What Can I Do to Prevent or Reverse the Symptoms of the “Corona Effect” in 3 to 5 Days?
Updated: Apr 10, 2020

The following are my recommendations if you are sick and tired of being sick and tired? My suggestion is to get off your acid and go to health. 🙂 It is the only way to prevent drowning in your own acidic waste. In other words, sickness and disease is caused by how you live, where you live, what you eat, what you drink, what you breathe, what you think, what you feel and what you believe. Sickness and disease is a consequence of YOUR daily lifestyle choices.
If you want to be healthy, energetic and strong here are my recommendations:
What Can I do?
The following are the lifestyle changes and products that will help restore the alkaline design to your body fluids within 3 to 5 days if your are dealing with any of the following symptoms associated with radiation poisoning, decompensated acidosis of interstitial fluids of the lung or the “Corona Effect”:

1. Take 3 times daily the Innerlight Super Greens for building health red blood cells.

2. Take 3 times daily 10 drops of the Innerlight Prime pH in alkaline water for buffering the acids in the interstitial fluids of the Interstttium.

Read more about the primary ingredient, sodium chlorite in Dr. Young’s breakthrough research and findings in his peer-reviewed published article at:

3. Take daily the pH Miracle iJuice Super Chlorophyl for building health blood.

4. Take 3 times daily the pH Miracle L-Arginine Max to improve circulation.

5. Take 3 times daily the pHour salts for buffering the HCL in the stomach and providing sodium and potassium bicarbonate for the blood, interstitial fluids and the intracellular fluids to maintain their delicate pH balance at 7.365.

6. Take daily morning and night the pH Miracle pHlush for eliminating metabolic, environmental and dietary acids and undigested meatter in the small and large intestines.

7. Take 3 times a day the pH Miracle Opti-Oils and/or the Omega 3, 6, and 9 for building healthy membranes for stem cells that are made in the crypts of the small intestines.
8. Create functionally structured water with the Innerlight Blue Alkalizing Water Bottle and/or the Multi-Functional Home unit for filtering, ionizing, alkalizing and producing reduced hydrogen for daily drinking and cooking.

9. Use the the pH strips daily for testing the urine pH which is an indirect way of testing the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium. The ideal pH of the urine is >7.4 If the urine is less than 7.4 take 1 scoop of pHour salts in a small amount of filtered alkaline water to increase interstitial fluid pH.

10. Use the Power Shower Filter for filtering and alkalizing your shower water to avoid chlorine, chloramines, radioactive metals, etc. that can enter the body via the pores of the skin.
11. Use daily the Innerlight Blue far-infrared sauna for removing acidic waste from the interstitial fluids through sweating.
12. Nebulize 5ml of the pH Miracle Glutathione with 5ml of NAC. https://www.phmiracleproducts.com/collections/ph-miracle/products/glutaphione
13. Take for energy and neutralizing acids in the mouth and throat the pH Miracle pHlavor salts several times a day or when you feel tired, lightheaded, muddle thinking, cold hands and feet, and/or dizzy.

14. Take a warm alkaline clay and salt bath every day. Use 3 scoops of the LiquidLightening Clay and Salt Bath Minerals.
15. Take 1 capsule 3 times a day of Activated Oxygen for increased oxygen in the cells and to keep the red blood cells flowing separately through the intravascular fluids.
16. Use the Innerlight Blue Ultra-Blue light mouth piece for eliminating any acids and bacteria in the mouth and throat.

17. Take 1 capsules 3 times daily of the pH Miracle Lung support to protect against interstitial lung disease.
18. Exercise daily for at least 30 minutes a day. Go for a brisk walk. Take a bike ride. Swim in a salt water pool. Use the eliptical or the whole body vibrational machines for moving acids out of the interstitium and through the pores of the skin.
19. Do daily meditation. I recommend Transcendental Mediation technique for your mediation for at least 20 minutes twice a day.

20. Do breathing exercises daily. Take a deep breath through your nose and then immediately follow with a breath through your mouth. Do this at 3 times several times a day.
21. Drink iJuice Ginger and Turmeric Tea daily.

22. Protect yourself from the EMF soup that we all live in with ARK technology. Click on the following link to learn more:

23. Take 1 capsule 3 times a day of pH Miracle D3.

24. Take 1 capsule of K1 3 times a day.
25. Because EMF radiation poisoning destroys the function of the Thyroid which effects the control of the body’s energy needs take 1 capsule three times a day of the pH Miracle Thyroid Support which contains Potassium Iodine and Potassium Iodide to protect the Thyroid against radiation poisoning.
26. To protect the brain and its function from interstitial fluid acidity take 1 capsule three times a day of L-acetyl Carnitine.

27. Infuse rectally 1 scoop of pH Miracle pHour salts, 1 scoop of iJuice Super Chlorophyll, 1 scoop of pH Miracle L-arginine Max, 10 drops of Innerlight Prime pH in a one liter enema bag or through colonic.
28. Eliminate the following acidic foods from your diet:

29. Include Liberal amounts of the following alkaline foods in your diet:

30. Read the pH Miracle revised and updated and Sick and Tired. Follow the protocol outlined in Chapter 11 of the pH Miracle revised and updated book.
To order go to: https://phmiracleproducts.com/collections/books-audio-video

31. Have a L.I.F.E. test for quantifying the biochemistry, including the pH of the Interstitial fluids of the Interstitium. To make an appointment email: phmiracleproducts@gmail.com

32. Have a consultation with Dr. Robert O. Young. You can make your appointment by clicking here: https://www.drrobertyoung.com/services-page