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Writer's pictureRobert O Young DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner

Coronavirus Means Radiation Poisoning

Updated: Aug 31, 2023

Scientists and Researchers Newly Reveal Evidence of Connection Between COVID-19 and 5G/Electromagnetic Radiation Poisoning

A new research paper by Dr. Beverly Rubik and Robert Brown published at Pub Med on Sep 29, 2021 reveals evidence from numerous international studies and historic reports that the symptoms attributed to COVID-19 are very similar to bio-effects from exposure to Wifi or radio and microwave radiation.

This further solidifies the hypothesis many scientists have postulated, suggesting that the disease symptoms associated with Covid have arisen from the effects of high-frequency pulsed radio and microwave radiation on the human body and not from a so-called virus.

While the authors of this particular study do not draw that conclusion per se, they conclude that the rollout of 5G and high EMF pollution in areas showing high numbers of CoVid cases suggests a clear correlation and an exacerbation of the disease–of breathing difficulties, hypoxia, oxidative stress, blood coagulation–said to be caused by the putative SARS-COV-2. (Their paper is further examined below.)


In her new book, Geoengineered Transhumanism, a tour-de-force compendium of documented information on secretive military technologies developed and tested for decades on populations worldwide as well as current-day commercial technologies building out AI-Transhumanist agendas, released in October 2021, science and technology author and researcher Elana Freeland also presents the concurrence of the 5G rollout in Wuhan–a highly polluted city suffering from smog–with the launch of the SARS-COV-2 virus, whose gain-of-function history she examines, in tandem with exploring the lack of isolation of said SaRS-COV-2 virus, examining the hypotheses of wireless radiation and other forms of environmental pollution causing or exacerbating the disease.

“COVID-19 is not a viral pneumonia but oxygen starvation, like the radiation distress Cameron Kyle-Siddell, MD recognized as behaving like altitude sickness in the Emergency Room ER of Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York.”


In an article published last year examining the connection between 5G and the COVID “pandemic,” Dr. Robert Young, who has previously published papers with Dr. Rubik examines the many bio-effects of 4G and 5G poisoning which bear remarkable similarity to COVID’s base profile.

They concluded that all of the flu-like, hypoxia, and blood-coagulation disease associated with COVID comes essentially from EMF and 5G poisoning. In other articles, he points out that the putative SARS-COV-2 virus has never been isolated or identified.

The Effects of ElectroMagnetic Frequencies (EMF) on the Blood and Biological Terrain

What Does "Corona Blood" Look Like After Exposure to Radiation Poisoning (EMF) from a"Smart Meter"?

Before and After Thermography Pictures Showing Inflammation Associated with Cell Phone Use

Read and share the following peer-reviewed published article on the negative effects to the Human Biofield: The Effects of Electromagnetic Frequencies on the Blood and Human Terrain -

A Corona Discharge


Last year, succeeding scientific analysis of the Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Johnson and Johnson vaccines, as well as flu vaccines, saline, rainwater and the discovery in them of undisclosed ingredient nano graphene oxide, GO, and rGO or graphene hydroxide by several teams of Spanish, Argentinian and international researchers, Dr. Ricardo Delgado and Dr. Jose Sevillano of La Quinta Columna, and Dr. Robert O Young who examined the concurrent 5G rollouts worldwide posited that COVID-19 was not a viral disease but the onset of symptoms accruing from chemical and radiation poisoning–graphene load from previous flu vaccines and wireless radiation assault with 5G.

An Absolute Bombshell!

Major revelations on what is in the CoV - 2 - 19 vaccines, with the use of electron, pHase contrast, dark field, bright field and other types of optical microscopy from the original research of Dr. Robert Young and his scientific team, confirming what the La Quinta Columna researchers found - toxic nanometallic content with magneticotoxic, cytotoxic and genotoxic effects, as well as identified life-threatening parasites. In addition, in 2008, Hongjie Dai and colleagues at Stanford University found graphene oxide.

A Life Changing Life Saving Revelation

This is major scientific revelation: please watch, listen, read and learn and then please share the above video interviw and article far and wide!


And in midsummer last year, it must be recalled that a certain Vodafone whistleblower stated definitively that the “pandemic” was created by 5G, succeeding the rollout of 5G in Wuhan, Milan, cruise ships and other places, as governments and telecom companies geared up to build out the Internet of Things and roll out the new intended Digital Currency system, a fascist and misled plan by central bankers and globalist privateers and pirates to digitally enslave all humanity by pumping nanobiosensors into human bodies and linking bodies and brains via phenomenally high-speed 5G and 6G to the Internet of Nano Bio Things, Internet of Things, Internet of Medical Things, Internet of Bodies, reported here earlier in several articles including this one:


Something else to recall is that all video reports and podcasts tracing this 5G/Covid connection were immediately (and suspiciously) yanked off Youtube, Facebook and other mainstream social media platforms in mid-2020 with truth media channels yanked off Youtube as also this writer’s on 3 March 2021, as researcher Frances Leader noted recently in Report 271 at Ramola D Reports, where she also examined the 5G connection and the long hidden history of EMF bioeffects and disease-creation, long and wrongly attributed to non-existent viruses, which she too has written about in several articles–a bombshell reveal to many:


Then we had the frantic and hurried rollout of 5G in 2020 with the installation of masts and small-cell antennas near schools and in residential neighborhoods and the launching of hundreds of SpaceX Starlink high-speed Internet satellites which launched 955 satellites by Nov 2020 before the vaccine-rollout, 1600 by mid-2220000222111–this date is posted as is to show evidence of CIA/Freemasonic cyberhacking at my desktop which is currently fixating on numbers; leaning on my keyboard (hijacking keyboard signal) to prevent proper use is criminal, but is being done daily by the abject criminal cyberhacker contingent seeking to suppress the truth–and continues today, while protesting voices have been suppressed online and at city council meetings, with some activists even reporting they were told they could not protest on count of ‘health’ when health indeed is the primary reason to protest.

Dr. Beverly Rubik and Robert Brown’s Paper: Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G.

The intended 5G rollout which is underway is described in the Rubik/Brown paper–WCR is Wireless Communication Radiation:

“5G is a protocol that will use high frequency bands and extensive bandwidths of the electromagnetic spectrum in the vast radiofrequency range from 600 MHz to nearly 100 GHz, which includes millimeter waves (>20 GHz), in addition to the currently used third generation (3G) and fourth generation (4G) long-term evolution (LTE) microwave bands. 5G frequency spectrum allocations differ from country to country. Focused pulsed beams of radiation will emit from new base stations and phased array antennas placed close to buildings whenever persons access the 5G network. Because these high frequencies are strongly absorbed by the atmosphere and especially during rain, a transmitter’s range is limited to 300 meters. Therefore, 5G requires base stations and antennas to be much more closely spaced than previous generations. Plus, satellites in space will emit 5G bands globally to create a wireless worldwide web. The new system therefore requires significant densification of 4G infrastructure as well as new 5G antennas that may dramatically increase the population’s WCR exposure both inside structures and outdoors. Approximately 100,000 emitting satellites are planned to be launched into orbit. This infrastructure will significantly alter the world’s electromagnetic environment to unprecedented levels and may cause unknown consequences to the entire biosphere, including humans. The new infrastructure will service the new 5G devices, including 5G mobile phones, routers, computers, tablets, self-driving vehicles, machine-to-machine communications, and the Internet of Things….5G will utilize from 64 to 256 antennas at short distances to serve virtually simultaneously a large number of devices within a cell.”

COVID-19’s coinciding with the 5G rollout cannot be minimized:

“COVID-19 began in Wuhan, China in December 2019, shortly after city-wide 5G had “gone live,” that is, become an operational system, on October 31, 2019. COVID-19 outbreaks soon followed in other areas where 5G had also been at least partially implemented, including South Korea, Northern Italy, New York City, Seattle, and Southern California. In May 2020, Mordachev [4] reported a statistically significant correlation between the intensity of radiofrequency radiation and the mortality from SARS-CoV-2 in 31 countries throughout the world. During the first pandemic wave in the United States, COVID-19 attributed cases and deaths were statistically higher in states and major cities with 5G infrastructure as compared with states and cities that did not yet have this technology [5].”

The harmful effects of Wireless Communication Radiation (WCR) as well as the greater harms of highly pulsed frequency radiation as in 5G with ELF carrier frequency modulation have been extensively studied, they report, by scientists both in the military and public-domain spheres.

Pulsed RF radiation used in all WCR and high-frequency millimeter waves such as 5G have been found to be particularly harmful:

“Pulsed radio-frequency radiation such as WCR exhibits substantially different bioeffects, both qualitatively and quantitatively (generally more pronounced) compared to continuous waves at similar time-averaged power densities [3336]. The specific interaction mechanisms are not well understood. All types of wireless communications employ extremely low frequency (ELFs) in the modulation of the radiofrequency carrier signals, typically pulses to increase the capacity of information transmitted. This combination of radiofrequency radiation with ELF modulation(s) is generally more bioactive, as it is surmised that organisms cannot readily adapt to such rapidly changing wave forms [3740]. Therefore, the presence of ELF components of radiofrequency waves from pulsing or other modulations must be considered in studies on the bioeffects of WCR. Unfortunately, the reporting of such modulations has been unreliable, especially in older studies [41].

The BioInitiative Report [42], authored by 29 experts from ten countries, and updated in 2020, provides a scholarly contemporary summary of the literature on the bioeffects and health consequences from WCR exposure, including a compendium of supporting research. Recent reviews have been published [4346]. Two comprehensive reviews on the bioeffects of millimeter waves report that even short-term exposures produce marked bioeffects [47,48].

However, examining the actual harms reported from many of the extant research reports suggests high correlation with the symptoms of many historic diseases including influenza and COVID, whose many imputed effects are studied closely in this paper. These correlations which include the rouleaux and clotting effects in blood, organ damage, oxidative stress, cardiac effects, immune system disruptions, increased intracellular calcium are expressed in a highly illuminating table:

The authors conclude an undeniable link between the phenomenon of “COVID-19” and WCR, particularly 5G exposure–which includes 4G exposure through densification of 4G discussed in the paper–and state that the evidentiary research data shows that exacerbated symptoms of COVID such as hypoxia and inability to breathe can also be generated by radiation exposure:

Dr. Robert Young’s Article: The Connection Between 5G and the CoronaVirus

In this very pointed and educative article, Dr. Young further elaborates on the symptoms of 5G radiation poisoning and compares the worst of them to what is observed in COVID, inability to breathe, coughing, and sudden hypoxia including brain hypoxia which leads to seizures and falling over, as reported in early days in Wuhan, explaining how the very high frequency oscillations of 5G millimeter waves from 3 to 100 GigaHertz absorb atmospheric oxygen and at the specific oxygen-absorption frequency of 60Ghz, transform the oxygen molecule into a form unusable by the body.

Image: Effects of 5G–Titled Symptoms of 5G Radiation Poisoning by Dr. Robert Young, | Titled Symptoms of Microwave Illness at

Several scientific papers corroborating this information can be found online: when 60 GHz is pulsed through atmospheric oxygen molecules, their binding electrons’ orbital resonance is energetically affected, disrupting the molecule such that breathing it in will not help, the oxygen-hemoglobin bond cannot be made, red blood cells are starved of oxygen and begin to clot, leading to hypoxia–oxygen starvation in lungs and brain, oxidative stress, organ damage and death. At lower levels from any kind of microwave radiation damage, hypoxia would cause a range of other issues including heart disease, infertility, cancer, DNA mutations, and sleep deprivation.


However, 5G does not have to operate at 60Ghz to have hypoxic/oxygen-depriving or water-destroying effects on the human body since it has been shown that microwave frequencies at 2.45 Ghz also have a whole slew of deleterious bioeffects on the body. Microwave frequencies at 2.45 Ghz in microwave ovens convert into thermal energy by causing water molecules to pulse at 2.45 billion times per second. If this is happening inside microwave ovens, a similar overheating of tissue must occur at the cellular level in the presence of ambient or pulsed microwaves.

Currently in fact, the 5G that is being rolled out is not operating at 60Ghz but in the deceptively low to mid-bands of 1Ghz to 6Ghz–the infographic below is from Nokia.

Deceptive since these bands of wireless transmission can also have harmful bio-effects–as shown in the table above showing the many symptoms of microwave/5g poisoning.

One of the most startling effects on red blood cells revealed by Dr. Young is what he terms the “Corona Effect”– a term also used for the corona discharge from the ionization of fluid such as air around an electrically charged conductor–which in the blood causes red blood cells to knob and spike out as the cellular membrane reacts to the depletion of oxygen from electromagnetic radiation and collapses inward.

Microwave and millimeter-wave frequencies also have effects on Vitamin D production in the body, Dr. Young notes.

“The 5G frequencies also affect the body’s ability to produce Vitamin D (Vitamin D deficiency leads to decompensated acidosis of the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium and the immediate release of these acids through the orifices of the body. This is what medical science and the general population call the cold and flu due. This is one of the many reasons why people are prone to the symptoms of a cold or the flu in the winter season which is nothing more than the body removing excess metabolic, dietary, environmental and respiratory acids out through the elimination organs.”

See Dr. Young’s discussion of Vitamin D’s importance here:

These EMF effects on Vitamin D production which lead to depleted immune systems and chronic fatigue from a determined telecom industry pushing forward with 5G and the Internet of Things seem to work in tandem with Geoengineering and ‘solar radiation management’ which works to block out the sun, an abiding obsession of the presumptuous and over-reaching transhumanist-billionaire faction behind all actions against humanity.

Climate Change is now being used as a cover for the need to block out the sun, a venture embraced by Bill Gates recently with plans for experiments to use aerosols of chalk to cloud the atmosphere, intended now for rollout in 2022–if he is not stopped.

5G would work nicely with choked-up chaff and chalk-ridden skies to sicken all humans and living beings then, while the Cover Factory of Naval Research labs and NIH-Funded Fauci Wuhan labs rushed to roll out out new launches of Greek Alphabet “weaponized viruses”– for which Pharma would rush to roll out new, gene-modification, graphene-nanosensor-loaded “vaccines”: the circular business model for billionaires and Black Operations targeting all humanity. Given that their cover corporations Blackrock and Vanguard–and a bunch of others like State Street and Morgan Stanley–own both Big Telecom, Big Chem, Big Pharma, and Media (the latter to spin the whole thing appropriately, to mass-delude millions and billions).

This is a post for all to read about where 5G and 6G are headed and why everyone on this planet needs to wake up and start thinking for themselves and acting individually to save the human collective–especially since it has become clear worldwide that the toxic injections are causing death and disability on a massive scale:

Also see: 5G, 60 GHz, Oxygen Absorption, You, and Coronavirus/Doreen Agostino and

Dec 10, 2021

Wide-ranging conversation with research scientist, biochemist, and clinical nutritionist Dr. Robert Young displaying his new video and micrograph finds of graphene nanoribbons, nanochips, and forming nano networks in vaccinated blood, and speaking about the true cause of all disease as internal-environmental toxins and pollutants developing from external-environmental toxins and pollutants, bacteria and yeast forming as outfection and pleomorphic expression of cellular breakdown, as also on the harmful effects of all EMF, microwaves and millimeter waves on human health, and the great importance of maintaining alkaline balance and high alkaline pH in the body to stay healthy in the face of the massive assaults with toxins, pollutants, and electromagnetic radiation on humanity--from chemtrails, aerosols, vaccines, 4G, 5G, etc.


Dr. Young also speaks at length about the true cause of all disease as internal-environmental toxins and pollutants developing from external-environmental toxins and pollutants, bacteria and yeast forming as outfection and pleomorphic expression of cellular breakdown.

Describing the effects on the blood, he offers more information on the harmful effects of all EMF, microwaves and millimeter waves on human health, and the great importance of maintaining alkaline balance and high alkaline pH in the body to stay healthy in the face of the massive assaults we face everyday with toxins, pollutants, and electromagnetic radiation on humanity–from chemtrails, aerosols, vaccines, 4G, 5G, etc.


Especially helpful is Dr. Young’s explaining of the whole COVID and virus narrative which posits a material substance as virus, fabricates a hundred variants–all with Greek alphabet names–and fixates on a bioweapon and gain-of-function narrative to warrant virus-use as biowarfare and pandemic fare– a cover for chemical and electromagnetic warfare on humanity, which has been going on for a very long time now and props up the virus, cancer, disease and drug-and-vaccine industry which makes billions off public-health scares and subjugating the public.


No virus has ever been isolated, says Dr. Young, no variant has ever been isolated, and what virologists call a virus is a clump of matter taken from a mess of sputum from someone sick and mixed up with chemicals and toxins, which includes exosomes–waste extrusions which come out from cells misleadingly seen as an external virus coming in to infect cells; viruses are known not to be living matter which cannot replicate on their own.

In fact, says Dr. Young they do not replicate at all–the virology narrative is that they invade cells and hijack the RNA of the cell which obligingly makes copies of the virus; by Terrain Theory understanding, as the body detoxifies, more of the waste matter and exosomes are ejected–which virologists call virus-multiplication.

People cannot be infected by these waste extrusions, he says–a fact borne out in many studies including at the time of the Spanish Flu, discussed by many scientists recently including Dr. Andy Kaufman on Report 194:

"Viruses are exosomes, which are excretions of toxic cells. Exosomes are not transmittable. People are looking at exosomes and calling them viruses. The word virus comes from the ancient Latin which means noxious substance or poison. Exosomes are a response to illness, not the cause of illness. Exosomes facilitate healing by devouring toxic matter."

The Virus, The Test, The Vaccine: What People Should Really Know–but can affect each other through transmission of frequencies, Dr. Young says, which is what the “vaccine shedding” is all about, that is a function of EMF radiation and not physical spike protein-transmission.

Gain-of-function which is posited as clipping gene sequences and adding in other pathogenic gene sequences is nothing but adding more toxins to the base-toxin mix being typified as the virus, he says: chemical toxins and EMF radiation are the true sources of disease, not imaginary viruses.


Dr. Young's major article reporting his and other scientists' findings in the 4 major COVID vaccines:


Report 255 | Dr. Robert Young: All Disease is Outfection Not Infection--Vaccine Nano is Bioweapon!

Newsbreak 135--BREAKING: Immense Harm from Crystallizing Blood Cells/Graphene Poisoning Post-Vaccine

Newsbreak 133: Team of Scientists Confirm Presence of Toxins Graphene, Aluminium, Cadmium Selenide, Stainless Steel, LNP-GO Capsids, Parasites, Other Toxins Variously in 4 COVID Vaccines: Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson

For the Carnicom Disclosure Project on Magnetism, Trans-humanism, Synthetic Biology, Vaccine Poisons, Bio Surveillance, Neuromodulation, Electromagnetic Bio-Human Effects, Virus Confusions, Terrain and Blood Health and the Secret Elixir of Life -

Scientific Articles -

Want to learn more?

Special guest Dr. Robert Young makes his first appearance on the show to speak with Liberty Man about his microscopy and spectroscopy findings in the gene juice injections.

Dr. Young and Liberty Man talk about FDA corruption and share perspectives on the nanotechnology aspects of the shots, including topics such as RNA interference, toxicity, shedding, blood clots, and electromagnetic frequencies, and how all of this plays into the larger agenda of a digital ID social-credit prison system.

No donation is too small and will be appreciated and used for continuous research, publications and public education!

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God bless YOU ALL!

Extraordinary and riveting account of healing from terminal lung cancer and recovering from COVID symptoms on the pH Miracle Lifestyle healing program of alkaline diet, exercise, and healing foods from Dr. Robert Young, who describes the healing power of the right foods and actions to maintain the right pH balance in the interstitial fluids of the body, and encourages all to learn more about how disease is not transmitted by germs—as Virology would have it—but cultured in acidic environments, and how switching our diets and lifestyles from acidic to alkaline can transform our lives.

Peer-reviewed and Published June 20th, 2016 in the Journal of Vaccines and Vaccinations

[1] Young RO (2016) Second Thoughts about Viruses, Vaccines, and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis - Part 1. Int J Vaccines Vaccin 2(3): 00032. DOI: 10.15406/ijvv.2016.02.00032

[2] Young RO (2016) Second Thoughts Concerning Viruses, Vaccines and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis - Part 2. Int J Vaccines Vaccin 2(3): 00034. DOI: 10.15406/ijvv.2016.02.00034

[3] Young RO (2016) Second Thoughts Concerning Viruses, Vaccines and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis - Part 3 HIV/AIDS and the Monomorphic Disease Model. Int J Vaccines Vaccin 2(3): 00035. DOI: 10.15406/ijvv.2016.02.00035

Published in the Early 90's One Sickness, One Disease, One Treatment

One Sickness, One Disease, One Treatment First Edition Published in1996 - OUT of PRINT

"There is only one treatment, restore the alkaline design of the body fluids with an alkaline lifestyle and diet." Dr. Robert O. Young - 1996

Robert O. Young MSc, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner -


I. Effects On Fetal And Newborn Development

  1. Mother’s Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields Before and During Pregnancy is Associated with Risk of Speech Problems in Offspring. Zarei, S., et al. Journal of Biomedical Physics and Engineering 9(1):61-68 (2019).

  2. Prenatal Exposure to Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Field and Its Impact on Fetal Growth. Ren, Y., et al. Environmental Health (2019).

  3. The Effects of Radio Frequency Radiation on Mice Fetus Weight, Length and Tissues. Alimohammadi, I., et al. Data in Brief 19:2189-2194 (2018).

  4. Effects of Prenatal Exposure to WiFi Signal (2.45 GHz) on Postnatal Development and Behavior in Rat: Influence of Maternal Restraint. Othman, H., et al. Behavioral Brain Research 326: 291-301 (2017).

  5. Exposure to Magnetic Field Non-Ionizing Radiation and the Risk of Miscarriage: A prospective Cohort Study. Li, De-Kun, et al. Scientific Reports (2017).

  6. Postnatal Development and Behavior Effects of In-Utero Exposure of Rats to Radiofrequency Waves Emitted From Conventional WiFi Devices. Othman, H., et al. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 52:239-247 (2017).

  7. Lasting Hepatotoxic Effects of Prenatal Mobile Phone Exposure. Yilmaz, A., et al. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 30(11): 1355-1359 (2017).

  8. Multiple Assessment Methods of Prenatal Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation from Telecommunication in the Mothers and Children’s Environmental Health (MOCEH) Study. Choi, Ha, et al. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health 29(6):959-972 (2016).

  9. The Use of Signal-Transduction and Metabolic Pathways to Predict Human Disease Targets from Electric and Magnetic Fields Using in vitro Data in Human Cell Lines. Parham, Portier, et al. Frontiers in Public Health (2016). 

  10. A Review on Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) and the Reproductive System. Asghari, Khaki, et al. Electronic Physician 8(7):2655-2662 (2016).

  11. Genotoxicity Induced by Foetal and Infant Exposure to Magnetic Fields and Modulation of Ionising Radiation Effects. Udroiu, Antoccia, et al. PLoS One (2015).

  12. Oxidative Stress of Brain and Liver is Increased by Wi-Fi (2.45 GHz) Exposure of Rats During Pregnancy and the Development of Newborns. Çelik, Ömer, et al. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 75(B):134-139 (2015).

  13. Neurodegenerative Changes and Apoptosis Induced by Intrauterine and Extrauterine Exposure of Radiofrequency Radiation. Güler, Göknur, et al. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 75(B):128-133 (2015).

  14. Maternal Exposure to a Continuous 900-MHz Electromagnetic Field Provokes Neuronal Loss and Pathological Changes in Cerebellum of 32-Day-Old Female Rat Offspring. Odaci, Ersan, et al. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 75(B):105-110 (2015).

  15. Different Periods of Intrauterine Exposure to Electromagnetic Field: Influence on Female Rats' Fertility, Prenatal and Postnatal Development. Alchalabi, Aklilu, et al.  Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction 5(1):14-23 (2015).

  16. Use of Mobile Phone During Pregnancy and the Risk of Spontaneous Abortion. Mahmoudabadi, Ziaei, et al. Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering  13:34 (2015).

  17. Oxidative Mechanisms of Biological Activity of Low-Intensity Radiofrequency Radiation. Yakymenko, et al.  Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine 34(3):1-16 (2015).

  18. Effects of Prenatal 900 MHz Electromagnetic Field Exposures on the Histology of Rat Kidney. Ulubay, et al. International Journal of Radiation Biology 91(1):35-41 (2015).

  19. The Effect of Exposure of Rats During Prenatal Period to Radiation Spreading from Mobile Phones on Renal Development. Bedir, et al. Renal Failure 37(2):305-9 (2014).

  20. Dosimetric Study of Fetal Exposure to Uniform Magnetic Fields at 50 Hz. Liorni, et al. Bioelectromagnetics  35(8):580-97 (2014).

  21. Influence of Pregnancy Stage and Fetus Position on the Whole-Body and Local Exposure of the Fetus to RF-EMF. Varsier, et al. Physics in Medicine and Biology 59(17):4913-26 (2014).

  22. Autism-Relevant Social Abnormalities in Mice Exposed Perinatally to Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields. Alsaeed, et al. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience 37:58-6 (2014).

  23. Pyramidal Cell Loss in the Cornu Ammonis of 32-day-old Female Rats Following Exposure to a 900 Megahertz Electromagnetic Field During Prenatal Days 13–21. Bas, et al. NeuroQuantology Volume 11, Issue 4: 591-599 (2013).

  24. The Effects of 900 Megahertz Electromagnetic Field Applied in the Prenatal Period on Spinal Cord Morphology and Motor Behavior in Female Rat Pups. Odaci, et al. NeuroQuantology Volume 11, Issue 4: 573-581 (2013).

  25. Fetal Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure From 800-1900 MHz-Rated Cellular Telephones Affects Neurodevelopment and Behavior in Mice. Aldad, Gan, et al. Scientific Reports 2(312) (2013).

  26. Cranial and Postcranial Skeletal Variations Induced in Mouse Embryos by Mobile Phone Radiation. Fragopoulou, Koussoulakos, et al. Pathophysiology 17(3):169-77 (2010).

  27. Dysbindin Modulates Prefrontal Cortical Glutamatergic Circuits and Working Memory Function in Mice. Jentsch, et al Neuropsychopharmacology 34, 2601–8 (2009).

  28. Stress Signalling Pathways that Impair Prefrontal Cortex Structure and Function. Arnsten, A. F. National Review of Neuroscience 10, 410–22 (2009).

  29. Maternal Occupational Exposure to Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fields and the Risk of Brain Cancer in the Offspring. Li, Mclaughlin, et al. Cancer Causes & Control 20(6):945-55 (2009).

  30. Reproductive and Developmental Effects of EMF in Vertebrate Animal Models. Pourlis, A.F. Pathophysiology 16(2-3):179-89 (2009).

  31. Prenatal and Postnatal Exposure to Cell Phone Use and Behavioral Problems in Children. Divan, Kheifets, et al. Epidemiology19(4):523-29 (2008).

  32. Effects of Prenatal Exposure to a 900 MHz Electromagnetic Field on the Dentate Gyrus of Rats: A Stereological and Histopathological Study. Odaci, et al. Brain Research 1238: 224–229 (2008).

  33. Exposure to Cell Phone Radiation Up-Regulates Apoptosis Genes in Primary Cultures of Neurons and Astrocytes. Zhao, et al. Science Digest 412: 34–38 (2007).

  34. Cell Death Induced by GSM 900-MHz and DCS 1800-MHz Mobile Telephony Radiation. Panagopoulos, et al. Mutation Research626, 69–78 (2006).

  35. Ultra High Frequency-Electromagnetic Field Irradiation During Pregnancy Leads to an Increase in Erythrocytes Micronuclei Incidence in Rat Offspring. Ferreira, Knakievicz, et al. Life Sciences 80(1):43-50 (2006).

  36. Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Biederman, J. & Faraone, S. V. Lancet 366, 237–248 (2005).

  37. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: An Overview of the Etiology and a Review of the Literature Relating to the Correlates and Lifecourse Outcomes for Men and Women. Brassett-Harknett, A. & Butler, N. Clinical Psychology Review 27,188–210 (2005).

II. Effects On Young Children

  1. Electromagnetic Fields, Pulsed Radiofrequency Radiation, and Epigenetics: How Wireless Technologies May Affect Childhood Development. Sage, C. & Burgio, E. Child Development (2017). 

  2. Prospective Cohort Analysis of Cellphone Use and Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties in Children. Sudan, M, et al. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (2016). 

  3. Why Children Absorb More Microwave Radiation than Adults: The Consequences. Morgan, Kesari, et al. Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure 2(4):196-204 (2014).

  4. Epidemiological Characteristics of Mobile Phone Ownership and Use in Korean Children and Adolescents. Byun, Yoon-Hwan, et al. Environmental Health and Toxicology 28 (2013).

  5. A Prospective Study of In-Utero Exposure to Magnetic Fields and the Risk of Childhood Obesity. Li, De-Kun, et al. Scientific Reports 2.540 (2012).

  6. Exposure to Extremely Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields and the Risk of Childhood Cancer: Update of the Epidemiological evidence. Schüz and Joachim. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 107(3):339-42 (2011).

  7. Cell Phone Use and Behavioural Problems in Young Children. Divan, Kheifets, et al. Journal of Epidemiol Community Health 66(6):524-9 (2010).

  8. Mobile Phones, Radiofrequency Fields, and Health Effects in Children-Epidemiological Studies. Feychting, Maria. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 107(3):343-348 (2010).

  9. Exposure to Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields and Behavioral Problems in Bavarian Children and Adolescents. Thomas, Silke, et al. European Journal of Epidemiology 25(2):135-41 (2009).

  10. The Sensitivity of Children to Electromagnetic Fields. Repacholi, et al. Deventer. Journal of Pediatrics 116(2):303-313 (2005).

III. Brain Tumors  

  1. Simulation of The Incidence of Malignant Brain Tumors in Birth Cohorts That Started Using Mobile Phones When They First Became Popular in Japan. Sato, Y., Kojimahara, N., and Yamaguchi, N. Bioelectromagnetics 40(3): 143-149 (2019).

  2. ​Report of Final Results Regarding Brain and Heart Tumors in Sprague-Dawley Rats Exposed From Prenatal Life Unitl Natural Death to Mobile Phone Radiofrequency Field Representative of a 1.8 GHz GSM Base Station Environmental Emission. Falcioni, L, et al. Environmental Research (2018).

  3. Exposure to Cell Phone Radiofrequency Changes Corticotrophin Hormone Levels and Histology of The Brain and Adrenal Glands in Male Wistar Rat. Shahabi, S., et al. Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences 21:1269-1274 (2018).

  4. Brain Tumours: Rise in Glioblastoma Multiforme Incidence in England 1995-2015 Suggests an Adverse Environmental or Lifestyle Factor. Philips, A., et al. Journal of Environmental and Public Health (2018).

  5. The 2100 MHz Radiofrequency Radiation of a 3G-Mobile Phone and the DNA Oxidative Damage in Brain. Sahin, Ozgur, et al. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 75(B):94-98 (2016).

  6. Mobile Phone and Cordless Phone Use and the Risk for Glioma - Analysis of Pooled Case- Control Studies in Sweden 1997-2003 and 2007-2009. Hardell and Carlberg. PathoPhysiology 22(1):1-13 (2015).

  7. Mobile Phone Radiation Causes Brain Tumors and Should Be Classified as a Probable Human Carcinogen. Morgan, Miller, et al. International Journal of Oncology 46:1865-1871 (2015).

  8. Mobile Phone Use and Brain Tumours in the CERENAT Case-Control Study. Coureau, Bouvier, et al. Occupational & Environmental Medicine 71(7):514-22 (2014).

  9. Use of Mobile Phones and Cordless Phones is Associated with Increased Risk for Glioma and Acoustic Neuroma. Hardell, Carberg, et al. PathoPhysiology 20(2):85-110 (2013).

  10. Mobile Phones and Head Tumours: A Critical Analysis of Case-Control Epidemiological Studies. Levis, Minicuci, et al. Open Environmental Sciences 6(1):1-12 (2012).

  11. On the Association Between Glioma, Wireless Phones, Heredity and Ionising Radiation. Carlberg and Hardell. PathoPhysiology19(4):243-252 (2012).

  12. Mobile Phones and Head Tumours. The Discrepancies in Cause-Effect Relationships in the Epidemiological Studies - How Do They Arise? Levis, Minicuci, et al. Environmental Health 10:59 (2011).

  13. Indications of Possible Brain Tumour Risk in Mobile-Phone Studies: Should We Be Concerned? Cardis and Sadetzki. Occupational & Environmental Medicine 68:169-171 (2011).

  14. Estimating the Risk of Brain Tumors from Cell Phone Use: Published Case-Control Studies. Morgan, LL. Pathophysiology 16(2-3):137-147 (2009).

  15. Cell Phones and Brain Tumors: A Review Including the Long-Term Epidemiologic Data. Khurana, Teo, et al. Surgical Neurology72(3):205-14 (2009).

  16. Epidemiological Evidence for an Association Between Use of Wireless Phones and Tumor Diseases. Hardell, Carlberg, et al. PathoPhysiology 16(2-3):113-122 (2009).

  17. Histopathological Examinations of Rat Brains After Long-Term Exposure to GSM Mobile Phone Radiation. Grafström, Gustav, et al. Brain Research Bulletin 77(5):257-63 (2008).

  18. Mobile Phone Use and the Risk of Acoustic Neuroma. Lonn, Ahlbom, et al. Epidemiology 15(6):653-659 (2004).

IV. Parotid Gland Tumors

  1. Influence of Handheld Mobiles on Parotid: A Cohort Study. Ranjitha, G., et al. Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine & Radiology 29:254-258 (2017).

  2. Does Cell Phone Use Increase the Chances of Parotid Gland Tumor Development? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. De Siqueira, de Souza, et al. Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine 45(11) (2016). 

  3. Pooled Analysis of Case-Control Studies on Acoustic Neuroma Diagnosed 1997-2003 and 2007- 2009 and Use of Mobile and Cordless Phones. Hardell, Carlberg, et al. International Journal of Oncology 43(4):1036-144 (2015).

  4. Using the Hill Viewpoints from 1965 for Evaluating Strengths of Evidence of the Risk for Brain Tumors Associated with use of Mobile and Cordless Phones. Hardell and Carlberg. Reviews on Environmental Health 28(2-3):97-106 (2013).

  5. Case-Control study of the Use of Mobile and Cordless Phones and the Risk for Malignant Melanoma in the Head and Neck Region. Hardell, Carlberg, et al. Pathophysiology 18(4):325-333 (2011).

  6. Correlation Between Cellular Phone Use and Epithelial Parotid Gland Malignancies. Duan, Zhang, et al. Clinical Paper Head and Oncology 40(9):966-7 (2011).

  7. Mobile Phones Use and Risk of Tumors: A Meta-Analysis. Mynf, Ju, et al. Journal of Clinical Oncology 27(33):5565-72 (2009).

  8. Mobile Phone, Cordless Phones and the Risk for Brain Tumours. Hardell and Carlberg. International Journal of Oncology 35(1):5-17 (2009).

  9. Public Health Implications of Wireless Technologies. Sage and Carpenter. PathoPhysiology 16(2-3):233-46 (2009).

  10. Epidemiological Evidence for an Association Between use of Wireless Phones and Tumor Diseases. Hardell, Carlberg, et al. PathoPhysiology 16(2-3):113-122 (2009).

  11. Cell Phone Use and Risk of Benign and Malignant Parotid Gland Tumors - A Nationwide Case- Control Study. Sadetzki, Chetrit, et al. American Journal of Epidemiology 167(4):457-467 (2008).

V. Other Malignancies

  1. The Carcinogenic Potential of Non-Ionizing Radiations: The Cases of S-50 Hz MF and 1.8 GHz GSM Radiofrequency Radiation. Soffritti, M. and Giuliani, L. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology (2019).

  2. Tumor Promotion by Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields Below Exposure Limits for Humans. Lerchl, Klose, et al. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 459(4):585-590 (2015).

  3. Swedish Review Strengthen Grounds for Concluding that Radiation from Cellular and Cordless Phones is a Probable Human Carcinogen. Davis, Kesari, et al. Pathophysiology 20(2):123-129 (2013).

  4. Multifocal Breast Cancer in Young Women with Prolonged Contact Between Their Breasts and Their Cellular Phones. West, Kapoor, et al. Case Reports in Medicine (2013).

  5. Epidemiological Evidence for an Association Between Use of Wireless Phones and Tumor Diseases. Hardell, Carlberg, et al. PathoPhysiology 16(2-3):113-122 (2009).

  6. Study on Potential Effects of "902 MHz GSM-type Wireless Communication Signals" on DMBA-Induced Mammary Tumours in Sprague-Dawley Rats. Hruby, Neubauer, et al. Mutation Research 649(1-2):34-44 (2008).

VI. Effects On DNA

  1. Microwaves from Mobile Phones Inhibit 53BP1 Focus Formation in Human Stem Cells More Strongly Than in Differentiated Cells: Possible Mechanistic Link to Cancer Risk. Markova, Malmgren, et al. Environmental Health Perspectives 118(3):394-399 (2010).

  2. Radiofrequency Radiation and Gene/Protein Expression: A Review. McNamee and Chauhan. Radiation Research 172(3):265-287 (2009).

  3. Evaluation of HSP70 Expression and DNA Damage in Cells of a Human Trophoblast Cell Line Exposed to 1.8GHz Amplitude-Modulated Radiofrequency Fields. Valbonesi, Franzellotto, et al. Radiation Research 169(3):270-279 (2008).

  4. Gene and Protein Expression Following Exposure to Radiofrequency Fields from Mobile Phones. Vanderstraeten and Verschaeve. Environmental Health Perspectives 116(9):1131-5 (2008).

  5. Nonthermal Effects of RadioFrequency-Field Exposure on Calcium Dynamics in Stem Cell- derived Neuronal Cells: Elucidation of Calcium Pathways. Rao, Titushkin, et al. Radiation Research 169(3):319-329 (2008).

  6. Gene Expression Changes in the Skin of Rats Induced by Prolonged 35 GHz Millimeter-Wave Exposure. Millenbaugh, Roth, et al. Radiation Research 169(3):288-300 (2008).

  7. DNA Damage in Molt-4 T-lymphoblastoid Cells Exposed to Cellular Telephone Radiofrequency Fields in Vitro. Philips, Ivaschuk, et al. Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics 45(1):103-110 (1998).

VII. Neurological/Cognitive Effects

  1. Early-Life Exposure to Pulsed LTE Radiofrequency Fields Causes Persistent Changes in Activity and Behavior in C57BL/6 J Mice. Broom, K., et al. Bio Electro Magnetics 40(7):498-511 (2019).

  2. Are Rises in Electro-Magnetic Field in The Human Environment, Interacting with Multiple Environmental Pollutions, The Tripping Point for Increases in Neurological Deaths in the Western World? Pritchard, C., Silk, A. and Hansen, L. Medical Hypotheses 127: 76-83 (2019).

  3. Effect of 1800-2100 MHz Electromagnetic Radiation on Learning-Memory and Hippocampal Morphology in Swiss Albino Mice. Kishore, G., Venkatashu, K., and Sridevi, N. Jorunal of Clincal and Diagnostic Research 12(2): 14-17 (2019).

  4. Monitoring of BALB/C Strain Mice Health, Investigation of Behavior, Hematological Parameters Under the Effect of an Electromagnetic Field. Zymantiene, J., et al. Medycyna Weterynarjna 75(03): 158-163 (2019).

  5. 2.45 GHz Microwave Radiation Impairs Learning, Memory, and Hippocampal Synaptic Plasticity in The Rat. Karimi, N., et al. Toxicology and Industrial Health 34(12): 873-883 (2018).

  6. Mobile Phone Distance From Head and Temperature Changes of Radio Frequency Waves on Brain Tissue. Forouharmajd, F., Ebrahimi, H. and Pourabdian, S. International Journal of Preventative Medicine (2018).

  7. A Prospective Cohort Study of Adolescents’ Memory Performance and Individual Brain Dose of Microwave Radiation from Wireless Communication. Foerster, M., et al. Environmental Health Perspectives 126(7) (2018). 

  8. Electromagnetic Radiation 2450 MHz Exposure Causes Cognition Deficit with Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Activation of Intrinsic Pathway of Apoptosis in Rats. Gupta, S.K., Mesharam, M.K., and Krishnamurthy, S. Journal of Biosciences 43(2) 263-276 (2018). 

  9. The Effect of Wi-Fi Electromagnetic Waves in Unimodal and Multimodal Object Recognition Tasks in Male Rats. Hassanshahi, A., et al. Neurological Sciences 38(6):1069-1076 (2017). 

  10. Effects of Short and Long Term Electromagnetic Fields Exposure on the Human Hippocampus. Deniz, O.G., et al. Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure 5(4):191-197 (2017). 

  11. Effects of Long Term Exposure of 900-1800 MHz Radiation Emitted from 2G Mobile Phone on Mice Hippocampus – A Histomorphometric Study. Mugunthan, Shanmugasamy, et al. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 10(8):AF01-6 (2016).

  12. Effect of Mobile Phone Radiation on Pentylenetetrazole-Induced Seizure Threshold in Mice. Kouchaki, Motaghedifard, et al. Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences 19(7):800-3 (2016).

  13. Effects of 3 Hz and 60Hz Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields on Anxiety-Like Behaviors, Memory Retention of Passive Avoidance and ElectroPhysiological Properties of Male Rats. Rostami, Shahani, et al. J Lasers Medical Science 7(2):120-125 (2016).

  14. Short-Term Memory in Mice is Affected by Mobile Phone Radiation. Ntzouni, Stamatakis, et al. PathoPhysiology 18(3):193-199 (2011).

  15. Use of Mobile Phones and Changes in Cognitive Function in Adolescents. Thomas, Benke, et al. Occupational Environmental Medicine 67(12):861-866 (2010).

  16. Increased Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability in Mammalian Brain 7 Days After Exposure to the Radiation from a GSM-900 Mobile Phone. Nittby, Brun, et al. PathoPhysiology 16(2-3):103-112 (2009).

  17. Effects of GSM 1800 MHz on Dendritic Development of Cultured Hippocampal Neurons. Ning, Xu, et al. Acta Pharmacol Sin28(12):1873-1880 (2007).

  18. Neurological Effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation. Lai, Henry. Advances in Electromagnetic Fields in Living Systems1:27-80 (1994).

VIII. Effects On Male Fertility

  1. Long-Term Exposure to 4G Smartphone Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation Diminished Male Reproductive Portential by Directly Disrupting Spck3-MMP2-BTB Axis in the Testes of Adult Rats. Yu, G., et al. Science of The Total Environment 698 (2020).

  2. Radiations and Male Fertility. Kesari, K., Agarwal, A. and Henkel, R. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 16(118) (2018).

  3. The Effect of 2.45 GHz Non-Ionizing Radiation on the Structure and Ultrastructure of The Testis in Juvenile Rats. Šimaiová, V., et al. Histology and Histopathology 34(4):391-403 (2018).

  4. Modulatory Effect of 900 MHz Radiation on Biochemical and Reproductive Parameters in Rats. Narayana, SN., et al. Bratislava Medical Journal119(9):581-587 (2018).

  5. Aloe Arborescens Juice Prevents EMF-Induced Oxidative Stress and Thus Protects from Pathophysiology in the Male Reproductive System In Vitro. Solek, P., Majchrowics, L., and Koziorowski, M. Environmental Research 166:141-149 (2018).

  6. Radiofrequency Radiation (900 MHz)-Induced DNA Damage and Cell Cycle Arrest in Testicular Germ Cells in Swiss Albino Mice. Pandey, N., et al. Toxicology and Industrial Health 33(4) 373-384 (2017).

  7. The Effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation on Sperm Function. Houston, Nixon, et al. Reproduction (2016)

  8. Male Fertility and its Association with Occupational and Mobile Phone Tower Hazards: An Analytical Study. Al-Quzwini, Al-Taee, et al. Middle East Fertility Society Journal (2016).

  9. Sperm DNA Damage – The Effect of Stress and Everyday Life Factors. Radwan, M, et al. International Journal of Impotence Research 28, 148-154 (2016). 

  10. Electromagnetic Radiation at 900 MHz Induces Sperm Apoptosis through bcl-2, bax and caspase-3 Signaling Pathways in Rats. Liu, Si, et al. Journal of Reproductive Health 12:65 (2015).

  11. Habits of Cell Phone usage and Sperm Quality - Does It Warrant Attention? Zilverlight, Wiener-Megnazi, et al. Reproductive BioMedicine Online 31(3):421-426 (2015).

  12. Extremely Low frequency Magnetic Fields Induce Spermatogenic Germ Cell Apoptosis: Possible Mechanism. Lee, Park, et al. BioMed Research International 2014(2014): 567183 (2014).

  13. In Vitro Effect of Cell Phone Radiation on Motility, DNA Fragmentation and Clusterin Gene Expression in Human Sperm. Zalata, El-Samanoudy, et al. International Journal of Fertility and Sterility 9(1):129-136 (2014).

  14. Effect of Electromagnetic Field Exposure on the Reproductive System. Gye and Park. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine 39(1):1-19 (2012).

  15. Effects of the Exposure of Mobile Phones on Male Reproduction: A Review of the Literature. Vignera, Condorelli, et al. Journal of Andrology 33(3):350-356 (2012).

  16. Use of Laptop Computers Connected to Internet Through Wi-Fi Decreases Human Sperm Motility and Increases Sperm DNA Fragmentation. Avendano, C., et al. Fertility and Sterility 97(1):39045 (2012).

  17. Exposure to Magnetic fields and the Risk of Poor Sperm Quality. Li, Yan, et al. Journal of Reproductive Toxicology 29(1):86-92 (2010).

  18. Mobile Phone Radiation Induces Reactive Oxygen Species Production and DNA Damage in Human Spermatozoa In Vitro. Luliis, Newey, et al. PLoS ONE 4(7) (2009).

  19. Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation (Rf-EMR) from GSM Mobile Phones Induces Oxidative Stress and Reduces Sperm Motility in Rats. Mailankot, Kunnath, et al. Clinical Science 64(6):561-5 (2009).

  20. Cell Phones: Modern Man's Nemesis? Makker, Varghese, et al. Reproductive BioMedicine Online 18(1):148-157 (2008).

  21. Indicative SAR Levels Due to an Active Mobile Phone in a Front Trouser Pocket in Proximity to Common Metallic Objects. Whittow, Panagamuwa, et al. Propagation Conference 149-152 (2008).

  22. Cell Phones and Male Infertility: Dissecting the Relationship. Deepinder, Makker, et al. Reproductive BioMedicine Online 15(3):266-270 (2007).

  23. Evaluation of the Effect of Using Mobile Phones on Male Fertility. Wdowiak, Wiktor, et al. Annals of Agricultural and Medicine14(1):169-172 (2007).

  24. Effect of Cell Phone Usage on Semen Analysis in Men Attending Infertility Clinic: An Observational Study. Agarwal, Deepinder, et al. American Society for Reproductive Medicine 89(1):124-8 (2008). 

IX. Electromagnetic Sensitivity

  1. Becoming Electro-Hypersensitive: A Replication Study. Dieudonne, M. Bioelectromagnetic 40: 188-200 (2019).

  2. Functional Brain MRI in Patients Complaining of Electrohypersensitivity After Long Term Exposure to Electromagnectic Fields. Heuser, G. & Heuser, S. Reviews on Environmental Health 32(3):291-299 (2016).

  3. Hot Nano Spots" as an Interpretation of So-Called Non-Thermal Biological Mobile Phone Effects. Pfutzner, Helmut. Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications 8(3):62-69 (2016).

  4. Analysis of the Genotoxic Effects of Mobile Phone Radiation Using Buccal Micronucleus Assay: A Comparative Evaluation. Banerjee, Singh, et al. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 10 (3):ZC82-ZC85 (2016).

  5. Tinnitus and Cell Phones: The Role of Electromagnetic Radiofrequency Radiation. Medeiros and Sanchez. Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology 82(1):97-104 (2016).

  6. Microwave Frequency Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) Produce Widespread Neuropsychiatric Effects Including Depression. Pall, Martin L. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy (2015).

  7. Subjective Symptoms Related to GSM Radiation from Mobile Phone Base Stations: a Cross- Sectional Study. Gomez-Perretta, Navarro, et al. BMJ Open 3.12 (2013).

  8. Green Communication- A Stipulation to Reduce Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity from Cellular Phones. Kumar, Khan, et al. Procedia Technology 4:682-686 (2012).

  9. Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: Fact or Fiction? Genius and Lipp. Science of the Total Environment 414(1):103-112 (2012).

  10. Radiofrequency (RF) Sickness in the Lilienfeld Study: An Effect of Modulated Microwaves? Liakouris, A. Archives of Environmental Health 236-238 (2010). 

  11. Neurobehavioral Effects Among Inhabitants Around Mobile Phone Base Stations. Abdel-Rassoul, El-Fateh, et al. NeuroToxicology28(2):434-440 (2007).

  12. Electrohypersensitivity: State-Of-The-Art of A Functional Impairment. Johansson, O. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine 25(4): 245-258 (2006).

  13. Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: Biological Effects of Dirty Electricity With Emphasis on Diabetes and Multiple Sclerosis. Havas, M. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine 25(4): 259-268 (2006).

  14. Establishing the Health Risks of Exposure to Radiofrequency Fields Requires Multidisciplinary Research. Hietanen, Maila. Scandinavian Journal of Work, the Environment, and Health 32(3):169-170 (2006).

  15. Hypersensitivity of Human Subjects to Environmental Electric and Magnetic Field Exposure: A Review of the Literature. Levallois, Patrick. Environmental Health Perspectives 110(4):613-8 (2002).

  16. Electric Hypersensitivity and Neurophysical Effects of Cellular Phones - Facts or Needless Anxiety? Harma, Mikko Ilmari. Scandinavian Journal of Work, the Environment and Health 26(2):85-86 (2000). 

X. Effects On Implanted Medical Devices

  1. Ad Hoc Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing of Non-Implantable Medical Devices and Radio Frequency Identification. Seidman and Guag. Biomedical Engineering OnLine 12:71 (2013).

  2. Electromagnetic Interference of Pacemakers. Lakshmanadoss, Chinnachamy, et al. Interchopen 229-252 (2011).

  3. Interference Between Mobile Phones and Pacemakers: A Look Inside. Censi, Calcagnini, et al. Annali dell'Istituto superiore di sanità 43(3):254-259 (2007).

  4. Electromagnetic Interference on Pacemakers. Erdogan, Okan. Indian Pacing and Electrophysiology Journal 2(3):74-78 (2002).

  5. Electromagnetic Interference in Patients with Implanted Cardioverter-Defibrillators and Implantable Loop Recorders. Sousa, Klein, et al. Indian Pacing and Electrophysiology Journal 2(3):79-84 (2002).

  6. Radiofrequency Interference with Medical Devices. A Technical Information Statement. IEEE Committee on Man and Radiation, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 17(3):111-4 (1998).

  7. Cellular Telephones and Pacemakers: Urgent Call or Wrong Number? Ellenbogen and Wood. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 27(6):1478-9 (1996).

XI. 5G Effects

  1. Model of Steady-state Temperature Rise in Multilayer Tissues Due to Narrow-beam Millimeter-wave Radiofrequency Field Exposure. Gajda, G., et al. Health Physics 117(3):254-266 (2019).

  2. Untargeted Metabolomics Unveil Alterations of Biomembranes Permeability in HumanHaCaT Keratinocytes Upon 60 HGz Milimeter-Wave Exposure. Pogam, Pierre., et al. Scientific Reports 9(9343) (2019).

  3. Ocular Response to Millimeter Wave Exposure Under Different Levels of Humidity. Kojima, M., et al. Journal of Infrared Milli Terahz Waves 40: 574–584 (2019).

  4. Millimeter Wave Radiation Activates Leech Nociceptors via TRPV1-Like Receptor Sensitization. Romanenko, S., et al. Biophysical Journal 116(12): 2331-2345 (2019).

  5. Systematic Derivation of Safety Limits for Time-Varying 5G Radiofrequency Exposure Based on Analytical Models and Thermal Dose. Neufeld, E., and Kuster, N. Health Physics Society (2018).

  6. Towards 5G Communication Systems: Are There Health Implications? Ciaula, AD. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 367-375 (2018). 

  7. 5G Wireless Telecommunications Expansion: Public Health and Environmental Implications. Russell, C.L. Environmental Research 165:484-495 (2018).

  8. The Human Skin As A Sub-THz Receiver – Does 5G Pose a Danger To It or Not? Betzalel, N., Ishai, P.B., and Feldman, Y. Environmental Research163:208-216 (2018).

  9. The Modeling of the Absorbance of Sun-THz Radiation by Human Skin. Betzalel, N., Feldman, Y., and Ishai, P.B. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology 7(5):521-528 (2017).

  10. Human Exposure to RF Fields in 5G Downlink. Nasim, I. and Kim, S. Georgia Southern University (2017).

  11. The Human body and Millimeter-Wave Wireless Communication Systems: Interactions and Implications. Wu, T., Rappaport, T., and Collins, C. IEEE International Conference on Communications (2015).

  12. State of Knowledge on Biological Effects at 40-60 GHz. Drean, Y., et al. Comptes Rendus Physique (2013).

  13. Effects of millimeter waves radiation on cell membrane-A brief review. Ramundo-Orlando, Alfonsina. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 31(12): 1400-1411 (2010)

  14. Human Skin as Arrays of Helical Antennas in Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave Range. Feldman, Y., et al. The American Physical Society (2008).

  15. Untargeted Metabolomics Unveil Alterations of Biomembranes Permeability in Human HaCaT Keratinocytes Upon 60 HGz Millimeter-Wave Exposure. Pogam, Pierre., et al. Scientific Reports  9(9343) (2019).

  16. Risks to Health and Well-Being From Radio-Frequency Radiation Emitted by Cell Phones and Other Wireless Devices. Miller, A., et al. Frontiers in Public Health 7(223) (2019).

XII. Miscellaneous Articles

  1. Computational Simulations of The Penetration of 0.30 THz Radiation into the Human Ear. Vilaagosh, Z., et al. Biomedical Optics Express 10(3) (2019).

  2. Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure and Risk Perception: A Pilot Experimental Study. Zeleke, B., et al. Environmental Research 170: 493-499 (2019).

  3. Commentary on The Utility of The National Toxicology Program Study on Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation Data for Assessing Human Health Risks Despite Unfounded Criticisms Aimed at Minimizing the Findings of Adverse Health Effects. Melnick, R. Environmental Research 168:1-6 (2019).

  4. Pathological Findings Observed in the Kidneys of Postnatal Male Rats Exposed to the 2100 MHz Electromagnetic Field. Bedir, R., et al. Archives of Medical Research (2019).

  5. Genotoxic and Carcinogenic Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Fields. Kocaman, A., et al. Environmental Research 163:71-79 (2018). 

  6. Non-Ionizing EMF Hazard in the 21st CenturyKoh, W.J., and Moochhala, S.M. IEEE (2018).

  7. Thermal and Non-Thermal Health Effects of Low Intensity Non-Ionizing Radiation: An International Perspective. Belpomme, D., et al. Environmental Pollution 242(A):643-658 (2018).

  8. Comparison of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure Levels in Different Everyday Microenvironments in an International Context. Sagar, S, et al. Environmental International 114:297-306 (2018).

  9. Wi-Fi is an Important Threat to Human Health. Pall, M. Environmental Research 405-416 (2018).

  10. Mobile-Phone Radiation-Induced Perturbation of gene-Expression Profiling, Redox Equilibrium and Sporadic-Apoptosis Control in the Ovary of Drosophila Melanogaster. Manta, A., et al. FLY 11(2): 75-95 (2017).

  11. World Health Organization, Radiofrequency Radiation and Health – A Hard Nut to Crack (Review). Hardell, L. International Journal of Oncology51:405-413 (2017).

  12. Radiation from Wireless Technology Elevates Blood Glucose and Body Temperature in 40-Year-Old Type 1 Diabetic Male. Kleiber, C. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine 36:3 259-264 (2017).

  13. Cardiovascular Disease: Time to Identify Emerging Environmental Risk Factors. Bandara, P. & Weller, S. European Journal of Preventative Cardiology (2017).

  14. Effects of Exposure to 2100MHz GSM-like Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field on Auditory System of Rats. Celiker, Ozgur, et al. Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology (2017).

  15. An Investigation of the Effect of Extremely Low Frequency Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Human Electrocardiograms (ECGs). Fang, Mahmoud, et al. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13(11) (2016).

  16. Evaluation of the Protective Role of Vitamin C on the Metabolic and Enxymatic Activities of the Liver in the Male Rats After Exposure to 2.45 GHz of Wi-Fi Routers. Shekoohi-Shooli, F., et al. Journal of Biomedical Physics and Engineering 6(3):157-164 (2016).

  17. Exposure of ELF-EMF and RF-EMF Increase the Rate of Glucose Transport and TCA Cycle in Budding Yeast. Lin, Yan, et al. Frontiers in Microbiology (2016).

  18. Awareness Campaign Against Cell Phone Radiation Hazard: Case Study Oman. Osmen and Saar. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 205(9):381-385 (2015).

  19. Electromagnetic Energy Radiated from Mobile Phone Alters Electrocardiographic Records of Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease. Alhusseiny, Al-Nimer, et al. Annals of Medical and Health Science Research 2(2):146-151 (2012).

  20. Effects of Radiofrequency Radiation on Human Ferritin: An in vitro Enzymun Assay. Fattahi-asl, Baradaran-Ghahfarokhi, et al. Journal of Medical Signals and Sensors 2(4):235-240 (2012).

  21. Apoptosis is Induced by Radiofrequency Fields through the Caspase-Independent Mitochondrial Pathway in Cortical Neurons. Joubert, Bourthoumieu, et al. Radiation Research 169(1):38-45 (2008).

  22. Source of Funding and Results of Studies of Health Effects of Mobile Phone Use: Systematic Review of Experimental Studies. Huss, Egger, et al. Environmental Health Perspectives 115(1):1-4 (2007).

  23. Epidemiology of Health Effects of Radiofrequency Exposure. Ahlbom, Green, et al. Environmental Health Perspectives 112(17):1741-1753 (2004).

  24. he Possible Role of Radiofrequency Radiation in the Development of Uveal Melanoma Stang, Anastassiou, et al. Journal of Epidemiology 12(1):7-12 (2001).

  25. Biological Effects of Amplitude-Modulated Radiofrequency Radiation. Juutilainen and Seze. Scandinavian Journal of Work, the Environment and Health 24(2):245-254 (1998).

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Jan 05, 2022

Hello Dr. Young, I have radiation poisoning, with the symptoms of cold hands, cold feet, and breathing issues. I bought PH Prime and Innerlight Supergreens. This is my seventh day using these products, how long before I start to see some improvement?

Jan 05, 2022
Replying to

Laughter. Fairy Dust You really expect to see a cure from things you put in your mouth.

Try my free salt water cure, after all it costs nothing and then any improvements you see, won't have cost you anything either, however up your nose and into your nasal passages, also some interesting topics to read at the same time: As long as people keep following the vaccine protocol there never will be an end to this "pandemic" : AND

The ONLY way to do that is with my free cure - kill the virus BEFORE it becomes anything else:

Covid Crusher: Mix one heaped teaspoon of Iodine table salt in a mug of warm clean water, cup a…


Dec 27, 2021

COVID Popular Home Test Kit Contains Lethal Drug that is Fatal

by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News

Greg Reese of recently published a report that reveals a lethal drug that is included in Abbott’s BinaxNOW COVID-19 Home Test Kit has a history of killing people even in small doses.

The instructions for the test kit warn that this is a “hazardous” ingredient that is not to be touched, but that warning does not state that it could cause death or organ failures.

Greg produced this report as a warning for those who travel and may be rushed to take this test, which is authorized to be used with children as young as 2-years-old.

But since he published this report…


Dec 22, 2021

What If Cancer Was Already Cured?

How To Activate An Army Of Macrophages To Boost Immunity

See below:-


Dec 22, 2021

Well, my argument about herbal cures for vaccines which have been injected is this: The human body (engine) and vaccines (sand), a simple explanation of how they work, or don't.

Engine, Lubrication, Power, Power Additives, Sand, Death.

The vaccines go directly into your blood supply which is a closed system and putting Herbal things into your body (like by mouth) or any other way, simply won't do anything.

Think of a car engine - the blood supply is the oil in the engine, which keeps the engine lubricated and the parts moving. It is a closed system.

The food you put in your mouth is the Petrol or Gas, which provides the power that makes the engine run. It is…


Dec 22, 2021

In response to the article, ELANA FREELAND wrote the following: The aura of mystery and inevitability around cancer has been conditioned into the public. When I was in my 20s studying Chinese medicine and living in macrobiotic communes in mansions, many people given a cancer death warrant by Western doctors came to my teacher Michio Kushi as a last resort and eventually walked out well, the catch being that if ever they returned to the Western diet (feedlot meat, dairy, and eggs, sugar, artificial ingredients, GMO grains and veggies, pills, etc.), the cancer would return. Get the picture? That said, now that the entire world is wireless, thanks to a perennially ionized atmosphere loaded with conductive nanometals, cancer can…

Olivia Thorsten
Olivia Thorsten
Jan 13, 2022
Replying to

Elana, please show us evidence 5G is out in the US, Canada or other nations of the West. Please show me the evidence 5G is out. IT IS NOT. And it's registering right now at 3.6G. So we really don't even have 4G.



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