The Innerlight Blue Light Alkaline Reduced Hydrogen Water Bottle

Would YOU Like To Own an Electrical Water Ionizer with a Reduced Hydrogen Generator at an Affordable Price? The Best NEWS is it Fits in YOUR Hand! The Innerlight Blue Light Alkaline Reduced Hydrogen Water Bottle provides all the benefits of an alkaline water machine and a hydrogen generator machine. In other words the […]
Blue Light Photodynamic Therapy Treats Pre-Cancerous Actinic Keratoses

Dr. Timothy Jochen, Board Certified Dermatologist with Contour Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery Center in Rancho Mirage, La Quinta and Palm Springs, California, discusses how Blue Light Photodynamic Therapy treats pre-cancerous actinic keratoses as well as acne. Treatment of actinic keratoses (AK) patients also involves the addition of Levulan – a light-sensitizing agent. Blue Light therapy […]
The Innerlight Blue Light Alkaline Reduced Hydrogen Water Bottle

Would YOU Like To Own an Electrical Water Ionizer with a Reduced Hydrogen Generator at an Affordable Price? The Best NEWS is it Fits in YOUR Hand! The Innerlight Blue Light Alkaline Reduced Hydrogen Water Bottle provides all the benefits of an alkaline water machine and a hydrogen generator machine. In other words the Innerlight […]
The Many Healthy Restorative Benefits of Innerlight Blue Light

What is Innerlight Blue Light? Innerlight Blue offers several photon biodynamic therapy products for maintaining or restoring health to the anatomy, physiology and/or functionality of the body. For example, check out how the use of our blue light can eradicate a strep bacteria called MRSA that is chemical or antibiotic resistant. Another example would be […]
InnerlightBlue Pico Mult-Laser Light

The Innerlight Blue Pico Multi Laser Light uses ultra-short pulses (one trillionth of a second in length) directed at the melanin that shatters the stained, blemished or damaged melanin into tiny dust-like particles. Because the particles are so small,they are easily absorbed and eliminated by the white blood cells via the lymphatic system. This means […]
Linda Cifuentes Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Testimonial

16 year old Linda, from Colombia, was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. As her life began to spiral into greater bouts of anguish she discovered the pH Miracle. Less than a year later she is healthy and vibrant from living an alkaline lifestyle thanks to Dr. Robert and Shelley Young
John’s Wegener’s Granulomatosis pH Miracle Testimonial

On the pH Miracle Program John found relief from his struggle with Wegener’s Granulomatosis and lost over 20 pounds in 10 days.
Dr. Robert Young on Dealing with our Health Crisis – Let’s Talk America
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