To Test or NOT To Test? To Vaccinate or NOT To Vaccinate?
Updated: Jul 29, 2020
Genetic and/or antibody testing is completely unreliable due to the fact that the epgenetics (outside the genetics) or the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium that surrounds every cell in the human body is controlling the biological expression of all cellular genetics.

When you focus on the genetics and not the interstitial fluid environment of the genetics you end up with a fake paradigm, called the germ theory and a meaningless positive or negative HIV/SARS/EBOLA/ZIKA/COVid-19 diagnosis.
In other words, gene’s do NOT control the genesis of health or disease or a human destiny – YOU do this with what you eat, what you drink, what you breathe, what you think, what you feel and what you believe. This is what determines the health or sickness of the interstitial fluid environment which controls a human destiny and how genetics are expressed or not expressed.

The viral or germ theory assumes the existence of a virus and that a specific virus can penetrate the cell membrane and infect the cell causing a specific disease with specific symptomologies. The infectious disease theory has NEVER been proven using the scientific method (Koch’s Postulates) let alone the existence of the virus from Polio to HIV to SARS to Ebola to Zika to COVID-19. It is ALL fake science! Using a vaccine to push toxic biologicals and poisonous chemicals into the vascular system will immediately be eliminated into the compartments of the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium to be eliminated via the lymphatic system. If not eliminated these toxic biological genetic fragments from animal and human sources and chemical poisons contained in ALL vaccines will be deposited and stored in the compartments of the Interstitum and eventually deposited into the connective and fatty tissues if not properly eliminated through the 4 or 5 orfices of the human body via defecation, urination, perspiration, respiration and menstruation for women.

Sick people and especially sick and old people will always be negatively effected by the influenza and any new COVID-19 vaccines. A chemical or biological poison injected into the intravascular fluids will cause an immediate immune activation, pathological blood coagulation, oxygen deprivation and systemic poisoning or sepsis (50 million people a year Worldwide) and finally death.
Many, if not ALL COVID-19 research and test results are inconsistent when theoretically a first test will reflect a so-called infection as a positive antibody test, and then with a second follow-up test reverse to a negative antibody test. Often, when ‘impossible’ test results occur, testing authorities become confused and frustrated trying to explain the efficacy of the antibody/genetic testing without first questioning the accuracy or validity of the RT-PCR RNA testing for COVID-19 or question the entire fake infectious disease viral paradigm.[1-95]
• (Jan 24) A daughter, important in the chain of transmission of a family, was interpreted as a false negative. Alternatively it could have been concluded that this woman did not have the coronavirus, but that would have badly damaged the family transmission story, and left open other reasons for the cluster of illnesses (and CT scan abnormalities).[3]
• (Jan 24) A grandson tested positive without any symptoms at all, except lung abnormalities on a CT scan. This allowed them to declare him as ill (asymptomatic pneumonia). But he could have been an asymptomatic case or a false positive. [3]
• (Jan 29) Out of 206 Japanese evacuated from Wuhan, only three tested positive, and two were found to have “no symptoms”. Instead of considering them false positives, they are considered infected and possibly infectious.[12]
• (Jan 30) Four Germans [9] could be seen as showing that the RNA test produces false positives or that the illness produced by the virus is often not severe. But it will be interpreted as neither by dogmatic promoters of the coronavirus theory, it simply will not be mentioned now that the main message, that the virus is infectious, is bolstered by the evidence.
• (Jan 31) A woman who returned from China to her Canadian university with illness, first tested negative, and then positive. This was interpreted as indicating that she had very little virus in her body at the time of the first test, and that the test was not sensitive enough. However, PCR testing is extraordinarily sensitive, and if she had so little virus, how was it that she had symptoms? An alternative explanation is that she became positive on the test in Canada, perhaps because this virus is actually quite common, or because the test is not for a virus, but is just measuring RNA created by the human body in response to disease conditions.[8] • (Feb 2) An 80 year old Hong Kong man tested positive after hospital admission due to a fever, but his only recent trip to mainland China was a brief visit to Shenzhen, just outside Hong Kong (over 1000km from Wuhan by car). He had no contact with other cases, markets with live animals or wild animals. • (Feb 4) Of 6 positive cases in Singapore reported in [14], the first had a sore throat and cough, but no pneumonia, the second and third had undescribed symptoms, and the last three had no symptoms. [44]
• (Feb 11) A sick woman in Wuhan tested negative on her first test, after days of illness, but positive on the second. • (Feb 13) A Japanese woman in her 80s tested positive after death. Her son in-law, a taxi driver, also tested positive. He had not travelled to the affected parts of China and denied having carried any foreign customers in the two weeks before testing positive. • (Feb 16) An 82-year old man in Seoul, Korea, had no record of overseas travel or contact with other positive testing people. • (Feb 16) An 83-year old American woman was screened as disease free after leaving a cruise ship but tested positive twice after arrival in Malaysia. Ironically, her husband had pneumonia, but tested negative. Nobody on the ship was sick, nor had travelled to mainland China recently. • (Feb 17) Three men in Aichi, Chiba and Hokkaido prefectures in Japan have no infection routes identified. • (Feb 18) A 61-year-old woman described as a “super-spreader” was the first person diagnosed in her highly populated region of South Korea, with no known contacts or travel to explain her case. She was blamed for spreading the infection to 37 other people, but this may just be an artifact of the size of the church. She had 1,160 “contacts” (presumably mainly members of her congregation), and so the fraction of cases among her contacts is 3.3%, lower than the rate of positive tests seen overall in South Korea. • (Feb 20) JAMA article on original cases in Lombardy reports that none of the 37 cases found within 24 hours had any links to each other or to previous coronavirus cases (e.g. from people arriving in Italy from China) [34].
• (Feb 22) Two cases in Chiba prefecture, Japan, had no relationship with each other, or any contact with other cases or a relevant travel history.
• (Feb 22) Director-General of WHO says that “cases with no clear epidemiological link, such as travel history to China or contact with a confirmed case” are a concern. • (Feb 27) After a hospital in Vienna, Austria, decided to test everyone with compatible symptoms, a 72-year old man tested positive. He had no known route of infection, had already been in the hospital 10 days, and none of his contacts were ill or infected. [45] • (Feb 27) An 88-year old man in San Marino (Duchy within Italy) tested positive, but an investigation showed he had not travelled abroad, nor to the ‘red’ areas of Italy where other cases have been found. • (Feb 28) An Oregon resident became the first positive case with no known history of travel to affected countries or contact with infected individuals. • (Feb 28) A dog in Hong Kong whose owner was positive, also tested positive, but scientists claimed that perhaps the dog was not infected but had just inhaled or ingested virus particles. They did not explain why this could not also occur with humans. • (Mar 1) Newsweek reported an American man tested negative upon return from Wuhan, China, without any symptoms. But later he was “weakly positive” and was returned to quarantine. • (Mar 2) A medical article reported a woman in Guangdong, China who tested positive at the end of an 8 day period of symptoms, had two negative tests after symptoms had resolved (days 12 and 14), but then a positive test (day 17), followed by three more negative tests (days 20, 22, 32). She was asymptomatic this entire time. • (Mar 2) El Pais reported that at least five positive cases in Torrejón de Ardoz, near Madrid, had not travelled to any country considered a risk, not had contact with any other patient. • (Mar 6) British Columbia, Canada reports a positive case with no recent travel history and no known contact with another patient. • (Mar 12) A woman returned from Italy to Cuba, where her husband was, and developed minor respiratory symptoms after her return [27]. Her symptoms resolved, but a few days later the husband developed symptoms, and both went to a hospital, where they were put in isolation. When they were tested, the husband, who had not been outside the country, was positive, but the wife was negative. The medical institute hypothesized that she had become negative in the 15 days after her first symptoms, but there was no evidence that she had ever been positive. [46]
• (Mar 19) CTV reports on a man with leukemia, who went to a hospital with night sweats and a cough, was given antibiotics and sent home, worsened, was intubated, and then sadly died. A test result received after his death was positive. He had not recently travelled or had contact with another coronavirus patient. • (Mar 21) Iceland reported that 33.2% of 473 cases had not been conclusively traced to a source of transmission. • (Mar 25) The urban region of Kitchener-Waterloo in Canada reported that, “For almost all of our recent presumptive cases, there is no link to a previously identified case”. • (Mar 26) A New Zealand man suffered bullying after being the first person in his small community diagnosed positive. He felt sick after playing cricket, but all his close contacts, including his cricket mates, have tested negative. He had not been with any international travelers, nor travelled himself. The only possible connection is that 3 weeks earlier he had been at a concert in Aukland where one other person tested positive, but not evidence that the two were ever close, and no explanation of how his disease would have taken 3 weeks to manifest. • (Mar 30) The family of a 70 year old woman, the first to die in New Zealand, “has no idea how she became infected”. • (Apr 5) A tiger in the Bronx Zoo tested positive, one of 7 animals that developed a dry cough, but the only one to test positive. There was no explanation about how a human got close enough to transmit the virus, whether that person is still alive, and whether they also tested positive for coronavirus. • (Apr 10) A Yanomami teen in a remote area near the Venezuela-Brazil border region tested positive after reporting shortness of breath and fever. There is a theory that he was infected by an illegal miner passing through, but no evidence of any contact. • (Apr 10) South Korea reported that 91 patients who had been cleared through negative tests had tested positive again. Official didn’t know if the virus had been reactivated, the patients had relapsed, the test was measuring non-infectious debris from the virus, or there were false test results. • (Apr 10) A 42-year old man with an inherited form of muscular dystrophy died, and the autopsy revealed bronco-pneumonia. While a nasal swab was 47 RNA-positive for COVID-19, lung swabs were negative when tested. • (Apr 15) A 68-year-old Chinese man was admitted to hospital due to fever, muscle pain, and fatigue, and had two consecutive positive coronavirus tests. He was released after his symptoms resolved and he had two consecutive negative tests. During a quarantine period he tested positive twice again, and was re-hospitalized, and given antiviral drugs, despite having no symptoms. He then had four negative tests and was discharged. But then he tested positive twice more, still without symptoms, and was hospitalized a third time, and given antiviral drugs a second time (despite no symptoms). Finally, he was released into quarantine for a third time. No indication that false positive results were occurring was mentioned. • (Apr 18) An article in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases found much higher rates of positive results in nasal swabs than in throat swabs in 353 people who had both samples taken at the same time. Overall 19% of nasal swabs and 7.6% of throat swabs were positive. This was particularly pronounced among hospital inpatients (33% versus 9%). The researchers did not consider that perhaps these people were picking up RNA from the atmosphere of the hospital. They also concluded that when the results were contradictory, it was the negative test that was wrong. No reason was given. • (Apr 29) The number of positive tests in cleared patients in South Korea had risen to 277, and the explanation had changed to the RT-PCR test detecting viral debris: bits and pieces of left-over RNA. However, there was no explanation of why loose RNA would remain the body for so long, nor why the patients would first test negative when they would have had even more of the ‘viral debris’ in their body. • (Apr 19) Taiwan found 21 COVID-19 positive sailors on three naval vessels that had sailed to Palau and back. The infection is believed to have come from Palau, despite the island nation having reported no cases. • (May 3) The President of Tanzania sent samples from a goat and a pawpaw fruit to the national lab and they tested positive. On the other hand, a sample from a sheep was negative. • (May 5) A Georgia, USA, man tested positive at 8am and then, about 4 hours later, tested negative (he had also tested negative 10 days before). • (May 5) A December 27th 2019 blood sample from a man in France tested RTPCR positive for COVID-19. This led doctors to postulate that the virus was circulating earlier in France. They did not consider the possibility that it was a false positive, especially because the man had not recently travelled, nor is known to have come into contact with someone from Wuhan which, according to COVID-19 dogma, was the only location of the virus at that time. 48 (Jan 31) A woman returning to Canada from China tested negative while “mildly ill” after arriving in Canada, but later tested positive. • (May 13) Janice Brown, a woman with a medical history of cancer, strokes, heart attacks, renal failure and congestive heart failure, spent 2 months in a hospital as a COVID-19 patient. After she had been symptom free for 3 days, she was discharged on April 3rd, but on April 21st, she had problems during dialysis and was re-hospitalized, and tested positive again. Finally, she tested negative again and was released a second time. • (May 6) New York Presbyterian laboratories found 49 people whose results went from RNA positive to negative and back to positive (sometimes more than once) out of 3,432 people who were repeat tested (but most who were repeated were only tested twice, so this phenomenon would not be visible). They also had 1.6% of tests come back ‘indeterminate’ (neither positive nor negative). • (May 8) 5 sailors aboard US aircraft carrier “Roosevelt” tested positive for coronavirus a second time. John Swartzberg, a UC Berkeley infectious disease expert was quoted as saying, “This is not behaving like any infectious disease I have heard of, if these tests are accurate. None of this makes any sense.” • (May 18) 33,000 Floridians may have received positive RNA test results when they were negative, or negative results when they were positive, or no results at all, due to incompetence by a contractor. References [1] Zhu N et al. A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China, 2019. N Engl J Med. 2020 Jan 14. [2] Huang C et al. Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China. Lancet. 2020 Jan 24. [3] Chan J F-W et al. A familial cluster of pneumonia associated with the 2019 novel coronavirus indicating person-to-person transmission: a study of a family cluster. Lancet. 2020 Jan 24. [4] Rivers TM. Viruses and Koch’s Postulates. J Bacteriol. 1937 Jan; 33(1): 1-12. [5] Gluschankof P et al. Cell membrane vesicles are a major contaminant of gradient-enriched human immunodeficiency virus type-1 preparations. Virology. 1997 Mar 31; 230(1): 125-133. [6] Bess JW et al. 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