“Viruses Don’t Exist” Explained, Nanotech Inside People is a Bio-Weapon
Updated: Nov 17, 2022
Dr. Robert Young is widely recognized as one of the top research and clinical scientists in the World. Throughout his career, his research has been focused at the cellular level.

He joins us to explain that viruses as we know them do not exist, and delve further into how nanotechnology inside humans is being weaponized against us, and will eventually lead to our destruction.


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Want to Learn More?

Special guest Dr. Robert Young makes his first appearance on the show to speak with Liberty Man about his microscopy and spectroscopy findings in the gene juice injections.

Dr. Young and Liberty Man talk about FDA corruption and share perspectives on the nanotechnology aspects of the shots, including topics such as RNA interference, toxicity, shedding, blood clots, and electromagnetic frequencies, and how all of this plays into the larger agenda of a digital ID social-credit prison system.
Related Video Lectures, Interviews & Peer-reviewed Scientific Papers

Extraordinary and riveting account of healing from terminal lung cancer and recovering from COVID symptoms on the pH Miracle Lifestyle healing program of alkaline diet, exercise, and healing foods from Dr. Robert Young, who describes the healing power of the right foods and actions to maintain the right pH balance in the interstitial fluids of the body, and encourages all to learn more about how disease is not transmitted by germs—as Virology would have it—but cultured in acidic environments, and how switching our diets and lifestyles from acidic to alkaline can transform our lives.

Peer-reviewed and Published June 20th, 2016 in the Journal of Vaccines and Vaccinations
[1] Young RO (2016) Second Thoughts about Viruses, Vaccines, and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis – Part 1. Int J Vaccines Vaccin 2(3): 00032. DOI: 10.15406/ijvv.2016.02.00032

[2] Young RO (2016) Second Thoughts Concerning Viruses, Vaccines and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis – Part 2. Int J Vaccines Vaccin 2(3): 00034. DOI: 10.15406/ijvv.2016.02.00034

[3] Young RO (2016) Second Thoughts Concerning Viruses, Vaccines and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis – Part 3 HIV/AIDS and the Monomorphic Disease Model. Int J Vaccines Vaccin 2(3): 00035. DOI: 10.15406/ijvv.2016.02.00035

Published in the Early 90’s One Sickness, One Disease, One Treatment
One Sickness, One Disease, One Treatment First Edition Published in1996 – OUT of PRINT

“There is only one treatment, restore the alkaline design of the body fluids with an alkaline lifestyle and diet.” Dr. Robert O. Young – 1996

Robert O. Young MSc, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner – www.drrobertyoung.com