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Writer's pictureRobert O Young DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner


Updated: Apr 10, 2022

EXCLUSIVE: Dr. Robert Young, a 40-year electron and optical microscopy expert and biochemist and nutrition scientist examines the "virus" micrographs published by governments and health "authorities" and describes what they really are: exosomes or repair proteins which are a by-product of cell membrane breakdown in the presence of chemical toxins or radiation assault, dispatched by the body's innate intelligence system to prevent internal bleeding and activate a protective clotting mechanism in the process of removal of toxins and self-healing, wrongfully identified by many in Sciendce, Microbiology, and Public Health as viruses.

EXCLUSIVE: Dr. Robert Young, a 40-year electron microscopy expert and biochemist and nutrition scientist examines the "virus" micrographs published by governments and health "authorities" and describes what they really are: exosomes or repair proteins which are a by-product of cell membrane breakdown in the presence of chemical toxins or radiation assault, dispatched by the body's innate intelligence system to prevent internal bleeding and activate a protective clotting mechanism in the process of removal of toxins and self-healing, wrongfully identified by many in Science, Microbiology, and Public Health as viruses.

Dr. Young also once more painstakingly addresses the matter of what true health is: an alkaline aspect to all body fluids through healthy eating, drinking and lifestyle, and a correction of disease-making choices which would impose a heavy acid load on the body with green fruits and vegetables, living foods, exercise and restoring pH of the urine -- a marker of what is happening in the interstitial and body fluids -- to 8.4.

Viruses have not been proved to exist nor been purified in isolate, but the medical industry run by Pharma continues to push the theory of viruses--an invention, not a reality, and a sad and criminal deception of humanity which is now causing thousands of lives to succumb to the deadly poisons of vaccines.

Knowledge and education in true health and what disease really is -- outfection not infection -- Dr. Young says, is the true path forward to health for one and all. Personal and individual health is what we need to focus on, not chimeras of mass infection, pandemics, and "public health" all of which seem to have been built up as lies to permit authoritarianism, fascism, tyranny, and the subjugation of people.

It is not too late to wake up, to learn more, to speak out--and to help educate others. This video as you can see was badly cyberhacked and attacked--for what reason and by who? All we are both trying to do in this interview and presentation is help get to the bottom of the matter of viruses in order to empower humanity to take charge of their own health.

Many thanks to Dr. Young for persisting in speaking out despite his frustration that physicians and healthcare departments are not listening: what matters is that people who have no insights into this matter, as he describes, and who cannot afford expensive electron microscopes, benefit from his learning and his care for humanity, and learn what he knows and shares with all: viruses have been an invention of Pharma from the start, are being used against us now to remove our freedoms, and need to be exposed as non-existent.

Part of the ongoing series on Terrain versus Germs, this podcast interview is vitally important in addressing the entrenched deceit of the vast corporate Harma behemoth: please share this one widely.

The Terrain is Everything, the Germ is Nothing, says Dr. Young -- and the reason this rings true to many of us is because we have lived through disease and remaking health ourselves, we know instinctively what is true.


Research for the Carnicom Disclosure Project on Magnetism, Trans-humanism, Synthetic Biology, Vaccine Poisons, Bio Surveillance, Neuromodulation, Electromagnetic Bio-Human Effects, Virus Confusions, Terrain and Blood Health and the Secret Elixir of Life -

Groundbreaking books on True Health:

RAMOLA D REPORTS: DETOX NANOTECH and CLEANSE YOUR PINEAL GLAND Try Clean Slate, Zero-In, and Restore for detox and daily health at this link (which supports this channel):

FIND PRINT/VIDEO CONTENT: Media Site and Magazine: Author website: Ramola D Reports is at Bitchute, Brighteon, Odysee, Live 528, Rumble

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Apr 16, 2022

"Sodium is an element without which the nervous system cannot function because it is what provides the electrical transmission potential to the nerve cells. Bodies are electrical, they do not function on calories, everything is electrical potential and its interaction of transmission and retention voltages between cells. If the system decays, you enter a disease process. All types, depending on where the electrical problem is.

Because everything is psychosomatic, a process of consciousness that manifests, that curdles, that agglomerates energy into something tangible called matter, this by energetic nodes as explained in Mechanics of Manifestation.

So, you control the sodium in the body, specifically the sodium-potassium cellular pump effect, and you control the electrical impulse and electrical transmission potential of…


Tristan Rey
Tristan Rey
Apr 12, 2022

This is all great for sharing, except: Dr. Rob, why do you allow the government agent Judy Mikovits (ask her where's she from, ask her if her sister or mother ever worked for the government) to sit in on these discussions? Judy Mikovits continues to push virology lies. WHY WHY WHY? I do not understand this. Do not let the enemy close to you, sir. Do not do it. You jeopardize everything.

Apr 13, 2022
Replying to

First of all, you are insulting me and you know absolutely nothing about me. So much for having any kind of a logical discussion with you. People like me are why we are in a mess?? What does that mean?? Again, you're making an idiotic statement without knowing anything. I have contributed nothing to the "mess" we are in. The reason we are in this "mess" is because of evil people pushing an evil agenda. It has nothing to do with me as I have not participated nor contributed to it. Why don't you address what Dr. Young says or does? What do you think of his message and methods?? Why are you commenting on his blog if …


Apr 12, 2022

Another excellent interview with Ramola Dr. Young. Thank you for always speaking the truth and speaking it so clearly and consistently. I pray for you and your family. God bless..

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