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Writer's pictureRobert O Young DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner

Who Had Their Finger on the Magic of Life - Antoine BeChamp or Louis Pasteur?

Updated: Dec 20, 2023

Read and Share the Following Article and Learn the Truth That Will Set YOU FREE! Dr. Robert O. Young's Break-Through Research Validates Dr. Antoine BeChamp's Research That Germs DO NOT Cause Disease of Any Kind But Are The Symptoms of Cellular Breakdown?

"Germs Are Born In Us and From Us and Evidence of Cellular Breakdown as an OutFection NOT an Infection" Dr. Robert O. Young

Learn the True Cause of ALL Sickness and Disease! Save Yourself and YOUR Loved Ones From the Tyranny of So-Called Modern Medicine!

Was Antoine BeChamp the Greatest Scientist of the 19th Century or Louis Pasteur? You Decide After Reading the Following Article!

Louis Pasteur (1822 – 1895) was a French chemist and microbiologist born in Dole. He is best known for his so-called remarkable breakthroughs in the causes and prevention of disease. His experiments supported the germ theory of disease. In essence, Pasteur taught that disease came from outside the body in the form of bacteria. For Pasteur, to fight illness is to treat the symptoms with a vaccination. This approach has shaped modern medicine and pharmacology.

The two most celebrated achievements in Pasteur’s career:

1) his bold public demonstration of a vaccine against anthrax in sheep at Poully-le-Fort in 1881, and

2) the first known application of his rabies vaccine to a human subject, young Joseph Meister, in July 1885.

In the first case, Pasteur deliberately deceived the public and the scientific community about the nature of the vaccine used in the experiments at Poully-le-Fort.

In the second case, the nature of Pasteur’s deception is less clear-cut, but here too I find some striking discrepancies between the public and private versions of the famous story of Joseph Meister.

By 1885, five years after starting work on rabies, Pasteur and his colleagues had developed a live viral preparation, which, Pasteur claimed, not only protected dogs from rabies infections, but prevented the disease from becoming symptomatic if administered post exposure.

Still, it was not without reluctance—or concern from his peers—that he agreed to administer a series of viral injections to the asymptomatic young Meister. “This will be another bad night for your father,” wrote Pasteur’s wife Marie to their children during the treatment. “He cannot come to terms with the idea of applying a measure of last resort to this child.”

But it seemed to work—Meister didn’t develop rabies. And after starting treatment of another boy that October, Pasteur declared the vaccine a success before the French National Academy of Medicine. The story became international news; even patients from America were soon shipped over to Europe to receive the miracle cure.

Pasteur’s secretive attitude further fueled his opponents. His papers were only three or four pages long. There were no details, and no way you could reproduce to prove the efficacy of the vaccine.

Nearly a century later, in the 1970s, Pasteur’s laboratory notes (in the possession of his heirs until then) were made public. They revealed startling discrepancies between Pasteur’s research and his claims: although he had tested a vaccine on dogs, the concoction administered to Meister was made using different methods, essentially untested in animals. Its seeming success was the result of an educated guess and proved, just like today, that there are NO scientific evidence or experiments that showed that you can cure disease with disease or vaccinations. This would qualify as a definition of insanity and reveals the dark sinister side of Louis Pasteur and the vaccine fraud that has been going on for over 130 years.

For over a century now, the focus in health and medicine has been almost 100% targeting on treating symptoms rather than prevention and the treatment for underlying causes. With this mindset, millions of people will happily smoke, overeat, drink alcohol, not exercise, get flu and COVID vaccine shots and lead an utterly acidic and destructive lifestyle in the knowledge that there is probably a fairy tale drug or a vaccine out there if anything really goes wrong.

Few people know that on his deathbed, Pasteur recanted and said “BéChamp was right.”

Pierre Jacques Antoine BéChamp was a French medical doctor, biologist, contemporary of Louis Pasteur. He believed that a completely healthy internal fluid environment would be immune to harmful bacteria and that only when the body became a welcome host for this bacteria. (i.e. when our cells become weak from an acidic lifestyle or toxic internal fluid environment)

Disease is Born In Us and From Us

We do NOT 'CATCH' sickness or disease we 'DO' sickness and disease with how we live, where we live, what we eat, what we drink, what we breathe, what we think, what we feel and what we believe.

Scanning Electron Micrograph of Red Blood Cells Giving Birth to Bacteria - Dr. Robert O. Young

Answer: Exosomes and the So-Called Novel Corona Virus - 2 -19 Are Born In Us and From Us As a Reflection of an Acidic Interstitial Fluid Environment Caused by Chemical and Radiation Poisoning! They Are Anatomically and Functionally Identical!

Bottom line is most if not all sicknesses and diseases are the consequence of personal choices that leads to the over-acidification of the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium organ (the largest organ of the body). The interstitial fluids surround every cell that makes up every gland, organ and tissue of the human and animal body. The interstitial fluids are the dumping ground for acidic metabolic, dietary and respiratory waste of the intracellular and intravascular fluids.

It is the primary purpose of the Interstitium organ to remove these acidic wastes out through the lymphatic system. If this does not happen on a daily basis toxins can build up causing decompensated acidosis of the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium and lead to the genesis of all sickness and disease.

Although the bacteriophages or filterable bacteria (renamed in the 60's as the virus), bacteria, yeast and mold from the outside World can only contribute to a state of imbalance within the body fluids but can NEVER cause any specific disease.

Antoine BéChamp taught that disease is born from inside the body fluids and then inside the body cells.

For BeChamp, you do not fight illness, you create a healthy alkaline internal fluid environment in which disease symptoms cannot develop by the breakdown of healthy blood and body cells into bacteria, yeast and mold and their associated chemical acidic waste.

The biological changes that take place in cells living in an environment with a declining pH is called decompensation acidosis of the intravascular, interstitial and intracellular fluids. This biological transformation or change of one cell to another is know as biological transformation or pleomorphism and can be validated through PCR testing of the DNA when isolated and purified following KOCH or RIVERS postulates.

Unfortunately, medicine became a big business and Antoine BéChamp’s theory was conveniently ignored and forgotten.

In fact, pharmaceutical companies all over the world give thanks to Pasteur every single day, especially NOW with all the fake retroviruses which have never been isolated or shown their existence using the scientific methods of FARR's law, KOCH's or Rivers principals.

The Corona Effect or COVID-19

The 'Corona Effect' is created when the internal fluid environment is not in an alkaline state or pH of 7.365 in the vascular fluids and 8.4 pH in the interstitial fluids and the cell membrane begins to degenerate giving birth to vesicles and other appendages that can break loose from the cell becoming the bacteriophages or bacteria or the vesicles or spiked protein that current medical science refers to as an infection. This ideology is inaccurate for all bacteriophages, exosomes, bacteria, yeast and mold which are born out of unhealthy or damaged body or blood cells and are the symptoms of decompensated acidosis of the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium that surrounds every cell, organ, gland and tissue of the human and animal body.

"Germs including retroviruses are NOT the cause of any disease but the symptom of a diseased internal environment from biochemical acidic poisoning and radioactive poisoning." Dr. Robert O. Young

This is NOT the work of a non-existent so-called germ or virus but the work of systemic radiation poisoning from over 100,000 plus satellites and billions of cells stationed in trees, on a lamp post, or a cell tower sending corona energy which is highly radioactive directly to your cell phone or to your computer or to your home or to an entire city - and if YOU have been vaccinated with the CoVid - 19 BioWeapon directly to YOU! 5G and 6G technology makes nuclear weapons totally obsolete!

Welcome to a new era of another very deadly contributor to the cause of sickness, dis-ease and a suffocating death.

Check out the interview of Robert O. Young below:

Several years ago (1999), I traveled to the University of Paris School of Medicine, Paris, France to uncover the work of Antoine BeChamp and Louis Pasteur. It was nothing short of a miracle when I was allowed to go into the University of Paris medical library and find in the archives 27 published works of Antoine BeChamp. At my request, they brought me two books that I found earth shattering and confirming my own pleomorphic research of 40 years of looking under an optical compound microscope using bright field, phase contrast and darkfield objectives and condensers.

The first leather bound book was called, "The Blood, The Third Anatomical Element" and the the second leather bound book was called, "Les Microzymans".

Both of these books confirmed my own research of pleomorphism dating back to 1994 when I witnessed the birth of an anthrax-like bacteria being born out of the cell membrane of a red blood cell.

This is why I refer to infections as outfections or transfections if inoculated because all filterable bacteria (so-called viruses), all bacteria, all yeast, all mold, all bacteriophages, endotoxins and all exosomes, etc. are born out of the anatomical elements that make up all genetic matter and ALL body cells.

Antoine BeChamp called these anatomical elements the microzyma or intelligent being of living indestructible matter that can organize or disorganize the cell membranes and cell genetics based upon the environment in which they are found.

I was holding in my hands the original published works of the 19th century genius, Antoine BeChamp. When I turned to the back of his book, "Les Microzymas" I saw his own hand drawn pictures of bacteria, in various stages of pleomorphism, being born out of the cell membranes confirming my work of several years earlier (1994).

I began to cry like a baby realizing that God had granted Antoine BeChamp and even myself to witness and have our fingers on the magic of life and observe the origins of ALL creation!

Dr. Young in 1999 Went to the University of Paris School of Medicine Library to Find Validation for His Research

When I returned I brought back to the USA the mircofiche for translation of Antoine BeChamp's research so the World would finally know that germs do NOT and cannot cause disease. The so-called germs from filterable bacteria, to bacteriophages, to bacteria, yeast and mold were only the symptoms of cellular breakdown and NOT the cause of ANY SPECIFIC disease.

In 2015, I finally found a scientific journal who would publish my research of what I had discovered and leaned in 1994 and 1999 when Gods' grace shined upon me and opened my mind and my heart to the origin of all HIS earthly physical creations. Just like Antoine BeChamp, I was granted by the Creator the experience to see with my own eyes my finger on the magic of life!

Who is Robert O. Young CPC, DSc, PhD and Naturopathic Practitioner (to view CV & Recent Publicatons click here)

The following is a portion of my work that was published 22 years later as a declaration for those who have eyes to see and hears to hear the mysteries of the Creator!

Please read, learn and share this article with everyone who you love and care about so they can be at peace within and know there is "nothing to fear but fear itself." Franklin D. Roosevelt 1933

Citation: Young RO (2016) Who Had Their Finger on the Magic of Life - Antoine Bechamp or Louis Pasteur?. Int J Vaccines Vaccin 2(5): 00047. DOI: 10.15406/ijvv.2016.02.00047

Citation: Young RO (2016) Second Thoughts about Viruses, Vaccines, and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis - Part 1. Int J Vaccines Vaccin 2(3): 00032. DOI: 10.15406/ijvv.2016.02.00032

Dr. Robert Young has devoted his career to discovering the ‘missing pieces” within the larger picture of health. With a specialty in cellular nutrition, biochemistry, and microbiology, his entire career has been focused on health at the cellular level, researching the true causes of "disease” and cellular repair. Dr. Young is the author of more than 100 peer-reviewed articles published in several noted journals, including The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. He is the author and co-author of many books, including the pH Miracle for Cancer and most recently The Cancer Solution, published in 2018. The pH Miracle series of books has sold over 10 million copies, has been translated into 29 languages and has gained a widespread following in more than 159 countries. You will want to listen to this interview several times - and share with everyone you know. Dr. Young explains: > how to remove graphene oxide from your body > how to protect yourself from radiation/EMF frequencies > how to heal from almost every symptom you have....for pennies a day > why the most important part of your immune system is NOT your white blood cells >... and so much more in this hour presentation PACKED with important information -


Blog: www.drrobertyoung/.blog

A few articles: Alkalizing Nutritional Therapy in the Prevention and Treatment of Any Cancerous Condition - The International Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Who Had Their Finger on the Magic of Life? The International Journal of Vaccines and Vaccinations

Please help Dr. Robert O. Young who is under attack from 'Bad Actors' and 'Luciferians' - Please help him defend against the mainstream entities attempting to put his work to an end.

Extraordinary and riveting account of healing from terminal lung cancer and recovering from COVID symptoms on the pH Miracle Lifestyle healing program of alkaline diet, exercise, and healing foods from Dr. Robert Young, who describes the healing power of the right foods and actions to maintain the right pH balance in the interstitial fluids of the body, and encourages all to learn more about how disease is not transmitted by germs—as Virology would have it—but cultured in acidic environments, and how switching our diets and lifestyles from acidity to alkalinity can transform our lives.

16,526 views9 comments


John Hanek
John Hanek
Apr 11, 2022

Well done Doctor Robert! I could not agree more, even though I'm not a Doc, just an aging retired guy who basically spends the whole day reading! The germ/infection/virus/vax scam is the biggest hoax in the history of the world.


Mar 05, 2022

Dr. Young in your lists of Highly Acidic Foods you forgot to include the #1 Most Highly Acidic Food and that is SUGAR! It is actually the basis food for all illness and sickness. Thank you for all of your work you have changed my life in unbelievable ways and at 72 (with ph at 8.0) I feel like a young man again. Just take a tablespoon of Baking Soda (make sure you buy aluminium-free baking soda from a bulk food store) in 4 oz. of water everyday and watch the pains and sickness drain away from your body. Say good-bye to pimples and skin rashes, gastro-reflux, cancer, an unhealthy immune system and practically every other known sickness or disease.…

Mar 08, 2022
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Definitely not Baking Powder. And even when you buy the Baking Soda you have to make sure you buy aluminum-free baking soda for all the obvious reasons. Usually you can buy it from a Bulk Barn or Bulk Bin type retail outlet. But the first thing you have to do is buy some ph testing strips and measure your ph level. This is very important because if your ph level is 6.7 or less you could be in mortal danger because if your level gets that low then your brain will not be able to send messages to your body (ie: your heart could STOP pumping blood--you know a heart attack). So if you are at a very low level…


Mar 05, 2022

I had the GREAT opportunity to meet Dr Robert Young while producing a video for him about 2004 in Santa Monica CA. I was experiencing arthritis in my hands.. lots of pain. By coincidence, I had just discovered alkalized water and was quite interested in what he would say. It was enough to order a product from his store called pHour salts. Miraculously, within a month, the arthritis and pain faded away.. never to return. This is just a note to say THANK YOU Dr Young for your unbelievable persistence to show the truth about dis-ease and ways to greatly improve health. Hope to someday meet you again!


Feb 05, 2022

Patented Bacteria are in many patents being used for vaccines targeting our DNA and microbiome; the mRNA in vaccines is from Patented Bacteria. Virology (Cult) is just a red herring because the genetic material they inserting (and testing for) is all from bacteria.


Feb 03, 2022

I appreciate your work, however, I have a comment and a question.

When I first became aware of PCR about 30 years ago, it was made clear to me that it was not a "test", rather a method of reproducing cell fragments/molecules. Mullis himself was opposed to calling it a test, adding that it was an attempt to make what it did meaningful, given it could "find" almost anything in anybody. That is why he opposed using it for diagnostic purposes. It's small point, but your reference to it as a "test" would seem to be contrary to his statements.

You refer to an "optical compound microscope using bright field, phase contrast and darkfield objectives and condensers". How does this…

Robert O Young DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner
Robert O Young DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner
Feb 03, 2022
Replying to

The PCR test would only be helpful if and only if the so-called germ had been properly isolated and purified under the scientific method of Koch and Rivers.

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