compounds from the body cells and fluids, a study was conducted involving three test subjects, two adult females and one adult male.
The objective was to determine the safety and efficiency of MasterPeaceTM Zeolite ZTM in chelation and removal of these micro and nano toxins. The study employed an intracellular fluids toxicity test of the blood with baseline results collected before starting the regimen,
followed by tests at 35 days and 90 days. The test subjects took the MasterPeaceTM Zeolite ZTM natural product daily at a specified dosage of at least 5 drops under the tongue, twice a day. The intracellular fluid toxicity test [11] targeted highly toxic compounds and
elements that were believed to be present in the body but had not been previously tested. This study aimed to evaluate the baseline of these toxic compounds and how effectively MasterPeaceTM Zeolite ZTM could chelate and remove these toxic compounds from the
body. The specific toxic compounds and elements tested are listed below. The sea plasma in MasterPeaceTM Zeolite ZTM is known for its detoxification and remineralization properties [1], enhancing the products’ overall effectiveness. This ingredient also supports
the removal of toxins while replenishing essential minerals in the body [4]. The study aimed to test the combined effects of both nano-sized clinoptilolite zeolite and sea plasma in promoting overall detoxification and health. The findings from these tests provide insights into the comprehensive detoxification capabilities of MasterPeaceTM Zeolite ZTM, measuring its impact on reducing the toxic burden in human blood [12-14].



The Human Consciousness SupportTM Company and their
product MasterPeaceTM Zeolite ZTM, was developed within the last
two years, as an all-natural detoxification product potentially
capable of removing toxic substances from the body. MasterPeaceTM
Zeolite ZTM has been refined with the input of numerous scientific
minds, focusing not only on the optimization of the nano-sized
zeolite but also on the innovative combination of clinoptilolite
zeolite with sea plasma at a pH of 8.3 and an oxidative reduction
potential (ORP) value of -90mV [15] This unique formulation,
known as MasterPeaceTM Zeolite ZTM, is designed to operate at a pH
of 8.3 and -90mV, which enhances its efficacy. According to Human
Consciousness Support CompanyTM literature [5], MasterPeaceTM
Zeolite ZTM is a synergistic blend of natural ingredients which is
claimed to be an effective natural product or nutraceutical available
for detoxification, targeting and removing a wide range of toxic
nano and micro compounds from the human body [5].


To address a critical gap in our understanding of the presence
and detoxification of specific toxic micro and nano toxic compounds
in the human body. In today’s world, individuals are constantly
exposed to myriads of toxic micro and nano toxic substances, many
of which are known to be cytotoxic, genotoxic and bio magnetic
toxic to the human blood, cells and tissues [1].
However, there is limited accessibility and availability of testing
for these compounds in many countries, making it difficult for
them to obtain baseline measurements of these harmful and toxic
agents in their bodies.

By testing for specific toxic compounds in the blood of
three subjects, this study aims to fill a crucial knowledge gap.
Establishing baseline levels of these toxic substances is essential
for understanding their prevalence and potential impact on health.
Additionally, evaluating the efficacy of the MasterPeaceTM Zeolite
ZTM, which combines nano-sized colloidal clinoptilolite zeolite with
sea plasma (known as Zeolite ZTM, in removing known micro and
nano toxins is equally important. The findings from this study
provides valuable insights into the safety and effectiveness of this
detoxification approach, potentially offering a viable solution for 
individuals seeking to reduce their toxic burden and improve their
overall health.


The purpose of this study was to obtain information based
on blood [11]. We wanted to evaluate the toxic burden on the
human body. We chose initially five data points being graphene
oxide (2D Nano) [16], polyethylene (PE) [17], polypropylene
(PP) [18], perfluoro octane sulfonate-acid (PFOS) [19-22] and
perfluorooctanoic-acid (PFOA) [19-22]. At the 35-day mark
we included five more compounds which were aluminum [23],
glyphosate [24], iron [25], lindane [26] and phosgene [27].

• Study Design: This pilot study employed a pre-test, post-test
design to evaluate the efficacy of the intervention.

• Setting: The pilot study was conducted in a real-world home
environment, were the participants took the product for 90
days. The controlled aspect of the study involved the blood
collection, by a phlebotomist from the participating subjects
at designated intervals.

• Participants: Participants were selected to include both
COVID-19 vaccinated [28] and non-vaccinated individuals of
European descent. There were three test subjects, female aged
57, male aged 57, and female aged 60, respectively.

• Intervention: The product being tested for its safety and
efficacy in chelating and removing toxic foreign micro and
nano toxins in the body cells and fluids was MasterPeaceTM
Zeolite ZTM manufactured and distributed by Human
Consciousness SupportTM company. [5] Following the baseline
test, participants took a dosage of at least 5 drops twice daily,
administered under the tongue sublingually. The duration of
the study was 90 days.

• Laboratory Test: iEC – Cellular Toxin Examination.
Inadequate detoxification or increased exposure to toxic
substances can cause them to accumulate in the body fluids
and body cells.

These toxins can impair cellular processes such as energy supply
through the respiratory chain in the mitochondria or attach to DNA
and form a DNA adduct. [29] With the iEC examination (iEC for intracellular electrical capacity), the intracellular amount of toxins in the lymphocytes can be determined and possible exposure can be detected at an early stage [12].

Control group

There was no control group in this initial pilot study.

Outcome measures

The primary outcome measure was the intracellular toxicity
test of the blood. [11] We started the study by testing each subject
for 5 substances and their tolerance levels, including graphene
oxide (2D Nano) [16], polyethylene (PE) [17], polypropylene
(PP) [18], perfluorooctane sulfonate-acid (PFOS) [19-22] and
perfluorooctanoic-acid (PFOA) [19-22], as our baseline before
intervention as seen in Chart 1 below.

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