
Milan and Cecilia pH Miracle for Cancer Testimonial

Milan, with chronic pain and arthritis, and his wife Cecilia, with ovarian cancer share their testimonies of the pH Miracle Protocol for Cancer and their 5 day experience at the pH Miracle Center.

Jennifer pH Miracle Reversing Lymphocyctic Colitis Testimonial

After suffering and fighting colitis for years, Jennifer found relief in a matter of days during her stay at the pH Miracle Center.

Janet’s Weight Loss pH Miracle Testimonial

Janet weighed over 300 pounds before she started drinking the pH Miracle Green Drink and living the pH Miracle protocol.

Krista’s pH Miracle Joint-Pin Relief Testimonial

Paul Coleman pH Miracle Testimonial

Ida pH Miracle Lupus Testimonial

The Happy Burger Test Part 4 with Dr. Robert O. Young and The pH Miracle Living Center

Will it digest?

Johnny Reeves’ pH Miracle Body Builder Testimonial

The Happy Burger Test Part 5 with Dr. Robert O. Young and The pH Miracle Center

Will it digest?

pH Miracle: Will it Light? Salt and Sugar

The pH Miracle Protocol For Athletes

Interview with Dr. robert O. Young on the benefits of The pH Miracle Protocol for Athletes of all ages and all sports.

pH Miracle: Chancellor Type I Diabetes