What is More Powerful Than a Gun?
Updated: Oct 17, 2020

The Truth Revealed from a Compound Microscope![1]

Human Blood and Pleomorphism – The Importance of Maintaining the Alkaline Design of the Body Fluids
There is not a single virologist in the World that has ever isolated and purified, let alone seen, the complete nucleic acid of the claimed SARS-CoV-2 as a whole. (Over 30,000 nucleotides and only a fragment or 10 nucleotides are being tested)
Therefore, All conclusions concerning the virus are only computer models and only exist as a concept on a piece of paper! This must make it clear to everyone that no one has ever proved the existence of a new and – as is also claimed – “infectious” pathogen under Koch’s or River’s postulates.

The World must realize that what the virologists have created is a pure construct, a model that does not even exist. Quite simply put: Let’s imagine that we have 10 Lego bricks. If the amount of Lego bricks available is not sufficient to assemble a Lego car, that is, to create a whole Lego car by throwing together bricks, these missing Lego bricks are created “biochemically” or simply freely invented. In any case, it is a construct. No one has ever seen the whole Lego car. Assembling a Lego car only works with the help of a computer. The completed Lego car just like the phantom virus is a pure intellectual construct created on a computer and has NEVER been filtered and isolated or shown to be a causative factor when reintroducing the isolate into a healthy animal or human creating the same symptoms of SARS or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome found in the first animal or human where the specimen being evaluated was obtained!

Therefore, all so-called viruses have not met the criteria of Koch’s or River’s postulates and remain invisible or phantom for their existence as of October 14th, 2020 have yet to be proven. This is true of ALL viruses, including HIV, Ebola, Zika, and CoV-2-19.[1-4]
Can the RT-PCR test be used as a detection method for a claimed virus?
In an instruction (p. 38) of the US epidemic control authority CDC for the PCR test it says approximately: “Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms. The performance of this test has not been established for monitoring treatment of 2019-nCoV infection” [7][8][9]
What is provable?
1. That there are no viruses. [2][3][4]
2. The virus has never been proven by any human being following Koch’s or River’s postulates.
3. Koch’s Postulates(1) The suspected pathogen must be found in every case of disease and not be found in healthy individuals.(2) The suspected pathogen can be isolated and grown in pure culture.(3) A healthy test subject infected with the suspected pathogen must develop the same signs and symptoms of disease as seen in postulate 1.(4) The pathogen must be re-isolated from the new host and must be identical to the pathogen from postulate 2.

4. That the SARS-C0V-2-19 or the Corona virus is an effect I call the ‘Corona Effect’ and NOT caused by a virus but caused by oxygen deprivation and acidic chemical and radiation poisoning that destroys the membranes of of body cells and mutation of the cellular genetics.

5. Scientists are calling the virus as nothing more than an endogenously created exosome that is released by the body cells as a signaling for the activation of a cascade of clotting factors in the production of fibrin monomers for preventing internal bleeding and healing.[5][6]

6. What is being viewed under the electron microscopy by scientists is endogenously created exosomes and NOT a virus from the outside World.[5][6]

8. The main symptoms of SARS-COv-2-19 of high fever, hypoxia, fatigue, loss of hearing is the result of pathological blood coagulation or DIC leading to pulmonary embolism and NOT from a phantom virus.[5][6][7][8]
7. There can be no meaningful RT-PCR test that can detect any virus, because there are no viruses that cause ANY sickness or disease.[8][9]
8. The antigen, antibody and RT-PCR tests do not respond to viruses, but in short, endogenous protein fragments, called exosomes that can be found everywhere in nature. Even in Egyptian papayas.

9. The prescribed and therefore necessary control tests have never been carried out, which would have proved that the viral theory is a false assumption and that there are actually NO viruses.
10. None of the pseudo-scientists researching and declaring the existence of the virus and the fake science of virology have followed Henle-Koch’s or River’s postulates, because it is impossible to follow these postulates and prove the existence and causative factor of a virus.
All virology is based on errors and scientific fraud
Everything has been worked up and documented from non-purified and non-cultured incomplete genetic fragments.
Many politicians have acted against any logic, this is due to the fact that the evidence for a dangerous situation caused by a novel virus does not exist.[8][9] https://www.fda.gov/media/134922/download
Because virologists still disregard the fundamental rules or the gold standard for scientific identification and refuse to carry out controlled experiments, they have ignored the fact that tissues and cells in the test tube die not because of a suspected virus, but because of intentional starvation and poisoning in the procedure that precedes any apparent “infection” which in truth is an “outfection” proving that disease is born in us and from us.
Type I, II, and III Diabetes are Diseases are Caused by Decompensated Acidosis of the Interstitial Fluids of the Interstitium and NOT the Insulin Producing Beta Cells of Pancreas [10][11][12][13]
Therefore, genetic viral tests only detect the body’s own genetic sequences AND NOT some theoretical phantom virus from the outside World.
It is a fact that the RT-PCR test only show “positive” if there are enough genetic snippets in the human sample quantity being tested.
This explains why negative tests results are also obtained. It is clear that the body releases more tissue material and thus genetic fragments, especially during inflammation caused only by acidic metabolic, dietary and respiratory toxins, than when it is healthy or when the human body does not release acidic wastes from the interstitial fluids at all during certain phases of healing when acids are pushed out into the connective and fatty tissues.
You only have to increase the amount of fragmented human acidic biological waste (endotoxins or genetic fragments, exotoxins and mycotoxins) as a sample in every human being, every animal and even every plant will test positive for SARS-CoV-2-19.
In conclusion, it is known by medical savants that all testing for SARS-CoV-2-19 are false and therefore NO cases and NO incidences or deaths are directly or indirectly caused by ANY virus, let alone the phantom virus SARS=CoV-2-19. www.fda.gov
Five Simple Questions YOU Can Ask Any Virologist or Doctor or Lay Person to Understand the Lie and the Fraud?
1. Please explain as a scientist and a virologist what do you mean by an isolate of SARS-CoV-2-19?
2. Please explain as a scientist or a virologist or medical practitioner have you published any peer-reviewed papers on the isolation/purification of the CoV-2-19 and if not, to which publications do you reference validating the existence of the virus?
3. Please explain as a scientist, virologist, medical practitioner where in the key publication(s) is it described that a viral structure or molecules attributed to the HIV, Ebola, HBV, Hepatitis, Zika and/or SARS-CoV-2-19, virus have been isolated in the sense of the word “isolation”?
4. Please explain as a scientist, virologist, medical practitioner where are the “control” experiments documented that prove that the nucleic acids used to align the genome of the HIV, Ebola, Zika, SARS-CoV-2-19 viruses are actually viral in nature and do not have tissue characteristics?
In case the “control” experiments mentioned in question 4 have not yet been performed (they have not been performed to date), please allow me to ask YOU as a scientist, virologist, medical practitioner the following additional question:
5. If such a “control” experiment were to be conducted at our expense (isolation of RNA from uninfected cell cultures, sequencing and alignment to the SARS-C-2-19 genome), would you publish this data with us in a major peer-reviewed publication like, Nature, The New England Journal of Medicine, or the Lancet?
As of October 14th, 2020 and based upon our research and reviewing the research of others there are NO cases and NO Deaths due to a phantom virus called CoVi-2-19! [13]
The RT-PCR Testing only tests up to 150 nucleotide fragments out of 30,000 nucleotide and has never been proven to cause any infection.
Diseases are born in us and from us from an acidic lifestyle, which includes how we live what we eat, what we drink, what we breathe, what we think, what we feel and what we believe.[14]
To Learn more about the Terrain Theory vs. the Germ Theory read the work, research, findings of publications and books, including, Sick and Tired, Reclaim Your Inner Terrain by Dr. Robert O. Young CPT, MSc, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner – You can order this book and others at: www.phmiracleproducts.com [14]

[1] Young RO (2016) Who Had Their Finger on the Magic of Life – Antoine Bechamp or Louis Pasteur?. Int J Vaccines Vaccin 2(5): 00047. DOI: 10.15406/ijvv.2016.02.00047
[2) Young RO (2016) Second Thoughts about Viruses, Vaccines, and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis – Part 1. Int J Vaccines Vaccin 2(3): 00032. DOI: 10.15406/ijvv.2016.02.00032
[3] Young RO (2016) Second Thoughts Concerning Viruses, Vaccines and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis – Part 2. Int J Vaccines Vaccin 2(3): 00034. DOI: 10.15406/ijvv.2016.02.00034
[4] Young RO (2016) Second Thoughts Concerning Viruses, Vaccines and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis – Part 3 HIV/AIDS and the Monomorphic Disease Model. Int J Vaccines Vaccin 2(3): 00035. DOI: 10.15406/ijvv.2016.02.00035
[5] Young, R.O., Migalko, G., “Interstitial Fluid Lung Disease (IFLD) of the Interstitium Organ the Cause and Self-Care to a Self-Cure for Lung Disease”. International Journal of Cancer Research & Therapy, https://bit.ly/2xD8VBP, January 20, 2020.
[6] Young RO, “Pathological Blood Coagulation and the Mycotoxic Oxidative Stress Test (MOST)”. Int J Vaccines Vaccin 2(6): 00048. DOI:10.15406/ijvv.2016.02.00048
[7] Thompson BT,Chambers RC,Liu KD. Acute respiratory distress syndrome. N Engl J Med2017;377:562-572.
[10] Young RO, Young SR, “The pH Miracle for Diabetes, The Revolutionary Diet Plan for Type I and Type II Diabetes.” Grand Central Publishing, 2007. www.phmiracleproducts.com
[11] Young RO, Young RO, “The pH Miracle Revised and Updated: Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health.” Grand Central Publishing a division of Hachett Publishing, 2010.
[12] Young RO. Migalko G, “The pH Miracle for Cancer: Discover the Truth about the Cause, Prevention, Treatments, and Reversal of ALL Types of Cancers.” Hikari Omni Publishing, 2016.
[13] Virologist Dr. Lanka press charges against Christian Drosten: https://telegra.ph/Virologist-Dr-Lanka-press-charges-against-Christian-Drosten-08-03
[14] Young RO, Young SR, “Sick and Tired, Reclaim Your Inner Terrain.” Woodland Pubishing, 1999. www.phmiracleproducts.com