Updated: May 3, 2023
Black cumin seed oil inhibits cancerous cell activity and can even biologically transforms many types of cancerous cells.

Scientific research, including my own research has shown that black seed oil (Nigella sativa) is an effective treatment for reversing any cancerous condition in animal and human studies, and can be as effective as anti-cancer drugs for some types of cancer. Black cumin seed oil and its extract thymoquinone have powerful benefits for various inflammatory diseases including liver cancer, melanoma skin cancer, pancreatic cancer, cervical cancer, breast cancer, bone cancer, stomach cancer, lymphoma, prostate cancer, colon cancer, and brain cancer. [1]
Despite several decades of very positive research on using black seed oil against cancer, researchers have rarely advanced their work into human clinical testing, even though the benefits are strong and the riss of negative side effects are extremely small. [2[3][4]

As you will learn from the research findings that I will discuss, the use of black seed oil for cancer prevention and treatment has proven to be a powerful strategy for many forms of cancer. Yet black cumin seed oil still has not been recognized as beneficial by mainstream medicine. I will examine some of the political pressures that might be holding back clinical research with human cancer patients, and will consider why drug companies may wish to suppress the use of black seed oil.
Black Seeds Have Been Used to Treat Cancer for Thousands of Years
In two separate 2011 studies, Chinese researchers [5] and Saudi Arabian researchers [6] reviewed the scientific literature for the use of black seed oil (also called black cumin seed or Nigella sativa), with cancer. They reconfirmed the anti-cancer property of this safe and natural seed oil. They noted that black seed oil has been used as a traditional medicine for centuries. The oil and the extracted component called thymoquinone are both effective against many diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular complications, diabetes, asthma, kidney disease, etc. It is a safe and effective agent against cancer in the blood system, brain, lungs, kidneys, liver, pancreas, prostate, breast, cervix, and skin.
These researchers noted that the molecular mechanisms behind its anti-cancer role are still not clearly understood. However, some studies showed that thymoquinone plays an antioxidant role and improves the body’s defense system. Black seed oil induces apoptosis, which means that it helps the body to systematically eliminate old cells, unneeded cells, and unhealthy cells (such as cancer cells) without releasing toxins into the body. It also controls the Akt pathway, which means it controls the process that manages cell survival for both normal and cancer cells. Although the anti-cancer activity of Nigella sativa was recognized thousands of years ago, it was not until the past two or three decades that modern scientific research has been undertaken to study this important traditional medicine.
Black Seeds and Honey Work Together – Folk Medicine is Correct
Egyptian researchers studied the protective effect of bee honey and Nigella grains on the oxidative stress and the cancer that was created by exposing rats to a strong carcinogen. After the four groups of rats were exposed to the carcinogen, some groups were fed black seeds or honey, and one group was fed both black seeds and honey. The rats were evaluated after 6 months. The rats that ate black seeds received an 80% protection against oxidative stress and cancer formation. Whereas the rats that ate a daily dose of both honey and black seeds were protected 100% against oxidative stress, inflammatory responses, and cancer formation. [7]
Black Seed Oil is An Important Aid to Reduce the Negative Effects of Chemical and Radiation Poisoning
Humans are increasingly exposed to ionizing radiations through disease diagnostic modalities, cancer treatments, nuclear power production, weapon testing, nuclear industry research, chemical and nuclear warfare, pulsating 4 and 5G microwave radiation from cell towers, electric cars, smart meters, WiFi and more.[8]
The growing need for long-term radioprotective remedies had been realized once the harmful effects of radiation were witnessed in Japan after World War II.
The realization was reinforced when the aftereffects of radiotherapy for cancer and tumor treatment became apparent.
Now, given the tumultuous global political situation and the rising possibility of the possession of destructive chemical and nuclear bombs, directed energy weapons, mega-watt cell towers, WiFi, radio wave, microwave and gamma wave protection has been reemphasized more than ever before.[9][10][11][12]
Today, Nigella sativa is one of the numerous pharmacological agents used for its radio, microwave and gamma wave protective properties against nuclear radiation, 3, 4 and 5G microwave radiation and chemical weapons damage from vinylidene dichloride that was burned into phosgene just outside of East Palestine, a known banned chemical warfare weapon used in World War 1.[13]
Based on the existing evidence and research, it can be safely concluded that the addition of Nigella sativa in the list of radio, microwave and chemo-protective pharmacological agents is completely justified. It really is the remedy for every medicinal malady, even the gruesome damage caused by microwave and nuclear radiation and chemical weapons.
In a 2014 study, Turkish researchers reported how black seed oil could potentially be helpful to people receiving radiation treatment for cancer. They indicated that many cancer patients treated with radiation therapy suffer severe side effects during and after their treatment. This study investigated the effects of irradiation and the addition of black seed oil on the oxidant/antioxidant system in the liver tissue of irradiated rats. They exposed some of the rats to a single dose of gamma radiation. One group of rats received one gram of black seed oil per kilogram of body weight one hour before the radiation and received a daily dose afterward for 10 days. Another group received the radiation treatment and was given a saline solution instead of black seed oil. The control group was not irradiated. The analysis of the data shows that black seed oil reduces oxidative stress markers and has antioxidant effects, which also augments the antioxidant capacity in the liver tissue of rats. Thus, the use of black seed oil before radiation treatment, and for 10 days afterward, protected the rats from some of the harmful effects of radiation. [14]
In a 2012 study in India, scientists investigated the effect of using an extract of black seeds on mice exposed to gamma radiation. A group of normal mice and a group of tumor bearing mice were tested. This experiment was done to mimic the human clinical setting where normal tissues of cancer patients are exposed to the harmful effects of radiation therapy. The mice were given black seed extract before being exposed to the gamma radiation. They were given 100 mg of black seed extract per 1 kg of body weight. The results showed that the extract of black seed protected the liver, spleen, brain and intestines from gamma radiation damage for both the normal mice and the mice with tumors. Researchers concluded that the liquid extract of black seeds has protective effects against radiation-induced damage and biochemical alterations. They attributed this protective effect to the ability of the extract to scavenge free radicals and to its antioxidant properties. Thus, the liquid extracted from black seeds could be used with human cancer patients who receive radiation to protect against oxidative stress in normal tissues, and to mitigate other unwanted side effects of radiation. This could improve the quality of life for cancer patients. [15]
Black Seeds Interfere with Uncontrolled Cell Growth and Biologically Transforms Cancerous Liver Cells
In 2013, researchers in India investigated the use of thymoquinone, which is a compound derived from black seeds. Two groups of rats with liver cancer were studied. One group was given water to drink that contained 0.01% thymoquinone, and the other group was given plain water. After 16 weeks, the liver cancer nodules, liver injury markers and tumor markers were measured in both groups. The rats that did not receive the thymoquinone had substantial increases in liver tumor size. However, the rats that received 20 mg of thymoquinone per kilogram for body weight had greatly reduced liver injury markers and decreased tumor markers. The group treated with thymoquinone from black seed oil did not develop liver cancer nodules, and the amount of new tumor formation was much less than the untreated group of rats. They concluded that thymoquinone had a beneficial role in the treatment of liver cancer, because of its potent ability to prevent cancer cells from proliferating. [16]
A 2012 study from Egypt evaluated anti-tumor effects of bee honey and black seed oil on human liver cancer cells in laboratory experiments. They examined the antioxidant capacity of honey and black seed extract, and the ability of these substances to eliminate unhealthy cells such as cancer. They found that both honey and black seed extract were effective in reducing the viability of liver cancer cells. Honey and black seed extract also improved the antioxidant status of cells and induced cancer cell death by apoptosis. [17]
Black Seed Oil Biologically Transforms Lung Cancer Cells
Saudi Arabian researchers reported in 2014 that black seeds have been used in traditional medicine to treat many diseases. The antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial activities of black seed oil are well known. This study investigated the anti-cancer activity of black seed oil and black seed extract when used against human lung cancer cells in the laboratory. Scientists exposed lung cancer cells to black seed oil or to black seed extract for 24 hours. They used 0.01 mg/ml to 1 mg/ml of the oil or the extract in this experiment. After the exposure, the cancer cell viability was assessed.
The results showed that both the black seed oil and the black seed extract significantly reduce the population of living cancer cells and altered the cellular morphology. They found that the greater the concentration of the oil or the extract that was used to treat the cancer cells, the greater the level of cell death. Also, both the black seed oil and the black seed extract caused the cancer cells to lose their typical appearance and to appear smaller in size. Researchers concluded that their data revealed that black seed extract and black seed oil significantly reduce viability of human lung cancer cells. [18]

Black Seed Components Biologically Transforms Malignant Cancerous Brain Cells
Researchers from Ohio State University published a study in 2013 indicating that glioblastoma is the most aggressive and common type of malignant brain tumor in humans, with a median survival of 15 months. These researchers emphasized that there is a great need for additional therapies for the treatment of glioblastoma. Naturally occurring phytochemicals have received much scientific attention because many exhibit potent tumor killing action. Thymoquinone is one of the bioactive compounds of black seed oil. Thymoquinone has anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer actions. It has selective cytotoxic properties for human cells, which means that it kills human cancer cells while not being harmful to normal cells.
This specific study examined how thymoquinone selectively inhibits the ability of glioblastoma cancer cells of the brain and spinal cord from making clones of themselves. Thymoquinone, however, does not inhibit normal cell activity in the human brain and spinal cord. Another important ability of thymoquinone is the inhibition of autophagy genes in cancer cells. Autophagy in cancer cells enables continued growth of tumor cells by maintaining cellular energy production. If autophagy is inhibited, then cellular energy production for cancer cells will also be inhibited. This will result in a regression of tumor activity, and will extend the survival of organs affected by tumors. Thus, thymoquinone’s ability to inhibit cancer cells from making clones of themselves and its ability to inhibit cancer cells from reusing cellular materials from other cells by means of autophagy, provide an exciting and emerging strategy for cancer therapy. [19]
Black Seeds Inhibit Breast Cancer
A 2013 study, conducted in Malaysia, addressed the anti-cancer efficiency of thymoquinone when it was used for long-term treatment of human breast cancer cell lines in the laboratory. Thymoquinone showed a sustained ability to inhibit breast cancer cell proliferation with long-term treatment. The length of inhibition was determined by the size of the thymoquinone dose. Larger doses produced greater inhibition. [20]
Black Seeds Biologically Transforms Leukemia Cells
Malaysian researchers noted in a 2013 study that there is a growing interest in the use of naturally occurring compounds from traditional medicine which have anti-cancer potential. Nigella sativa (black seed) is one of the most widely studied plants. This annual herb grows in countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea and India. Thymoquinone is one active ingredient isolated from Nigella sativa. The anti-cancer effect of thymoquinone, via the induction of apoptosis resulting from mitochondrial dysfunction, was assessed in an acute leukemia cell line. Researchers found that treatment of leukemia cells with thymoquinone encouraged apoptosis resulting in cell death. These results indicate that thymoquinone from black seeds could be a promising agent for the treatment of leukemia. [21]
Black Seed Oil Inhibits and Biologically Transforms Colon Cancer Cells Back to The Anatomical Beginning State
Researchers from the University of Mississippi Medical Center stated in their 2007 study that the chemotherapy drug 5-fluorouracil continues to be the chemotherapeutic gold-standard for the treatment of colon cancer. However, they noted that the side effects of 5-FU are numerous due to its ability to attack both healthy and cancerous cells. They responded to previous research findings showing that antioxidants have an ability to deter certain disease processes, especially cancer.
They studied epigallocatechin-3-gallate, the most abundant catechin found in green tea, and thymoquinone which is considered to be the most important anti-cancer component of black seeds. Black seeds are known for their powerful scavenger abilities. They are an inhibitor of oxidative stress, and have been utilized in the Middle East for centuries because of their capability to heal many different diseases.
The objective of this study was to investigate the role of sustained delivery of thymoquinone from black seeds, catechin from green tea, and the chemotherapy drug 5-FU on the metabolic activity and the structural changes in human colon cancer cells in laboratory cultures. Results of this study showed that green tea catechin and black seed thymoquinone produced significant cancer cell destruction and interfered with cellular metabolic functions, which was comparable to cells exposed to sustained drug delivery of the chemotherapy drug 5-FU. Morphologically, cellular changes occurred after exposure to green tea catechin and thymoquinone for 24 hours, which was comparable to the cellular changes seen in cells exposed to the chemotherapy drug 5-FU. Ultimately, the researchers concluded that the natural agents may offer a safe alternative treatment for colon cancer. [22]
8In an earlier study in 2004, Lebanese researchers identified the powerful role of black seed oil as a cancer preventative and cancer treatment agent. The researchers noted that black seed and black seed oil have been used in Asia, the Middle East and Africa to promote health and fight disease. “Thymoquinone, the most abundant constituent present in black seed, is a promising dietary agent for preventing cancer. We investigated the effects of thymoquinone against human colon cancer cells. We report that thymoquinone inhibits the growth of colon cancer cells. Our data support the potential for using thymoquinone for the treatment of colon cancer.” [23]
Black Seeds Useful for Helicobacter pylori Outfection
In 2010, Saudi Arabian researchers indicated that a large number of diseases are ascribed to Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), particularly chronic active gastritis, peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer. Successful treatment of H. pylori infection with antimicrobial agents can lead to regression of H. pylori-associated disorders. H. pylori resistance against antibiotics is increasing, and it is necessary to find new effective agents. Nigella sativa seed (black seeds), a commonly used herb, possesses anti-helicobacter activity.
The present study was undertaken to evaluate the efficacy of black seeds for the eradication of H. pylori infection in 88 human non-ulcer dyspeptic patients. Patients were randomly assigned to four groups. The groups received various combinations of clarithromycin and/or amoxicillin (antibiotics), omeprazole (anti gastric reflex drug), and black seed oil. Researchers found that black seeds possess clinically useful anti-H. pylori activity, comparable to the combined use of all three drugs that were tested. [24]
What is the Future for Black Seed Oil?
Combining Thymoquinone from Black Seeds with Conventional Cancer Treatments
In 2011, German researchers described the drug doxorubicin as being a mainstay of cancer chemotherapy despite its cardiotoxicity and its limited ability to treat multi-drug resistant cancers. Recent studies revealed a protective effect of thymoquinone, a non-toxic constituent of the essential oil of Nigella sativa, against doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity. In summary, they found that thymoquinone is a booster for the anti-cancer effect of the chemotherapy agent doxorubicin in certain cancer cell lines. [25]
In 2013, researchers from Singapore reported that there are a limited number of therapeutic agents for cancer, and cancer cells are developing resistance to these agents. Thus, there is a need to discover novel agents to treat breast cancer. The antitumor activities of thymoquinone, a compound isolated from black seed oil, were used to treat mice with breast cancer. Thymoquinone treatment was found to suppress tumor growth, and this effect was further enhanced by combining it with the chemotherapy drug doxorubicin. [26]
Clinical Trials with Human Cancer Patients
Researchers from Wayne State University in Michigan found that their review of published reports about black seeds indicate that further in-depth studies are warranted. They specifically point to the need to study its bioavailability and Phase-I toxicity profiling in human subjects. The results from such studies will be instrumental in advancing this field in support of initiating clinical trials for testing the effects of this ancient agent in cancer therapy. [27]
A researcher from Oman describes where future research for black seed oil should be directed. He states the obvious fact that thymoquinone (the bioactive phytochemical constituent of black seed oil) has been extensively studied. The use of thymoquinone in test tube research with human cancer cells and in animal studies with induced forms of cancer has been thoroughly investigated. As a result, a considerable amount of information has been generated from research, thus providing a better understanding of the anti-proliferating activity of this compound. Therefore, it is appropriate that thymoquinone should move from testing on the bench to clinical experiments. [28]
After reviewing over 120 scientific research abstracts on the use of black seed oil and thymoquinone with various types of cancers, I began to wonder why there have been so few clinical trials with cancer patients. I couldn’t stop asking myself, “If black seed oil possesses the significant anti-cancer properties that have been shown by all this research, and it has been proven to not be toxic to healthy human cells, then why are scientists still doing laboratory research?
Why Are There Not More Human Trials Being Undertaken?”
The history of black seed use is well-known. Traditional folk medicine has been safely using black seeds since the time of the Egyptian Pharaohs. Black seed oil was found in the tomb of the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamen, which indicates that the oil probably had an important role in ancient Egyptian practices. [29] Archeologists also found black seeds mixed with honey and bee’s wax in a pilgrim flask from the Old Hittite Period level of Boyalı Höyük (Mound), dating from around 1650 BC, in north-central Turkey. [30] Black seeds and black seed oil have been used for dozens of diseases with great success ever since that time throughout a large portion of the world.
Yet, when it comes to cancer treatment, this remedy is still stuck in the laboratory as if it were a dangerous unproven toxic substance. Let’s remember black seeds and black seed oil are food! They are completely edible. They have been used for flavoring food and have been used as daily tonics and remedies for thousands of years. We do not need more test tube research or animal studies to prove that black seeds are safe and effective in laboratory experiments. The research that we need involves the development of protocols for using black seed oil in a clinical setting with cancer patients. It is clear from the research that black seed oil and thymoquinone are both effective against cancer and do not have harmful side effects. It’s time for clinical trials.
Why is Clinical Research on Black Seed Oil as a Treatment for Cancer so Rare?
I believe the answer to this question involves the controlling power of pharmaceutical companies. As some of the researchers noted in their abstracts, conventional chemotherapy drugs are becoming less effective. Some of the studies I cited above investigated the use of black seed oil and thymoquinone in combination with existing chemotherapy drugs. When they did these types of experiments, they often found that the combination worked better than chemotherapy drugs by themselves. In some experiments, thymoquinone worked equally as well as chemotherapy drugs, which might mean that toxic chemotherapy agents just might be able to be replaced by a natural seed extract, which has no harmful effects. For people with cancer, this could be great news, but to the pharmaceutical industry, this would be extremely bad news for profitability.
There is a disturbing trend in the pharmaceutical industry where these companies attempt to gain control over a natural substance and prevent it from being available without a prescription. Then they would add the natural substance to an existing drug, which has an expiring patent, and create something that they call a “new drug,” which of course they can then patent. This strategy is being pursued by drug companies with the help of the FDA for the use of folate (vitamin B9).
They are trying to take the natural form of vitamin B9, which is essential to human life, and make a SSRI/folate combination to create a new patentable drug. In doing so, health minded consumers would only then have access to the less effective synthetic form of B9, which is called folic acid. [31]
Along the same lines of reasoning, pharmaceutical companies might be interested in reformulating their failing chemotherapy drugs to include thymoquinone, which would improve the performance of the drugs. As some of the preceding research shows, this type of research is already underway. In some of these experiments, thymoquinone performs as well as chemotherapy drugs and has no side effects, but drug companies cannot make billions of dollars selling black seed oil or thymoquinone. It would not be in the financial interest of drug companies to encourage human trials with a natural substance such as black seed oil or thymoquinone, which is not patentable.
Compassion for People With Any Cancerous Condition
It deeply saddens me when I watch people have the healthy parts of their bodies destroyed by chemotherapy and radiation therapy when it is likely that a natural substance could reduce and maybe eliminate damage to healthy tissue. The research that has been cited clearly shows that black seed oil could prevent radiation damage to healthy tissue if it is given before radiation therapy and is continued on a daily basis after each treatment. The fact that there isn’t any published research pointing to human clinical trials (despite the success with using black seed oil with animals) is a true offense against people who receive radiation treatment.
Black seed oil offers a powerful protective effect against radiation and chemotherapy, and is a potent anti-cancer agent, but we can only make guesses about the daily dose that is needed to protect human patients. There are some websites that have information about the use of black seeds and black seed oil for the treatment of cancer. However, I do not have a specific recommendation, because we do not have any research to confirm whether these advertised protocols are effective for all forms of cancer. Based on the research that I have read, the benefit from taking black seed oil is best achieved when taking daily doses.
Black Seed Oil is NOT a Drug!
More is not necessarily better. I have seen suggestions that people take 1 to 3 teaspoons of black seed oil per day for various conditions. One teaspoon seems to be a daily dose to support health. Two or three teaspoons per day are suggested for specific diseases. Sometimes it is taken with honey and sometimes it can be applied to the skin. I recommend researching your specific health concerns to find treatments that will work for your situation.
See Also: Black Seed – ‘The Remedy For Everything But Death’ and ‘A 2019 Study Suggests That an Acidic Diet May Be the Cause of Cancer’
[1] Woo CC1, Kumar AP, Sethi G, Tan KH.; “Thymoquinone: potential cure for inflammatory disorders and cancer,” Biochem Pharmacol. 2012 Feb 15, PMID: 22005518.
[2] Young, R.O., Migalko, G., Alkalizing Nutritional Therapy in the Prevention and Reversal of Any Cancerous Condition, Hikari Omni Media Publishing Group, 2016.
[3] Young, R. O., “Cystic Fibrosis and Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma Lung Cancer both Metabolic and Dietary Acidic Conditions”. Acta Scientific Cancer Biology 3.2 (2019): 11-20. –
[4] Abukhader MM., Department of Pharmacy, Oman Medical College, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, “Thymoquinone in the clinical treatment of cancer: Fact or fiction?” Pharmacogn Rev. 2013 Jul;7, PMID: 24347919. [5] Khan MA1, Chen HC, Tania M, Zhang DZ.; “Anticancer activities of Nigella sativa (black cumin),” Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. 2011, PMID: 22754079. [6] Randhawa MA1, Alghamdi MS.; “Anticancer activity of Nigella sativa (black seed) – a review,” Am J Chin Med. 2011, PMID: 22083982. [7] Mabrouk GM1, Moselhy SS, Zohny SF, Ali EM, Helal TE, Amin AA, Khalifa AA.; “Inhibition of methylnitrosourea (MNU) induced oxidative stress and carcinogenesis by orally administered bee honey and Nigella grains in Sprague Dawely rats” J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2002 Sep, PMID: 12385575.
[8] Velho-Pereira R, Kumar A, Pandey BN, Mishra KP, Jagtap AG. Radioprotection by Macerated Extract of Nigella sativa in Normal Tissues of Fibrosarcoma Bearing Mice. Indian J Pharm Sci. 2012 Sep;74(5):403-14. doi: 10.4103/0250-474X.108415. PMID: 23716868; PMCID: PMC3660866.
[9] Young, R.O., “The 4 Horsemen of The Apocalypse Have Been Set Loose On East Palestine Ohio & Beyond!”, 2023, Feb.
[10] Mohammad Reza Khazdair, Mohammad Hossein Boskabady. (2019) Long term effect of sulfur mustard exposure on hematologic and respiratory status, a case control study. Drug and Chemical Toxicology 42:3, pages 295-299.
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[13] Lori Rastogi, Shaikh Feroz, Badri Narain Pandey, Arti Jagtap, Kaushala Prasad Mishra. (2010) Protection against radiation-induced oxidative damage by an ethanolic extract of Nigella sativa L.. International Journal of Radiation Biology 86:9, pages 719-731. [14] Cikman O1, Ozkan A, Aras AB, Soylemez O, Alkis H, Taysi S, Karaayvaz M.; “Radioprotective Effects of Nigella Sativa Oil Against Oxidative Stress in Liver Tissue of Rats Exposed to Total Head Irradiation,” J Invest Surg. 2014 Mar 28, PMID: 24679182. [15] Velho-Pereira R1, Kumar A, Pandey BN, Mishra KP, Jagtap AG.; “Radioprotection by Macerated Extract of Nigella sativa in Normal Tissues of Fibrosarcoma Bearing Mice,” Indian J Pharm Sci. 2012 Sep, PMID: 23716868. [16] Raghunandhakumar S1, Paramasivam A, Senthilraja S, Naveenkumar C, Asokkumar S, Binuclara J, Jagan S, Anandakumar P, Devaki T.; “Thymoquinone inhibits cell proliferation through regulation of G1/S phase cell cycle transition in N-nitrosodiethylamine-induced experimental rat hepatocellular carcinoma,” Toxicol Lett. 2013 Oct 23, PMID: 24012840. [17] Hassan MI1, Mabrouk GM, Shehata HH, Aboelhussein MM.; “Antineoplastic effects of bee honey and Nigella sativa on hepatocellular carcinoma cells,” Integr Cancer Ther. 2012 Dec, PMID: 21147814. [18] Al-Sheddi ES1, Farshori NN, Al-Oqail MM, Musarrat J, Al-Khedhairy AA, Siddiqui MA.; “Cytotoxicity of Nigella sativa seed oil and extract against human lung cancer cell line,” Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2014, PMID: 24568529. [19] Racoma IO1, Meisen WH, Wang QE, Kaur B, Wani AA.; “Thymoquinone inhibits autophagy and induces cathepsin-mediated, caspase-independent cell death in glioblastoma cells,” PLoS One. 2013 Sep 9, PMID: 24039814. [20] Motaghed M1, Al-Hassan FM, Hamid SS.; “Cellular responses with thymoquinone treatment in human breast cancer cell line MCF-7,” Pharmacognosy Res. 2013 Jul, PMID: 23900121. [21] Salim LZ1, Mohan S, Othman R, Abdelwahab SI, Kamalidehghan B, Sheikh BY, Ibrahim MY.; “Thymoquinone induces mitochondria-mediated apoptosis in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in vitro,” Molecules. 2013 Sep 12, PMID: 24036512. [22] Norwood AA1, Tucci M, Benghuzzi H; “A comparison of 5-fluorouracil and natural chemotherapeutic agents, EGCG and thymoquinone, delivered by sustained drug delivery on colon cancer cells,” Biomed Sci Instrum., 2007, PMID: 17487093. [23] Gali-Muhtasib H1, Diab-Assaf M, Boltze C, Al-Hmaira J, Hartig R, Roessner A, Schneider-Stock R.; “Thymoquinone extracted from black seed triggers apoptotic cell death in human colorectal cancer cells via a p53-dependent mechanism,” Int J Oncol., 2004 October, PMID: 15375533. [24] Salem EM1, Yar T, Bamosa AO, Al-Quorain A, Yasawy MI, Alsulaiman RM, Randhawa MA.; “Comparative study of Nigella Sativa and triple therapy in eradication of Helicobacter Pylori in patients with non-ulcer dyspepsia,” Saudi J Gastroenterol. 2010 Jul-Sep, PMID: 20616418. [25] Effenberger-Neidnicht K1, Schobert R.; “Combinatorial effects of thymoquinone on the anti-cancer activity of doxorubicin,” Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2011 April, PMID: 20582416. [26] Woo CC1, Hsu A, Kumar AP, Sethi G, Tan KH.; “Thymoquinone inhibits tumor growth and induces apoptosis in a breast cancer xenograft mouse model: the role of p38 MAPK and ROS,” PLoS One. 2013 October 2, PMID: 24098377. [27] Banerjee S1, Padhye S, Azmi A, Wang Z, Philip PA, Kucuk O, Sarkar FH, Mohammad RM.; “Review on molecular and therapeutic potential of thymoquinone in cancer,” Nutr Cancer, 2010, PMID: 20924969. [28] Abukhader MM.; “Thymoquinone in the clinical treatment of cancer: Fact or fiction?” Pharmacogn Rev. 2013 July, PMID: 24347919. [29] “Black Seed: Seed of Blessing,” By The Institute of Tibb Medicine, Johannesburg, South Africa, Published in Awareness Magazine, September/October 2000. [30] B. Saliha, T. Sipahib, E. Oybak Dönmezc; “Ancient nigella seeds from Boyalı Höyük in north-central Turkey,” Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Volume 124, Issue 3, 30 July 2009, Pages 416–420, PMID: 19505557. [31] “The SSRI/Folate Connection: Why Big Pharma May Want to Monopolize the B Vitamin You Can’t Live Without,” Alliance for Natural Health USA, 3/18/2014.
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“All the information presented in the following research articles were authored by Dr. Robert O. Young and are impressive” Mission Possible

1. “Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene & Parasites in CoV-19 Vaccines”, peer-reviewed and reviewed by millions around the World:

The following are the pdf files in English and in Spanish for the above scientific article for which you can share with everyone you love and care about:
2. “Nano and Micro Graphene & Parasites Causing Blood Clots Seen in the Blood of the VAXXed & UNVAXXed!”

This 28-page PDF attachment below by Dr. Robert Young is very impressive.
Dr. Young has presented the facts in his research and included microscopic photos of visible particles and able to identify them. Things that should never ever be injected into the human body. Just look at the non-disclosed ingredients on the list he compiled that is within this document.

These falsely claimed so-called vaccines from the four major pharmaceutical companies were analyzed by Dr. Young:
Pfizer/BioNTech (“Pfizer”); Moderna/Lonza mRNA-1273 (“Moderna”); Vaxzevria by AstraZeneca (“AstraZeneca”); and Janssen by Johnson & Johnson (“Janssen”).
If humanity had known what was being injected into their bodies and even their children’s body they would had never taken this toxic COVID bioweapon?
I would think not unless they were a “few bricks shy a full load” or wanted themselves suicided, sacrificing themselves and their children on the altar of Big Pharma.
Forcing or coercion of a child into taking this injection is absolute child abuse and unintentional or intentional attempted murder.
Some are saying there is no graphene oxide in the weaponized COVID-19 injections of the vial and blood. Following in the steps of the government funded “FACT CHECKERS”, with their propaganda of the real “Misinformation.”

You will see actual microscopy pictures captured in that article published on August 20, 2021, and republished again on January 19, 2023. Nothing has changed in the past 17 months.
4. “Dr. Young’s research will prove to you that there is indeed “graphene oxide” and “parasites” in the COVID serum.”

It seems since the rollout of these injections, some well-intended doctors and scientist are far behind of the research by Dr. Young and other true deep researchers like La Quinta Columna. La Ouinta Columa researchers, for whom I have also been following three years, found toxic nanometallic content which are magneticotoxic, cytotoxic and genotoxic to plants, insects, birds, animals, and humans, all life on the planet, which was confirmed by Dr. Young and his team of researchers. Even life-threatening parasites were discovered in one of the “vaccines”.

The “vaccine” components including graphene oxide among many others are which influenced by radiation sources external to us can create a toxic chemical and radiative soup inside our bodies (Published By The Liberty Beacon) from the Covid bioweapon has put people’s lives at risk.
Many will, as I have been saying in my opinion, will die from radiation poison by this injection with graphene oxide, the hydrogel with the insertion of Cesium-137 for the individuals bodies injected with these ingredients to absorb the microwave radiation 5G communications frequencies for tracking, manipulating the mind, and even transmit the frequencies of diseases of compromised destroyed immune systems leading to permanent disability and death.
To go into more detail, you need to understand something very important in this discussion of graphene oxide. Then you will understand why it was so important to produce this warp speed COVID-19 bioweapon, and its connection with the lightning speed of installing 5G cell towers on school roofs, cell towers on grounds in city and rual areas, and 5G weaponized streetlights with 5G WIFI transmitters.
Besides using this bioweapon injected to cause mass permanently disabilities and even maximize the death potential, graphene oxide which has an electrical charge and hydrogel with the insertion of cesium-137 as revealed by Todd Callender, and the self-replicating and self-construction of nano particles and nanotubes to construct an internal WIFI system to communicate with the individual’s body with 5G microwave radiation frequencies. Without the ingredients of graphene oxide, the hydrogel, and the Cesium-137 this would not be possible. This is exactly one of the many ingredients that have been undeclared in the bioweapon COVID-19 serum injections.

This is the very reason these ‘bad actors’ were introducing this new, experimental injection, that was never about viral protection, but as Moderna’s website said they were injecting the software of life like a computer system with “plug and play” capabilities like in a computer system. They have or are setting up a way to track those who have been injected who can be controlled by AI with the microwave radiation frequencies.

About 6 years ago, I learned that they have the frequencies of various viruses, as I have already mentioned, for which they can transmit into those that have the injection with the “software of life” any virus frequency to incapacitate or kill one. A cause of death that would be very hard to identify.
Many of these frequencies were discovered by Royal Rife years ago and were no doubt confiscated by the government military, and no doubt also involving DARPA, as was Tesla’s inventions that would have made it possible for US energy independence. FREE ENERGY!
It is my assumption that once the 5G cell towers are fully installed and activated in large, metropolitan areas, that due to the powerful microwave beams coming from every direction possible, will lead to death by radiation poisoning from the microwave oven everyone will be living in. But there again, it will also be covered up as death by a COVID to pacify those wearing their tin foil hats and mask.

With every COVID inoculation injection going in, the toxic substances keep accumulating in the body, gradually destroying the natural innate immune system leading to an early death of what the globalist consider them, as Henry Kissinger called them, “Useless Eaters.”
Part of Bill Gates TED conference talk in 2011 was where he alluded to the decreasing world population and said: “Now if we do a real good job with healthcare and vaccines, we could reduce the population by 10 to 15 percent.” Well, if you take 8-billion people times 15% you get 1-billion, 2 hundred million eliminated by the healthcare system and vaccines.

But, Bill Gates plan appears that it will exceed his expectations as scientist are predicting the deaths of 2 billion in the next two years and more billions following. A prediction of millions dying from myocarditis and pericarditis alone is projected. All being planned as part of the globalist depopulation agenda to come to fruition by 2025 per funded as in a screen capture on their website pictured here:

The Deagel corporation is a minor branch of US military intelligence, one of the many secretive organizations which collects data for high-level decision-making purposes and prepares confidential briefing documents for agencies like the National Security Agency, the United Nations, and the World Bank.
It is known, for example, to have contributed to a Stratfor report on North Korea. With this kind of pedigree, Deagel should be seen as a legitimate player in the intelligence community and not merely a disinformation asset.
If so, then it must be assumed that its population predictions for 2025, as well as its industrial output predictions on a nation-by-nation basis, are based on strategic assumptions which are shared and well understood by other players in the intelligence community.’s [infamous] 2025 forecast was removed from their website sometime in 2020. The content is reproduced here for your reference and educational purposes.

Robert O Young MSc, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner

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Understand Why Blood Clots Form Inside the Blood Vessels!
Read Dr. Robert O. Young’s Peered Review Scientific Research Article Published in the International Journal of Vaccines and Vaccination on Pathological Blood Coagulation! (2016)

Pathological Blood Coagulation and the Mycotoxic Oxidative Stress Testing, Young RO (2016) Pathological Blood Coagulation and the Mycotoxic Oxidative Stress Test (MOST). Int J Vaccines Vaccin 2(6): 00048. DOI: 10.15406/ijvv.2016.02.00048

Here are two links to learn more on how to protect your organs, glands, tissues, including your heart, liver, lungs, brain and reproductive organs from lipo nano graphene with Spike Protein attached.
The following links will take you to the peer reviewed article for CBDA and CBGA and the protection you need against the VAXXXed Spike Protein from foreign animal and human sources.
“According to the American Heart Association over 50 percent vaxxed will die within the next 5 years!”

The link below will take you to the Peer- Reviewed article of the American Heart Association published in Circulation – Circulating Spike Protein Detected in Post COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Myocarditis!
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