World Economic Forum (WEF) Document Confirms 6 Billion Humans Will Die in 2025
Klaus Schwab – German economist, founder of World Economic Forum (WEF)

So much new information almost everyday is being published from studies revealing the contents of the COVID-19 mRNA injections that are severely, permanently disabling those injected and increasingly taking the lifes of men, women, and children.

An experimental, weaponized injection of deadly poisonous substances, metals, pathogens as in 3 HIV synthetic manmade proteins causing autoimmune dis-ease and destroying the injecteds natural immune system after the 4th shot. Also injected with the Sars-Cov-2 synthetic manmade protein.
Also in the shots, the cancerous causing SV-40 synthetic manmade protein pathogens. Also in the injections, encapsulated in an envelope are the Marburg poisons, the Eboli poisons, and even possibly the Monkey Pox chemical poisons. All three that can be activated by 3 one-minute 2.4 gHz pulses of the 5G frequencies. The injection of aborted fetus DNA corrupting and altering the alkaline design of the body fluids leading to cellular degeneration, patholocial coagulation and then death.
Programable instructions mRNA (messenger RNA) also injected to drive the poions of graphene oxide, cesium-137 isotope incapsolated in hydrogel to the reproductive organs for sterilization, heart and brain for total control of the transfected human.

Energy released by radioactive isotopes can result in considerable damage to living cells. Both Cesium 134 and Cesium 137 emit beta particles and gamma rays, which may ionize molecules within cells penetrated by these emissions and result in tissue damage and disruption of cellular function.
Self-replicating and self-assembling nano technology that has constructed, as Moderna’s website said from their website, the “software of life”, “a plug-and-play system just like in a computer” making humans NOW transhuman.
So everyone has been injected or transfected via aresol with, as found in Pfizer’s 470,000 documets the FDA was unsuccessfuly able to seal for 75 years, called it a “bioweapon”. This injection and transfection is an electro-magnetin altering modification of one’s body with graphene oxide activated by pulsating 4 and 5G radiation at 2.4gHz or higher.
This has resulted in eneryone injected and/or transfected are now wifi(ed) and have their own personal built in MAC address connecting their “body of network” to SKYNET by “Bluetooth” technology by way of their 5G smart phone.

5G is microwave radiation constantly entering the body which will also disrupt the natural frequencies of the body leading to drained bodily energy by 40% and can memic various illnesses, and also can make one subseptable to developing a cancerous conditon caused by chemical and radiation poisoning. Even those who have had the injections and died, their “Bluetooth” signals are still being picked up from their graves. So you will not need a chip for tracking and tracing. Those injected already have that technology built in.
So you can only come to the conclusion, with all the information from whistleblowers working inside the manufactures and even in the WHO, their documents, pictures, audios and videos of the vials and blood and what damage they are doing to ones body, this is the global members nations of the United Nations/World Health Organization targetting the citizens of their countries for
extermination. DEMOCIDE by injections. It does not matter if one has had 1 or more of the COVID-19, Flu or Monkey Pox bioweapon injections. If not from death by the substances in the injections, they have a built in kill switch that can be turned off or on with the 5G frequencies.

Then we have the neurotoxic and carcinogenic radiation they have exposed humanity to with 5G, WiFi and Bluetooth; the massive production of plastics that is wreaking havoc on ocean life; the highly toxic chemicals they are putting in all household and cosmetic products… and so on, and so on, and so on. The horrors inflicted onto humanity by these super-rich industrialists, who stop at nothing to make even more money, are indescribable.
Countless books, studies, reports, and videos have been made, documenting these horrendous crimes against humanity that are being committed all day long, everywhere on Earth.
So take your time and review all the scientific articles at – and videos at – so you are educated as to what 70% of humanity that took the injections and the other 30% who have be transfected by poisoned water, food and air are facing.
We all need to know this information in order to prevent sudden death by managing and maintaining the alkaline design of the body is or if not you will need to make preparations for sudden death, and if you have a family, make a will that might benefit unlikely family survivors.
The United Nations demonic controlled agenda is, as in all my articles, expressing the high risk of the extermination of over 6-billion people on the planet NOW and through the next year, 2025.
No human has the ability to stop this, not what is coming, but what is already here and been in the planning stages for decades by the United Nations and its member nations.
Only Divine intervention can and will intervene from their acts of “DEMOCIDE”. These are the real global terrorist organizations that are censoring the truth and labeling this “misinformation” or “conspiracy theory” so it will not interfear with their nefarious lucferian agendas.
May God bless you and protect you and your loved ones from this terrible evil that has come upon us ALL!