White Blood Cell and Candida

The Work, Research, Discoveries and Findings of Robert O Young CPT, MSc, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner Watch this video of a neutrophil or a white blood cell pick up a Y-form yeast, like candida albicans and then spit it out. All of this has been digitally videoed from a compound microscope using phase contrast microscopy. […]
Dr Young Ionizer Top Choice: Chanson Water Ionizers

Know more about why Dr Young Ionizer is recommended against other alkaline water methods http://www.energiseforlife.com/wordpress/2010/08/25/the-ultimate-comparison-of-alkaline-water-methods/ Dr Young has tried Jupiter and Life Ionizers and has decided that Chanson is the best water ionizing machine to work with. His own pH Miracle Ionizer is a Chanson Miracle.
Biological Transformation in Dark Field Microscopy

Using dark field microscopy you can view the biological transformation or pleomorphism in one drop of blood.
Ronit Katz shares her testimony on Cancer
Dr. Ronit Katz, MD Prevention and Environmental Medicine at Stanford University
Innerlight Blue Photon Dynamic Face and Neck Mask

The Innerlight Blue Multi-Photon Laser Facial and Neck mask has shown to be effective in the treatment of several aspects of skin aging. Multiple studies have demonstrated Improvement of fine wrinkles, mottled hyperpigmentation, tactile roughness and shallowness. These research results are supported by both collagen production and increased cellular proliferation. Just click here to order: […]

SUPLEMENTOS ALCALINOS Los complementos alcalinos son una buena opción para mantener un estilo de vida alcalino. Estos productos alcalinos de alkaline care (young phorever) potencian nuestro estado de salud y nos aportan la energía y vitalidad que necesita nuestro organismo ayudándonos a prevenir posibles enfermedades dado que fortalece nuestro sistema inmunológico. Con los complementos alcalinos […]
pH Miracle – Dr. Robert Young
Dr. Robert Young from pH Miracle Living It doesnt take a super hereo to end hunger. Just dedication to helping our communities, by putting our money where our heart is. And with your help we will Bring Karma to Life!
Doc Broc’s Power Plants

Learn more here: http://phmiracleliving.com/p-378-doc-brocs-power-plants.aspx
A Morning Routine Idea

Andrea shares some ideas and tips on how to use the morning to maximize cleansing and supporting your body in creating a healthy alkalinity.

https://www.alkalinecare.com/en/start/24-puriphy-alkaline-care.html Enjoy the benefits of alkaline water wherever you are with just a few drops of PuripHy without altering its taste. You can also alkalize other beverages such as coffee and tea. – It helps improve the hydration power of water. – Its antioxidant properties contribute to the neutralization of free radicals in the body. […]