Updated: Sep 3, 2022

A Revolutionary Way to Improve YOUR Well-Being, Energy, Performance & Quality of Life
Scientists have discovered that when all classical sources of matter and energy are removed, creating what is referred to as a vacuum, there is still energy present, even at absolute zero point energy. This discovery has redefined empty space with the definition of a quantum vacuum – a substantive quantized medium filled with harmonic zero-point energy oscillations. This sea of continuous energetic oscillations has now been identified by some physicists as the elemental source of all mass, form and structure.

The quantum vacuum must have coherent modes of oscillations in order to give rise to mass, form, and structure. Indeed, the geometry of these oscillation modes are now being discovered by scientists to have very fundamental functions at the base of reality and that this constant flux of quantum energy is intrinsically and integrally entangled. This universal network of the vacuum harmonic oscillations of the zero-point field can be considered as information exchange in innumerable quantum computational units, or Planck spherical oscillators, where each Planck sphere is one bit of information. It is this unified space memory network that in-forms and connects all things to produce coherence, order, and systems intelligence.
Harmonic Flux Resonator

Resonance-based technologies are a way to tap into the vital source of quintessential energy that has been identified as the source of the material world, called quantum vacuum energy. Replicating the magnetohydrodynamics naturally occurring in a variety of astrophysical objects, which couples plasma modes to the harmonic structure of the quantum vacuum — the Harmonic Flux Resonator (HFR) replicates and transfers quantum energy.ARK® crystals have been designed and precision engineered, based on 30 years of research, to couple with the same dynamics as the HFR, enabling this remarkable technology to link with the nonlocal entanglement network and energetic dynamics of the quantum vacuum. Once activated by the HFR, ARK® crystals can be used to increase coherence and vitality in almost any system placed in their active proximity.
ARK® crystals are precision engineered to specifically interact with the zero-point dynamics of the vacuum to link with and harness the energy and information of this primary quantum field. Empirical investigations have demonstrated the high efficacy of this resonance-based technology: ARK® crystals have been shown to have significant effects on water structuring, (the human body is 70 percent water) increasing system coherence, and optimizing biology for healthy generation, regeneration, health, energy and vitality of your body.

The water molecule has a tetrahedral geometry, just like that of quartz (SiO4), and the fundamental geometry of spacetime — enabling a significant structural resonance between these quintessential domains. It is perhaps no coincidence that 90% of the Earth’s crust is silica (such as quartz), and 71% of the surface is water. The dynamic energetic interaction of these two substances comprising most of the surface is one reason Earth is such a hospitable place for life to thrive.ARK® crystal technology represents a distillation and refinement of this natural beneficial interrelationship of quartz and water. Extensive testing of ARK® crystals shows that there is a significant interaction that gives water a supercharged effect, resulting in up to 200% greater growth rate of plants, immune boosting resistance to disease, and improvements in numerous markers of health and wellness. ARK® crystal technology harnesses vacuum energy to bestow increased health and life-supporting qualities of water.

ARK® crystals are a revolutionary technology that greatly boosts the body’s natural ability to attune with the vitalistic and expansive zero-point field of the quantum vacuum. The quantum vacuum represents the revelatory understanding in modern physics that space is not empty; on the contrary, it is the one thing that connects all things.The zero-point field of space is a nexus of quantum entanglement, and when the body is able to attune with it, like a crystalline oscillator, it comes into harmonic resonance with this inexhaustible source of energy, coherence, and connectedness. This is demonstrated by the ARK® crystals in the numerous tests that have shown their effects in optimizing biological functions, allowing the cellular system to communicate more coherently, facilitating rejuvenation and optimization of function.
A remarkable achievement has been realized in the field of crystal technology with the first-ever development of the Advanced Resonance Kinetics (ARK®) crystal.

The product is composed of a laboratory grown, high purity quartz crystal which is precisely cut along a specific axe of molecular lattices from optical quartz in accordance with a patented method to create a specific geometric solid representing a direct harmonic of the space time geometry.

The saddle assembly that protects the crystal from damage has been crafted from CP4 grade titanium and represents a marvel of engineering. Not only does it provide protection by floating the crystal inside a titanium structure with a system of silicon bumpers, a sophisticated system of magnets allows the saddle to be joined to other saddles to create precise tetrahedron based geometries or to be magnetically secured to accessories such as the titanium pendant which is included with your purchase. DIMENSIONS – The saddle is 23 mm wide at its base and 18.7 mm high from the base to the apex.

The CP4 grade titanium pendant has been engineered to precisely and magnetically secure the ARK® crystal saddle within its arms and includes an adjustable length titanium chain which enables the wearer to position the pendant at three different locations on their body from heart to throat, based upon preference or needs.

DIMENSIONS – The pendant has a diameter of 38.1 mm.
The Release of 5G – A BioHazard
With the Worldwide release of 5G YOU need to think about how YOU can protect the alkaline design of your alkaline body fluids from this highly acidic and disturbing magnetic and electrical field of energy.
Scientists and engineers have been concerned with signal and noise since the early days of radio and telephone communications. Noise in electronic systems has come under intense scrutiny in recent times, especially since the amount of electronic information we process and transfer is enormous. Signal and noise are also important in biological systems. In communications within the body itself, in maintaining health and avoiding disease, signals are vital. If inappropriate signals are processed in the body, this can result in a sickness or disease. Further, we are attempting to understand life and death from a fundamental perspective, have formulated that ‘signals’ and their processing are compatible with life while noise and its proliferation constitutes death itself. Any organized system requires transmission and interpretation of specific signals. When signals breakdown, and when noise overtakes the signals, then chaos results and disorder prevails. If it is transitory, health could be restored. If it is permanent, then death might results. In fact, one might posit that life is a constant struggle to maintain a certain amount of signal in spite of ongoing noise. Thus, we see in physics and in biophysics – in the world around us and the one within us – that reduction and possible elimination of noise is an important task. We define a parameter called Signal-to-Noise ratio or simply S/N which should be larger than 1.
In other words, signal should always be larger than the noise. In most physical systems, we operate in a way to maintain this condition. If S/N is less than 1 (signal smaller than noise), we are running into trouble. Under these conditions, a physical system will become useless, and a psychophysical system will become sick. Thus, reducing noise and preserving the integrity of a signal are necessary in many areas of human endeavor.Let me review briefly the origin of noise and methods available for noise reduction in electronic systems.
Noise is a fundamental property of all physical systems that operate at finite temperatures. Even the best electronic chips, manufactured under the most stringent conditions exhibit noise. This is due to the fact that in the atomic and molecular make up, ever so small imperfections make the electronic flow random, and hence the material becomes noisy. Now there is simple way, at least in theory, to reduce and ultimately eliminate noise. This is by reducing the temperature at which a device operates. As the temperature is reduced, the random motion of electrons in the device reduces; the noise contribution due to this effect also reduces. It is known that noise can be eliminated entirely when a device operates at absolute zero temperature. This temperature corresponds to -273 degrees Celsius (about -460 F).NASA has employed this principle to reduce noise and receive meaningful messages from probes that have gone past the solar system. Thus, a simple method to improve S/N in electronic and perhaps physiological systems is to reduce temperature at which they operate. However, this is not practical, nor is it always possible. All life as we know it comes to a stand still at very low temperatures. No activity could take place in physical systems as well, the entire environment would become still and silent. In this silence, even signals do not exist. Therefore, radical temperature reduction is not a practical method for reducing noise.
Other electronic methods are available in technology to extract signals which have levels much smaller than noise. However, all these require the power of a supercomputer, complex algorithms and advanced signal processing techniques. If a simple, practical method could be implemented for noise reduction, it will benefit immensely both our technology and medical sciences. A special method of noise reduction using very minute subtle energy fields (SE) is presented in what follows.First, let us briefly understand what subtle energy fields (SE) so you can understand how ARK® manipulates these energies in reducing noise.
The term Subtle Energy (SE) is of recent origin. SE could mean a physical energy, such as electromagnetic or acoustic, that is of such low intensity. In this definition of SE, we are dealing with a physical field which is of very low magnitude. Several scientists in the United States (Tiller, Bearden, Rein, Putoff, Green, Srinivasan) have studied SE and its effects. Though each has developed his own nuanced theory of SE, in general they all tend to concur that SE phenomena is related to a type of unified energy, and is not just a physical field of very low magnitude. Contemporary quantum physics has mathematically described and predicted the presence of a unified energy which underlies conventional transverse electromagnetic (EM) vectors. The concept of a subtle energy underlying EMF fields was first introduced by Bohm and Aharonov in describing quantum potentials as an implicate order “embedded in” our normal 3-D space. It has recently been proposed that an additional implicate order is embedded within the quantum potentials. This higher-dimensional space is composed of an energy which has been called time reversed waves, non-Hertzian waves, longitudinal waves, scalar waves, or zero-point energy. The classical EMF fields have been under investigation since the laws of Maxwell were established more than 150 years ago in England. We know all about the physical fields; we can generate, manipulate and use them for purposes such as long distance communication, computer applications and measurement techniques that are proliferating all around us. However, our knowledge regarding SE fields is expanding slowly.

Subtle Energy fields might be a fundamental manifestation of energy that underlies classical energy systems. We need to invoke current theories in physics to postulate possible scenario for SE production. It is known that what we thought of as vacuum or empty space is not really so. Quantum theory predicts this vacuum is really a container of enormous amounts of energy. Particles seem to appear and disappear out of this vacuum. Such processes are presently called Zero Point Fluctuations (ZPF), providing an infinite energetic background for the physical world. The manifestation of elementary particles from this vacuum and their disappearance proceeds continuously and is postulated as the basis for the formation of the universe as we know it. At the level of ZPF, Zero Point Energy (ZPE) is converted into matter and matter falls back into this ocean of ZPE. If we can ‘mine’ even a small part of this vast energy, we can theoretically supply the energy requirement of the world for a fraction of the cost of conventional energy sources. We are NOW currently doing experiments to extract this “free” energy source.
Now, one might ask, how is this ZPE connected with SE? It is likely that as particles are formed from vacuum (which as I said, is a concept emerging from quantum physics) there are associated radiations. As particles emerge and disappear, these radiations also appear and disappear. It is similar to when ripples are formed as stones are thrown into still water. As each stone disappears in water, it produces waves at the surface of water. Though there is no mathematical proof for production of SE through this method, it is likely such a mechanism exists in the vacuum state. Quantum mechanics postulates elementary particles do have specific energy states which have certain finger print radiation patterns. Hence the above model for subtle energy radiations is well within the possibilities of theories in modern physics. While the production and radiation of SE fields could possibly be within the realm of physics, the design and use of SE field devices most likely require novel engineering constructs. It is likely these SE fields can be focused and down-converted through special energy-information transduction techniques which couple the multidimensional SE fields to three dimensional force fields. It is likely, then, if SE fields are focused, they can be brought out from the Zero Point Energy itself. As SE fields emerge out of ZPE, they may be beyond physicality (and hence not possible to measure); however, after transduction, they seem to manifest as quasi-physical energies. Or they directly influence the behavior of classical field phenomena. After such a change in energy format, SE fields become ‘useful’ and take part in energy interactions with physical fields such as electromagnetic and acoustic.

ARK® crystals fall within the category of SE field generation and its interaction with the physical world, especially with electro-magnetic and bio-electromagnetic phenomena. It has been proposed that magnetic vector potentials are the means by which energy exchanges occur between subtle energy fields and the physical world of electro-magnetics. It is likely the energy generated through magnetic vector potentials from the fundamental ZPF is ‘pure’, and can influence fields and matter around it through resonance effects. Resonance occurs when two objects have frequencies of oscillations that are close to each other. When two such systems are in proximity, then they will resonate at the frequency dictated by the stronger of the two oscillations.
For example, when a string in a guitar is plucked, any string which is at a nearby resonance will start oscillating at the driven frequency. Similarly, the strong oscillations at the fundamental ZPE level will couple with other material oscillations and organize them to its proper frequency. Further, the ZPE generated field is considered coherent. In other words, a pure noise free field is radiated from the ARK® crystals SE transducer. This would serve to bring electromagnetic phenomena to a new coherent order with less fundamental noise within the vicinity of the ARK® crystals. Thus, resonance and coherence are two important aspects of SE fields. The physical field that emanates from the SE device is highly coherent and induces resonance in material objects as well as electromagnetic force fields around it. The property of coherence is important in many systems, including the psychophysical. For example, information is transmitted across junctions in the human nervous system because of coherence. Even at the gross level, activities such as speech, movement of your limbs and other functions are possible because of a coherent behavior of many subsystems. We can see the effects of loss of coherence in diseases such as Parkinson’s and spasticity.
ARK® crystals Subtle energy may directly influence the ordering of fundamental magnetic properties, which would regulate the fundamental magnetic behavior of all electromagnetic fields in the range of the subtle energy of the ARK® crystals.(2) ARK® crystals subtle energy may be related to magnetic vectors, such that the vectors serve as the media whereby the properties of subtle energy are able to impact electromagnetic phenomena.(3)
ARK® crystals subtle energy may be the rarefied form of magnetic vectors, or one and the same phenomena.(4)

Other properties of ARK® crystals subtle energy may exist that impact sub-atomic particle phenomena through quantum field interactions, and thus they would indirectly influence forces such as magnetic phenomena. If the magnetic vector is used as a medium or vehicle to store and transport and disseminate this energy, it would carry the new magnetic value to the electromagnetic phenomena in the environment, most likely through the mechanism of resonance. The same result would occur if the magnetic vectors were physical attributes of non-physical subtle energies, as if they were the flip side of the same coin. Because electromagnetic radiation is composed of both an electric component and a magnetic component, the electric component will be always be directly affected by magnetic shifts. This is based on the principles of magnetics, where magnetic fields influence charged particles in motion such as photons, the carriers of electromagnetic force. Thus, if a SE technology such as ARK® crystals can influence electromagnetic phenomena, it would be theoretically expected to influence a wide variety of phenomena spanning physical, chemical, biological, and psychophysical systems. At the basic level of physics and chemistry, the following would be expected to occur in a ARK® Crystal Subtle Energy field.
* Electron flows become more efficient
* Electromagnetic interactions become more efficient
* Molecular bondings become more efficient!

If you make the assumption that phenomena, especially electromagnetic, is composed of raw, relatively chaotic subtle energies, and that it would be useful to convert these energies from raw to more refined and ordered states, then you need to do two things.
One: you need to invent a technology that converts this raw energy into a more clarified, condensed and intensified form. How we did this is our proprietary trade secret. It is our honest opinion that we have succeeded, and we have been told by informed sources that we are the first engineering group to do so.
Two: you need to apply this technology to a variety of phenomena to see where and how well it works.
Especially electromagnetic phenomena. What we have found, using our current versions of this technology, is that each system, or each experimental target, appears to have its own resonant ratios of subtle energies. Therefore, we use the principles of resonant systems as our main model for converting raw, relatively chaotic subtle energy into refined subtle energy – and into proportions that match, and thereby influence, the target system. Resonance occurs when two objects have frequencies of oscillations that are close to each other. When two such systems are in proximity, then they resonate at the frequency dictated by the stronger of the two oscillations.
For example, when a string in a guitar is plucked, any string on another guitar which is tuned to a nearby resonance starts oscillating at the driven frequency. Though actual subtle energy frequencies are beyond direct observation and current instrumentation measurement, we invented a clarification method that nonetheless effectively converts and refines subtle energies. The effects of the clarification process can be measured in the target system. We are conducting research and development in the field of material science, and discovering ways to use novel molecular oscillators to generate higher degrees of clarification and conversion. In the years ahead, this will allow us to gain a higher quality of refined subtle energy effects. This will allow us to have more precision and power with respect to target system matching and performance gains. Using these basic principles, we match a specific sympathetic resonator to the desired energy or performance state of the target system. We take our core ARK® crystals SR Technology and adjust it for the specific requirements of each system. In this way, we make our resonant technology “KINETIC” with the specific subtle energy requirements or constitution of that system.
With advanced resonance kinetics, ARK®, you finally have a technology that can protect your body fluids from adsorbing and absorbing highly acidic EMF bio-hazardous waste that can alter the chemistry/pH of your extracellular and intracellular fluids.
ARK® works like a tuning fork to synchronize with your own healthy anatomical vibrational frequency to reinforce your resonance frequency through additive biofeedback, protecting the body fluids and cells from outside disturbing or bio-hazardous electro-magnetic fields, coming from 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G that are transmitted through computers, cell phones, Wifi, electrical hair dryers, TV’s, power lines, electric cars, airplanes, etc.
This technology not only protects your body cells from EMF but more important it protects the delicate alkaline pH balance of your body fluids – the key to healthy well-being, performance and extraordinary quality of life.
The Advanced Resonance Kinetics (ARK) crystal is the ultimate expression of science, technology and beauty. Representing 30 years of research and development in the field of Unified Science, this powerful wearable technology is in a direct frequency resonance state with the background energy or vacuum energy of space time itself.

For a limited time only Special Pricing for the ARK® Crystals: $1,200.00
You can also learn more about the bio-hazardous effects of EMF by reading the following research articles from
Dr. Robert O. Young: