COVID – 19 Deaths Among “Vaxxed” Verses the “NONvaxxed”
Updated: Mar 21, 2022
The Uncertain Choice That Has Altered the Lives of Billions!

While Many of Us Have Been Distracted by the Russian Ukrainian War, the UK Government Quietly Released The Following Report:

Where Are the Reports on COVID Deaths from the US Government?
Unlike the United States and the underreported statics by 90% to 99%, fortunately the United Kingdom has published what appears to be the real statics that should have been published in the United States but have been suppressed.
The UK received the same COVID so-called vaccines by the same manufactures from in the U.S. So, the more accurate statistics on injuries, hospitalizations and deaths in the US should closely mirror the UK statics.
When was the last time you heard the media ever mention COVID – 19 deaths and the number of human injuries and/or deaths directly related to the so-called COVID – 19 vax?
And, please do NOT hold your breath until they do. It may never happen. In addition, the fraudulent exaggeration of hospital deaths as deaths listed by COVID instead of the real cause of death by gun shots, car accidents, heart attacks, cancer, old age or other modalities which provided extra profits to hospitals from the the US Government for listing all deaths as caused by or contributed to COVID – 19.
As the UK statics are showing now, the majority dying from the Vax are those that have been triple injected with the gene altering graphene, ferritin, luciferase, PEG and parasitical toxic with the Trypanosoma parasite causing myocardititis all in the so-called CoVid – 19 vaccine serum.
Graphene Micron Bubbles Observed in CoVid – 19 Vaccines

These statics will keep rising at least three years from time of the 3 injections as the natural immune system is gradually destroyed. This is why the U.S. true statics are being covered up for the pharmaceutical industry, because more and more evidence is coming out on these vaccine manufactures that will destroy their shield of liability from civil and criminal lawsuits for violating many of the conditions and terms of “Emergency Use Authorization” act.
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) publish a weekly Covid-19 Vaccine Surveillance Report, the most recent of which was published Thursday 24th, February, 2022, and it can be viewed here:
Table 10, found on page 41 of the latest report shows the number of Covid-19 cases by vaccination status in England between 24th of January and the 20th of February, 2022, and it confirms the vast majority were recorded among the triple vaccinated population.

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In all, between the 24th of January and the 20th of February, there were a total of 1,490,464 Covid-19 cases recorded across England, and the triple vaccinated population accounted for 752,126 of them, whilst the not-vaccinated population accounted for 404,030 of them but 303,107 of those cases were among children.
Overall the vaccinated population accounted for 1,086,434 cases, meaning they accounted for 73% of all Covid-19 cases between the 24th of January and the 20th of February 2022. But, if we remove children from the equation we find that the vaccinated population accounted for 91% of all Covid-19 cases among over 18 year old’s in England.
Table 11, found on page 42 of the latest report shows the number of Covid-19 hospitalizations by vaccination status in England between the 24th of January and the 20th of February, 2022, confirms the vast majority were again recorded among the triple vaccinated population.

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In all, there were 9,230 Covid-19 hospitalizations in England between the 24th of January and the 20th of February, 2022, and the triple vaccinated population accounted for 4,936 of them, whilst the nonvaccinated population accounted for 2,341 of them, 1,132 of which were allegedly children.
But this is where the data doesn’t make much sense to most people.
At this time the UK Government was promoting the so-called Omicron variant even though there is NO purified Omicron isolate that exists in nature. Omicron is being used as a ‘false flag’ to cover up the real cause of WHY people are getting sick – chemical and radiation poisoning from the inoculations of graphene and ferritin oxide acting as a biosensor in the body for receiving and transmitting harmful 4G and 5G microwave radiation and in addition connecting the entire human and human race to the ‘Internet of Things’ and the ‘Internet of Humans’.

What About Our Future – The Children?
So why is it that the data shows Covid-19 hospitalizations among children were more than double than the amount that was being recorded when Delta was being used as the dominant strain and ‘FALSE FLAG’ even though there is NO purified isolate of the so-called Delta variant?
England just like the USA had completed the construction of the 5G network and when turned on the pulsating 5G microwave radiation was and is the cause for the increase in the symptoms of ‘radiation sickness’ which are runny nose, dry cough, fever, headaches, low energy, light headedness, dizziness, cold hands and cold feet, night sweats, loss of smell and/or taste, shallow breathing, difficultly breathing, just to name a few of the symptoms of radiation poisoning!
The following table is taken from Public Health England’s ‘Covid-19 Vaccine Surveillance Report – Week 36 – 2021‘, and it shows that between week 32 and week 35 of 2021 (when theoretically the so-called Delta variant was the dominant variant even when a purified isolate does NOT exist) there were just 404 Covid-19 hospitalizations recorded among the under 18’s in England.

Source – Page 17 –
This number of hospitalizations among under 18’s is typical for most of the weekly reports, so why on earth are Covid-19 hospitalizations now as high as 1,132 among children?
Graphene and Ferritin Chemical Poisoning Combined with 4 and 5G Microwave Radiation Are Poisoning Are Children! A One-Two Punch Making Our Precious Developing Children Sick and Tired!
We know that children have never been at high risk of suffering severe disease due to Covid-19, and everyone should know by now that a person could be hospitalized with a broken leg and classed as a Covid-19 hospitalization if they happen to test positive for Covid-19 with a highly questionable test within 28 days of admittance.
But we also know that the UK Government and NHS are attempting to justify Professor Chris Whitty’s decision to overrule the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization and offer the Covid-19 vaccines to children. So what is this all about?
Are we seeing the UKHSA manipulate figures here through mass testing of already hospitalized children, to give the impression that experimental Covid-19 vaccination would benefit children?

When we include children in the hospitalization figures we find that the vaccinated population accounted for 75% of all Covid-19 hospitalizations between the 24th of January and the 20th of February, 2022. But when we remove children, we find that the vaccinated population accounted for 85% of all Covid-19 hospitalizations among over 18’s in England.

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Table 12, found on page 43 of the latest report shows the number of Covid-19 deaths by vaccination status in England between the 24th of January and the 20th of February, 2022, and it confirms yet again that the vast majority were recorded among the triple vaccinated population.

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In all, there were 4,861 Covid-19 deaths between 24th of January and the 20th of February, 2022, and the triple vaccinated population accounted for 3,120 deaths. Whilst the nonvaccinated population accounted for just 559 deaths.
Overall, the vaccinated population accounted for 89% of all Covid-19 deaths during these four weeks, with 4,302 recorded deaths. This means the vaccinated population now account for 9 in every 10 deaths, and the triple vaccinated population account for 4 in every 5 deaths.
But what’s most important here is that things are improving by the week for the nonvaccinated population, whilst they take a turn for the worse by being intentionally exposed to elevated microwave radiation or the triple vaccinated population starts dying off from accumulated graphene and ferritin oxide poisoning amplified by 5G pulsating microwave radiation causing cell membrane degeneration, pathological coagulating leading to blood clots, oxygen deprivation and then death by suffocation!
According to the ‘Week 51 – 2021 – Vaccine Surveillance Report‘, the total number of alleged Covid-19 deaths by vaccination status between November 22nd and December 19th, as confirmed by table 10 were as follows –
1. Nonvaccinated population = 889 deaths
2. Partly vaccinated population = 117 deaths
3. Triple/Double-vaccinated population = 2,796 deaths

Source – Page 40 –
This equated to the vaccinated population accounting for 77% of Covid-19 deaths between November 22nd and December 19th and reveals that the number of Covid-19 deaths among the entire vaccinated population was 207 less than the total number of Covid-19 deaths recorded among the triple vaccinated population alone between 24th Jan and 20th Feb 22.
Deaths among the nonvaccinated have fallen from 889 between 22nd Nov and 19th Dec 21, to 559 between 24th Jan and 20th Feb 22. This represents a 37% decrease in overall deaths.
But deaths of the vaccinated population have increased from 2,913 between 22nd of November and 19th of December, 2021, to 4,302 between 24th of January and the 20th of February, 2022. This represents a 48% increase in overall deaths.
These are NOT the kind of figures you would expect to see if the Covid-19 injections really were up to 95% effective at preventing hospitalization and death, are they?
Absolutely NOT!!!
So there you have it, whilst you’ve been distracted by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the UK Government released a report confirming the fully vaccinated now account for 9 in every 10 Covid-19 deaths in England. This is also the case in the United States but our Government wants to keep this hidden from the people! Why? Because they have been lying to us from the beginning concerning the truth about the fake virus a nd the fake Pandemic. The real virus has been mainstream media who has been selling this fairy tale of lies to the World where the disease has been ignorance! The treatment for Corona is simple – common sense! All of this BS of lies makes you wonder what else they will attempt to hide or lie to us about in the coming weeks, months and years.
This is the very thing I have been warning the World about for years before the shots and 5G were rolled out and I had warned of the toxic acidic effects of radio and microwave radiation and chemical poison from a BIOWEAPON NOT A VACCINE since before they were released and during the rollout.
The Biden administration and social media giants can attack freedom of the press and free speech all they want about this, and even do it to those who question the official narrative regarding Ukraine and Russia, but it is all going to backfire and blowup on them in the end and we will then bring justice to the guilty for this genocide perpetuated on our loved and all of humanity with highly toxic chemical and microwave radiation poisoning!!!