The Corona Virus is Just a Concept That Only Exists on Paper
Updated: Feb 1, 2022
In 1960 a veteran retro virologist urged his peers to “raise questions whether the known facts about viruses suffice to account for it.” The subject was cancer, the veteran was Peyton Rous, and the quote is from a paper in Cancer Research. Mindful of that example, in 198I, asked a similar question in a paper likewise published in Cancer Research: whether the known facts about two human retroviruses suffice to account for Leukemia and AIDS.

Clearly, following Rous’s example did not make me very popular with the multinational club of retro virologists. My article was officially ignored and not “dignified” with a response because the AIDS virus establishment was “too busy . . . saving lives” and testing for antibodies to HIV – just like they are doing today with the phantom corona virus or COVID-19.
I was often shunned like an AIDS patient by my former fellow microbiologists and virologists. My views were unwelcome for several reasons: after a frustrating, twenty-year-long search for a human cancer microbe, the retro virologists were craving for clinical relevance and hence happily adopted HIV – ‘the AIDS virus’ -as the cause of AIDS. The discovery of HIV was announced in the U.S. at a press conference and the virus-AIDS hypothesis became instant national dogma. On this basis, the retro virologists convinced their governments to spend billions of dollars to stop the predicted viral epidemic, already being labelled “the epidemic of the 20th century.” Does all this sound familiar with what is happening today with COVID – 19?
The Viral Theory Was The Immediate Darling of the Biotechnology Companies
Due to its very low complexity, it can be readily cloned for diagnostic test kits and vaccines. In turn, the virus was a hit with the press because it mobilized in their readers the instinctive fears of a contagious disease, and appealed to the public prejudice that all evil comes from without.”
Where is the Proof?
Perhaps the foremost thing that should be said about HIV or for that matter any virus is that they have never been proven to be the cause of AIDS, or any human illness. Not one scientific paper exists that demonstrates it. This is also the case with Ebola, Zika and now SARS COVID-2 and 19!

Based on activity in contrived situations in test tubes, among other illogical things, its culpability was a pronouncement handed down by an authority figure at the National Institute of Health. It is the same authority (Dr. Robert Gallo, head of NIH cancer labs removed from his position for scientific fraud) behind the expenditure of around a trillion dollars in cancer research which has produced NOTHING but an epidemic that is virtually out of control. (One wonders what it will take before people finally get the idea and stop creating walks, rides, telethons and cake sales to contribute money to the bottomless pit of biased, misdirected, wasteful and cruel orthodox medical research in cancer, degenerative disease and virology.)
And, it is the same authority who has taken out two patents whose value depends upon HIV or COVID – 19 as being accepted as the cause or a co-factor. One patent is for the technique of testing for the virus, and the other for a method of laboratory cultivation. No one in a position to do anything about it questions this obvious conflict of interest. This is going on right now today with the testing of an antibody without ever identifying isolating, purifying and culturing the virus, COVID-19.
Kary Mullis, PhD, Nobel laureate in chemistry for his invention of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for testing genetic matter, stated, “I can’t find a single virologist who will give me references which show that HIV is the probable cause of AIDS …. If you ask a virologist for that information, you don’t get an answer, you get fury” [1]. Dr. Mullis has continued his outspoken criticisms of the AIDS establishment, “Where is the research that says HIV is the cause of AIDS? We know everything in the world about HIV now. There are 10,000 people in the World now who specialize in HIV.”

This same fraudulent activity in virology has continued with the Ebola virus, the Hantavirus, the Hepatitis virus, the West Nile virus, the Zika virus, just to name a few, and now with the Corona virus – COVID -19, which is an acronym that stands for, “Certificate Of Vaccination Identification (C.O.V.I.D.) – Artificial Intelligence (1 represents the first letter in the alphabet = A and 9 represents the ninth letter in the alphabet = I).
Most virologist have very little interest in the possibility that HIV doesn’t cause AIDS or that the Corona virus doesn’t cause hypoxia that leads to acute respiratory disease syndrome or ARDS, because if it doesn’t, their expertise is useless. [2] Their embarrassment, humiliation and scientific fraud would also be considerable!

Just look what happened to Dr. Luc Montagnier, a virologist, for his non-discovery of the HIV virus, for which he received a Nobel Prize in Medicine without ever isolating the HIV virus under the scientific method of Koch’s Postulates and Farr’s law (see below for more information on Koch Postulates and Farr’s law).
Dr. Montagnier just recently inaccurately claimed that the phantom coronavirus is man-made and contains genetic material (GMO) from HIV which doesn’t even exist! So how does a virologist take genetic matter from HIV or a Corona virus or any other virus for that matter which has never been isolated, purified and genetically and biochemically identified?
NOW Take A Deep Breath

Just take a moment and take a deep breath and consider what if what I’m telling you is 100 percent true and it is only the tip of the iceberg?
Please, Please, Please do your own research! – Stop being a Sheep

First, start by reading, “Inventing the AIDS Virus” by Peter Duesberg, a Retro Virologist at The University of California Berkley.

Second, read Nobel laureate Kary Mullis, PhD book, “The Polymerase Chain Reaction” (PCR). Dr. Mullis does not see the relevance for testing antibodies by PCR when the virus such as HIV or COVID – 19 have not been isolated, purified, genetically and biochemically tested and then viewed under electron microscopy. Once these steps have been completed, the isolated and purified virus needs to be tested again by following the scientific method for verification of any disease causing germ. The tests are called Koch’s postulates and Farr’s law.
The Virus and Koch’s Postulates
Koch’s postulates are a set of conditions long accepted as the requirements for establishing a fixed microorganism as the cause of a specific disease. The case for HIV as the AIDS virus or COVID – 19 causes acute lung disease syndrome (ARDS) as with the identification of any so-called causative infectious agent, should depend upon meeting these parameters, of which there are four. (Keep in mind that researchers disagree about what constitutes proof that any germ causes a disease.)
1. The germ must be found in all cases of the disease. Tissues said to be affected by HIV or COVID -19 include primarily the white blood cells of the immune system, particularly the T-cells, the brain neurons in dementia, skin cells in lesions of Kaposi’s sarcoma, in the lungs as well as, theoretically, any cell in the body expressing the CD4 surface receptor said to be the key to HIV or COVID – 19 cell entry. But no trace of the virus can be found in either the Kaposi’s sarcoma or the neurons of the central nervous system or the lungs in Acute Respiratory Disease Syndrome or ARDS. HIV and COVID -19 have moved from involving only immune cells to other types of cells in order to explain certain AIDS-defining symptoms or COVID -19 defining symptoms which are not immune deficiencies anyway, including the cancers, dementia and wasting diseases, dry cough, fevers and hypoxia which have not been, or cannot be, explained in terms of a germ-theory virus model that involves destruction of the immune system.
And, if HIV or the COVID-19 viruses were actively infecting T-cells or other members of the body’s immune system, extracellular virions should easily be found circulating in the blood. But in most individuals suffering from AIDSyndrome or COVID – 19, no particles can be found anywhere in the body.
Another aspect of HIV is that now several HIV and COVID “reservoirs” have been suggested. One encyclopedia, which will go unnamed, says: “Researchers have also been able to show direct infection of bone-marrow cells-the precursors of circulating blood cells-and the proliferation of the virus within these cells. Thus bone marrow may represent an important reservoir of HIV or in COVID -19 the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium in an infected person and provide a potential mechanism for dissemination of the virus through the body.” This is misinformation, pure speculation, a conclusion based on laboratory pyrotechnics, or scientific fraud. It is also said that macrophages can support HIV and COVID-19 replication while harboring the virus from immune surveillance. Circulating macrophages are said to play an important role in the distribution of HIV and COVID-19 throughout the body, including the lung and brain. The question is, wouldn’t there be significant amounts of virus in a reservoir? The fact remains: it is nearly impossible to recover HIV or COVID – 19 from its “victims.” (See below under “Autoimmune Theory.”) One paper published in March 1993 reported two individuals with about 100,000 particles per milliliter of blood, among dozens of patients with little or no detectable extracellular particles [18].
The abundance of uninfected T-cells (about one in 500) in all patients is the definitive argument against the false claims for high cell-wall particle “loads,” or “burdens”. The absence of active, infectious virus automatically disqualifies HIV as a player in the AID Syndrome or COVID – 19 in acute lung disease syndrome (ARDS).
2. The germ must be isolated from the host and grown in pure culture. Even for the most experienced virus hunters, a virus that is so extremely scarce is difficult to find. Only with rare luck and extreme persistence has HIV or COVID – 19 been extracted from an antibody-positive person. This amounts to finding the proverbial needle of HIV or COVID – 19 in a haystack of human DNA. This difficulty speaks to HIV’s or COVID – 19’s lack of potential in disease.
3. The purified germ must cause the disease again in another host. There is no animal or human model for HIV and AIDS or COVID – 19 and ARDS, and where there is no animal or human model, you cannot establish Koch’s postulates. (It is more than disconcerting to think of the number of primates that have been injected to this day in an attempt to produce AIDS.) HIV jumps in and says that HIV or any virus including COVD – 19 should receive special dispensation from Koch’s postulates. A major stumbling block is the latency which is claimed, but whose modus is not explained by authorities. In 1989 the official latent period between HIV infection and the onset of AIDS was one year. This period of “incubation” has since been stretched to 10 to 12 years. For each year that passes without the predicted explosion in AIDS cases, approximately one year is added to this period. Even this is insufficient; with only 5 percent of do-called infected Americans developing AIDS each year, the average latent period would have to be revised to more than 20 years for 100 percent to become sick.
HIV should cause AIDS and COVID – 19 should cause ARDS within two weeks of infection at most, but it does not, and with the complete lack of a demonstrated process by which HIV or COVID – 19 diminishes immune function, belief in a decade or more of unexplained latency requires a level of “faith” beyond my capacity. Another major stumbling block is that even once the latent period of 14 days is apparently over, there is still precious little development of the HIV or COVID – 19 virus.
4. The germ must then be isolable from the newly infected host. A huge problem for the viral theory! We are now backing to the problem of meeting requirement number 2.
The Antibody That Isn’t an Antibody
According to the germ theory, an antibody is a certain antidote to a pathogen or virus. According to HIV and COVID -19, however, the more antibodies you have to HIV or COVID – 19, the sicker you are said to be. Viruses, including HIV and COVID – 19 are two of thousands “disease causing agents” in the allopathic file cabinet in which antibodies to the causative agent mean you’re in trouble; and it defies just about every known law, rule, guideline, fact, and behavior in the germ theory book. This includes, as we have seen in Koch’s postulates, and, as we will see below, Farr’s Law.
Furthermore, vaccine research proceeds on the basis of producing antibodies from a phantom virus in the patient. Apparently, these “synthetic” antibodies delivered in a vaccine with GMO organisms mixed with toxic metals and chemicals such as aluminum oxide, will signal recovery, while one’s own natural ly created antibodies signals death.
The Autoimmune Theory
One explanation put forth for the deadliness of such a scarce pathogen is that it somehow induces a self-destructive immune response (the system attacks itself). Evidence for this is said to be low white cell counts in people with infections; however, there is nothing to support the hypothesis, i.e., no plausible process by which this occurs has been suggested.
Current medical science gives credence to the so-called autoimmune response, where white cells said to be deranged indiscriminately destroy and/or clear out healthy and unhealthy cells. This misconception arises as a consequence of germ theory mentality, which misunderstands the central function of the immune system. It is essentially a sophisticated janitorial service. It operates to keep the place clean and to recycle usable material. Should “self cells or tissue become useless or even dangerous to the body, the immune system will clean them out. Thus, it is not deranged, but is doing its job correctly. The host is somehow not doing its job, however, to maintain a balanced internal environment, which is the first line of defense, not immunity, against tissue destruction and infection. This is because infection can come from within. And it bears repeating that the fundamental misconception of the germ theory is that infection must be invasion, rather than an endogenous morbid change in chemistry or micromorphology.
Compromised or weakened decompensated acidosis of the interstitial fluids gives rise to cellular transformation and fungal infestation (evidence for which is obvious and strong) or by drugs and chemicals such as mycotoxins, the immune system may weaken and fail to be efficient, but it will not attack healthy cells. There is a situation where this may appear to be so-when reduced oxygen species, like OH- are produced by the immune system in response to mycotoxins and morbidly evolved microforms damage local cells and tissue by the “shotgun” effect – but it is not a direct attack on “self,” and is frequently an overreaction to the alarming situation.
In my 40 years of viewing live blood from sick people I have never viewed under a pHase contrast microscope a white blood cell attack another white blood. White blood cells are glorified janitors or garbage collectors going around the body fluids picking up cellular fragments and biological transformations, i.e., bacteria and yeast. But they never attack each other or a healthy blood or body cell.
Watch the following video of two neutrophils moving around through the blood plasma while cleaning the membranes of red blood cells and picking up small bacteria and Y-form yeast. In fact, you will see one of the neutrophils picking up a Y-form yeast, like Candida albicans and then spitting it back out into the blood plasma.
The Elastic Band Theory
For the sake of discussion, let us allow germ-theory interpretation of immune function and autoimmunity. With only one in 500 immune cells (white blood cells) said to be infected with COVID -19 positives, it would seem to require a virus of extraordinary cunning to get uninfected cells to attack each other and not infected ones, which would be self-defeating for the virus. Or in the latter event, such cunning could be matched only by the adroitness required to move quickly from one host cell to another just before destruction. Or, if macrophages are involved, the process should lead either to increasing titers of virions in the blood, lymph, etc., as infected cells are lysed, or to increasing concentrations in macrophages if they are ingesting T-cells. This supports the reservoir notion (if there were any viruses to be found in them). It is thus easier to expand the theory to an ELASTIC BAND THEORY to meet whatever the outcomes are of the virologist for any virus, including HIV and COVID – 19! How about fourteen day latency period. Maybe a 2 year or even with HIV a 20 year latency period. Really! This is called science!
(Please read for further light and knowledge on viruses at: “Dismantling the Viral Theory” at:
COVID – 19 and Farr’s Law
Established in the early 1900s, Farr’s Law, which is fundamental to virology, states that viral disease develops exponentially, and dictates that illness will strike soon after infection. The rate-determining factor of the exponential growth of viruses is viral generation time, which is between 8 and 48 hours. Since laws are made to be broken or excepted, viruses with incubation periods longer than allowed by Farr’s Law are called “slow viruses.” And since COVID – 19 joins an exonerated class of viruses by not multiplying according to this law of virology, virologists stretch the time to accommodate it. The question arises, though, of how anyone can determine or demonstrate when a “natural” COVID -19 infection takes place, and thus determine latency, since no one is being tested daily or weekly, etc., and there is no animal model. Within the slow-virus concept, adopted as an exception to Farr’s Law, retro virologists can find refuge, hold on to their theory, hibernate in their labs, and hope the long winter of HIV latency is over before they expire.

According to expert retro virologist Dr. Peter Duesberg, “The slow virus concept has never been reconciled with the short generation time of viruses and the immune system. Once the virus lies totally dormant, an intact immune system will never allow any virus to be reactivated to multiply into numbers that would threaten the host. For a virus to be reactivated, the immune system first must be destroyed by something else-the real cause of a disease. A reactivated virus would just contribute an opportunistic infection. Thus, there are no slow viruses, only slow virologists.” [19] Also, says Duesberg, “Retroviruses are all very similar. I mean, there are differences, but as far as pathology is concerned, you don’t see a marker in one which is going to explain why it supposedly wakes up from sleep and becomes active” [20].
As of April 22nd, 2020, I have yet to see ANY published research papers identifying the existence of a single virus that has proven out to cause ANY specific disease(s) following the scientific method. It appears that virologists have given the virus a pass because they JUST CANNOT FIND ONE!

The use of PCR testing, is one of the main tests being used by virologists today to determine antibody loads for the corona virus. It is very important for you to know that the PCR testing does not identify the existence of ANY specific virus. So, what you get is a guess. This is NOT science!
The following is another important quote concerning viruses, specifically HIV and AIDS from Dr. Mullis, “we have not been able to discover any good reason why most of the people on earth believe that AIDS is …caused by..HIV. There is simply no scientific evidence demonstrating that this is true (or) why doctors prescribe a toxic drug called AZT…we cannot understand why humans would take that drug for any reason.”
The AZT drug was one of the first drugs given for the treatment of HIV even when the patient was asymptomatic. Sadly, this toxic acidic drug was the cause of the AIDS and the death of millions. Not some illusionary virus. AZT is no longer being used because of this fact.
Third, read Robert O Young, MSc, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner book, “A Second Thought About Viruses, Vaccines and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis.”

This book also covers additional information on other phantom viruses such as the Ebola virus, West Nile virus, and the Hepatitis virus, just to name a few.
The link to purchase this book is:
Fourth, watch the following youtube video of Dr. Thomas Cowan, MD, on the , “Relation between Corona virus, Electromagnetic waves, 5G, Vaccines and even Spirituality” on the cause and symptoms of the phantom Corona virus.
Now Let’s look at the 5G viral map of Canada, USA, Mexico, Central America and Northern South America at: and see where the deployment of 5G viral cell towers are located and the hot spots for so-called COVID – 19 infections and deaths.

Please note that New York and New Jersey have the greatest number of 5G viral cell towers with 1.5K and the greatest number of sick and dead. The second greatest number of 5G viral cell towers with 430 are found in the Los Angeles, California area with the second highest number of sick and dead. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out the cause and effect relationship between radiation poisoning with the symptoms of dry cough, hypoxia, and fever when you understand and know that 5G pulsating V-frequency at 60GHz literally takes the oxygen out of the air and out of your body destroying the red blood cells and their ability to flow to the lungs and pick up oxygen and then flow back to deliver this life-needing oxygen to the body cells. All of the symptoms for 5G viral radiation poisoning are identical to high-altitude sickness. You cannot treat these symptoms like the season flu or Influenza or you will kill the patient.

Fifth, watch Dr. Judy Mikovits PhD (American Researcher) on Coronavirus on the HIV to the Corona virus fraud and her 22 year relationship with Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases –
Sixth, Watch from the NYC ICU: DOES COVID-19 REALLY CAUSE ARDS or Acute Respiratory Disease Syndrome??!!
Seventh, watch ‘Corona Virus’ & 5G – What Is A Virus? Dr. Robert O. Young. Here is the link:

The following micrographs, using pHase contrast microscopy that I observe in healthy red blood cells that are oxygen-rich and the second micrograph is of unhealthy red blood cells that are oxygen-deprived indicated by the white target or missing red blood cell hemoglobin. You can also see the degeneration of the cell membranes with spiking or knobs indicating the ‘corona effect’, a symptom caused by an acidic lifestyle and radiation poisoning.

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Carroll, John (1993) The Weird Way to Win a Nobel Prize. San Francisco Chronicle, E9.
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James, Walene (1995) Immunization: The Reality Behind the Myth. (2nd edn), Bergin & Garvey (Eds.), Greenwood Publishing Group, Westport, CT, p. 35-36.
Sermos Gus G (1988) Doctors of Deceit and the AIDS Epidemic-An expose of the Centers for Disease Control by an insider. GGS Publishing, USA, p. 3.
RO Young (1999) Sick and Tired. Woodland Publishing, USA.