Have You Lost Your Mind?
Updated: Aug 22, 2020
Did YOU Know?
Children and infants are susceptible to harm from inhaling pollutants such as particulate matter (PM) of less than 10 micron (MPM) to 1 nano micron (NPM)because they inhale more air per pound of body weight than do adults – they breathe faster, spend more time outdoors and have smaller body sizes. In addition, children’s immature immune systems may cause them to be more susceptible to PM than healthy adults.

Figure 1: Possible entry routes for NPs. After accidental exposure or intended NP application, NPs enter the human body by intravenous injection or by oral, dermal, and pulmonic routes. Upon contact with physiological environments, biomolecules immediately absorb onto the NPs, forming the biomolecule corona. Upon contact with other (micro)environments, the corona composition most likely changes, but still keeps a stable “fingerprint” from its initial entry site.[1]
Ask YOURSELF The Following Questions?
1) Does the so-called infectious virus have morals and refuses to attack children, infants and toddlers?
2) Why does the so-called infectious virus bypass the young? If the virus is the prey of life then why are infants, toddlers, children and young adults not attacked?
3) IF, an infectious virus existed, as described by current medical savants (without scientific documentation using the gold standard for identifying any germ), wouldn’t infants, toddlers, children and young adults be the #1 victims, for the reasons I have stated above?
What Are the Sizes of Particulate Matter?
Some of the particulate matter found indoors originates from the outdoors, especially PM smaller than 2.5 microns (a micron is 1/25,000th of an inch). These particles enter indoor spaces through doors, windows, and “leakiness” in building structures.

Figure 2: Particulate Matter Sizes in Microns. One micron is equal to 1/25,000th of an inch.

Figure 3: Micro and Nano micron sizes of toxic acidic PM that can cause serious sickness and disease.
A Few More Questions!
4) Have YOU seen people getting out of their cars and putting on their masks, as well as getting into their cars and then taking off their masks?
5) Does the so-called infectious virus have morals, with a common courtesy of not entering someone’s private property?
6) Does the so-called virus fear being arrested for entering your car, home or office without your permission?
So Why Are Viruses So Selective?
7) Why does the so-called virus prey on those with pre-existing conditions such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease patients?

Figure 4: Particles with proven lung carcinogenic effects in animals and/or humans (most of the classifications are also classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, IARC)
What is the Real Virus?
Answer: Ignorance
What is the Real Disease?
Answer: The loss of common sense
What is the Real Treatment:
I have suggested for over 4 decades that there is only one sickness, one disease and one treatment. The one sickness and one disease is the over-acidification of the vascular and interstitial fluids due to an inverted way of living, eating, drinking, breathing, thinking, feeling and believing. The one treatment is to restore the alkaline design of the vascular, interstitial and intracellular fluids with an alkaline lifestyle and diet!

Figure 5: Comparison of the Louis Pasteur’s germ theory and Dr. Robert O Young’s terrain theory
To learn more about particulate matter (PM) and the dis-eases they cause check out the following charts and read the following articles at these links:
3. https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/understanding-colloids-nano-colloidal-systems-in-health-nutrition

Figure 6: Exosomes and COVID-19 are anatomically identical.[2]

Figure 7: Showing cellular membrane breakdown and aging of the cell, known as the ‘Corona Effect’ due to acidic chemical and radiation poisoning from PM and EMF.[3]
To learn more about the one sickness, one disease and one treatment read, Sick and Tired, The pH Miracle, The pH Miracle revised and updated, the pH Miracle for Weight Loss, The pH Miracle for Diabetes, The pH Miracle for Cancer and the soon to be released Thrive on Perfect Health.

Figure 8: The predominant routes of NPs exposure, uptake, translocation and potential risks. The gray boxes indicate the source of NPs exposure, blue boxes indicate the primary routes of uptake, the orange boxes the potential translocation pathways and the red boxes the potential

Figure 9: Possible entry routes for NPs. After accidental exposure or intended NP application, NPs enter
the human body by intravenous injection or by oral, dermal, and pulmonic routes. Upon contact with physiological environments, biomolecules immediately absorb onto the NPs, forming the biomolecule-corona. Upon contact with other (micro)environments, the corona composition most likely changes, but still keeps a stable “fingerprint” from its initial entry site.[1]

Figure 10: Human exposure to NPs. Main anthropogenic sources of NPs, their release in the work place and environment, the subsequent occupational or public exposure through several ways of entry and translocation into human body.[4]
Now YOU Know the Sizes of PM Will Social Distancing or Wearing a Mask Provide Any So-Called Protection?
Now is the time for YOU to put on YOUR COMMON SENSE HAT!

Figure 11: Particle size chart of PM the efficiency of wearing a mask for filtering PM. You will note that the sizes of the PM are smaller than the ULPA and the HEPA filters therefore providing no benefit.[5]
The answer to the mask question is a scientific NO! Wearing a NP95 or NP99 or HEPA or ULPA mask to protect yourself from PM or any so-called virus is useless. All you do is create increased amounts of carbon dioxide in the alveoli, interstitial fluids and blood causing hypoxia and pathological blood coagulation and an increased risk for hypercapnia and death.
How Can I Protect MySelf From Micro and Nano Particle Pollution Completely?
Wear the mask and protective suit pictured below and read The pH Miracle revised and update book?[6] or move to another planet![7]

[1] Zoroddul M.A., Medici S., Ledda A., Nurchi V.M., Lachowicz J. I. Peana M., “Toxicity of Nanoparticles.” Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2014, 21, 3837-3853 3837.
[2] Young, R.O., “What Do Viruses Like HIV & Corona Have In Common With Exosomes?” https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/lies-and-viruses-have-a-lot-in-common
[3] Young, R.O., “Dismantling the Viral Theory.” https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/dismantling-the-viral-theory
[4] Fadeel B., Pietroiusti A., Shvedova A., “ADVERSE EFFECTS OF ENGINEERED NANO MATERIALS EXPOSURE, TOXICOLOGY, AND IMPACTION HUMAN HEALTH, SECOND EDITION.” Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier, 125 London Wall, London EC2Y 5AS, United Kingdom.
[5] Young, R.O., “Is Wearing a Face Mask Good for Your Health Protection.” https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/is-wearing-a-face-mask-good-for-your-health-protection