Paul Ryan pH Miracle Testimonial

After years of “health conscious” living, Paul felt he found new enlightenment when he discovered the pH Miracle, and took his health to a whole new level.
Ida’s pH Miracle Lupus Testimonial

Ida, a girl from Amsterdam, shares her story reversing Lupus with the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet.
Dr. Iveta Cizová shares her pH Miracle Experience in English

Dr. Iveta Cizová shares her experience with microscopy, the pH Miracle Center and the pH Miracle protocol in English.
Robert Young Interview
Robert O. Young intervista Massimiliano Diaco riguardo all'esperienza di guarigione avvenuta attraverso il Miracolo del PH alcalino #ph #cancro #cancer…
Dr Young FlyMeToTheMoon

Dear Valentine, LOVE! is the theory of everything. It is literally what makes the Moon rotate around the World and the World rotate around the Sun. Love is the unseen force and source of ALL Power in the Universe! It is YOUR love that makes me want to fly to the moon and play amongst […]
Dr Marco Gargari pH Miracle Thyroid Cancer Testimonial (Italian & English)

Dr Stephano with Dr Marco Gargari of Rome, Italy who shares his pH Miracle story of reversing Thyroid Cancer.
Dr. Ben Johnson DO Shares is pH Miracle

Dr. Ben Johnson DO shares his thoughts on the work, research and findings of Robert O Young CPT, MSc, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner.,
live blood cell analysis dr. Robert Young

A short description of live blood cell analysis under a microscope by Dr. Robert Young
Dr. Ben Johnson and Dr. Robert Young talk about Full Scan Designed by Dr. Galina ————————————————————————————– Dr. Ben Johnson and Dr. Robert Young explain a benefit of the Non-Invasive, Non-Radioactive, Painless, Full Body Scan Designed by Dr. Galina Migalko which offers comprehensive information, holistic alternative and complementary approach to overall health. Our holistic view to full-body health uses these alternative and innovative imaging and analysis technologies to complement conventional […]