Young pHorever – Boabe de soia

Young pHorever – Boabe de soia, 220 g ( Germeni de soia deshidratați, măcinați.; Produsul nostru “Young pHorever – Soy Sprouts” care conține doar germeni de soia se obține din boabe de soia germinate. De ce se germină boabele de soia? – ne întreabă mulți. Răspunsul este foarte simplu. În timpul germinației apa activează enzimele […]
Young pHorever – Săruri pHour Salts

Young pHorever – Săruri pHour Salts, 90 capsule( Este un supliment alimentar care conține potasiu;.; Young pHorever pHour Salts este combinația a patru săruri carbonate și acum este disponibil și sub formă de capsule! Astfel puteți administra mai ușor acest mix special de săruri. În cazul în care confortul și rapiditatea sunt aspecte importante pentru […]
Conference on Pancreatic Cancer & Liver Diseases

Robert Young CPT, MSc, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner speaks with research scientist Dr Sargeeta Choudhury on the importance of high doses of Vitamin D in the prevention and treatment of pancreatic cancer.
The Innerlight Blue Light Alkaline Reduced Hydrogen Water Bottle

Would YOU Like To Own an Electrical Water Ionizer with a Reduced Hydrogen Generator at an Affordable Price? The Best NEWS is it Fits in YOUR Hand! The Innerlight Blue Light Alkaline Reduced Hydrogen Water Bottle provides all the benefits of an alkaline water machine and a hydrogen generator machine. In other words the […]
Dr. Ben Johnson DO Shares is pH Miracle

Dr. Ben Johnson DO shares his thoughts on the work, research and findings of Robert O Young CPT, MSc, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner.,
Young pHorever – PuripHy, Doc Broc’s Power Plants pentru COPII

Young pHorever – PuripHy, 60 ml( Young pHorever PuripHy este o combinație de bicarbonat de sodiu, carbonat de potasiu și hidroxid de potasiu sub formă lichidă. Lichidul conține aceste săruri în formă concentrată, astfel câteva picături pe zi sunt suficiente. Sărurile se dizolvă în apă alcalină.; Young pHorever PuripHy este o combinație de bicarbonat de […]
TRAINING: Certified pH Miracle Coach

Here is your golden opportunity to become a Certified pH Miracle Coach! This program is a 3 day course with powerpoint presentations and video conferencing available. Robert O. Young CPT, MSc, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner will be teaching a segment of this course live. Once you have completed this course there will be follow up […]
The InnerLight Blue Eye Mask Therapy

The World’s 1st Multi-Light Eye, Forehead and Neck Therapy Mask with LED Lights, Massage, Sound, Infrared Heat and Acupressure Therapy Providing extraordinary solutions for the tender care and well-being of your eyes. The Innerlight Blue Light Eye Therapy Mask is the World’s 1st eye, forehead and neck massager with multi-light, sound, infrared and acupressure therapy. […]

Here is your golden opportunity to become a Certified pH Miracle Coach! This program is a 3 day course with powerpoint presentations and video conferencing available. Robert O. Young CPT, MSc, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner will be teaching a segment of this course live. Once you have completed this course there will be follow up […]
The Many Healthy Restorative Benefits of Innerlight Blue Light

What is Innerlight Blue Light? Innerlight Blue offers several photon biodynamic therapy products for maintaining or restoring health to the anatomy, physiology and/or functionality of the body. For example, check out how the use of our blue light can eradicate a strep bacteria called MRSA that is chemical or antibiotic resistant. Another example would be […]
InnerlightBlue Pico Mult-Laser Light

The Innerlight Blue Pico Multi Laser Light uses ultra-short pulses (one trillionth of a second in length) directed at the melanin that shatters the stained, blemished or damaged melanin into tiny dust-like particles. Because the particles are so small,they are easily absorbed and eliminated by the white blood cells via the lymphatic system. This means […]
Bacterial rod to target cell to RBC

The Work, Research, Discoveries and Findings of Robert O Young CPT, MSc, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner Germs do not cause disease. Germs are the biological transformations or evolutions of a polluted acidic environment. Germs are the manifestation of cellular breakdown as a symptom of a toxic or an acidic environment. Watch this video and see […]