Have We Lost Our Medical Freedom To Big Government and Big Business?

Martin Luther King was a true American and a freedom fighter. Today we are fighting for health freedom and the right to choose your own doctor or to choose your own health plan whether traditional or conventional. Remember it is your body, your life and should be your choice. NOW you can choose your own […]
The Qualities of a Good Drinking Water!

The WaterMark is an affordable filtration and ionizer that creates purified, electron-rich functionally structured alkaline water. Watch, like and share the following video: http://youtu.be/8Dmce9l6FxM?list=UUsbpi7mIU9j52L2PfYkPJdg
The Best of Both Worlds – Integrated Medicine

Dr. Robert O. Young, a naturopathic doctor and scientist introduces Dr. Ben Johnson, a medical doctor, osteopathic doctor and naturopathic doctor and the best of traditional and conventional medicine united.
Victoria’s Weight Loss, Anxiety, and Depression pH Miracle Testimonial

Victoria saw dramatic health improvements as she followed the pH Miracle program.