Zombie Blood & Genocidal Apocalypse
Updated: Oct 25, 2023
What does the blood of a Zombie look like after being transfected with graphene, PEG hydrogel, Trypanosoma and microfilariae graphenated parasites, spiked protein protruding out of the cell membranes, polymerized protein pools everywhere, AI biosensors, nano quantum graphene dots, self-assembled graphene threads, tubes and ribbons activated by 2G, 3G, 4G, 4G Plus, 5G Basic pulsating frequencies, symplasts of blood, acid PEG crystals, lactic acid, cholesterol, synthetic and natural fibrin monomer blood clotting and much, much more!

Live and Dried Blood Micrographs of a Vaxxxinated 62year old Male Who Loves Ingesting the Blood & Flesh of Animals
The New Normal is Abnormal Blood!

In the Micrograph Above YOU See the Graphene Clusters with Fibrin Spiked Protein Bridges and Graphene Quantum Nano Dots Inside the White Polymerized Protein Pools Indicating the Degeneration of Blood and All Body Cells Making Up
All Organs, Tissues and Glands!
In the Micrograph Below You Will See Graphene Tubes at 11 o’clock and Graphenated Trypanosoma cruzi Parasite at 2 o’clock Swimming Through
the Red Blood Cells!

In the Micrograph Below You Will See Teslaphoresis of Graphenated Hydrogel with Antennae Projecting Out From the Graphene Clusters Surrounded by Microfilarae Parasites and Spiked Protein Protruding Out Into the Polymerized Proteing Pools

In the Micrograph Below You Will See a Graphenated Trypanosoma cruzi Parasite at 11 o’clock Just Above the Clotted Blood!
Inside the Clotted Blood You Will See the Graphenated Trypanosoma cruozoi Parasites and 11 o’clock and at 1 o’clock With Several Irregular Shaped Polymerized Protein Pools Indicating Cellular Degeneration of the Lungs, Heart, Liver and Pancreas!

The Micrograph Below Show Many Clusters of Graphene Dots, Threads, Ribbons and Tubes with Graphenated Trypanosoma and Microfilariae Parasites!

The Micrograph Below Shows Graphenated Trypanosoma cruzi Parasites With Several Irregular Shaped Polymerized Protein Pools Indicating Cellular Breakdown in the Thoracic, Upper Abdominal and Lower Abdominal Including the Kidney’s, Bladder and Reproductive Organs!

The Micrograph Below Shows Graphene Clusters with Antennae, Spiked Protein Protruding Out Into the Polymerized Protein Pools with Microfilariae Parasites
at 5 o’clock and 6 o’clock

The Micrograph Below Shows Graphene Threads and Graphene Clusters with Antennae Protruding Out Into the
Polymerized Protein Pools!

The Micrograph Below Shows Graphene Clusters with Antennae at 8, 9 and 10 o’clock With a Trypanosoma cruzi Parasite at 5 o’clock Protruding Out of the Blood Clot

The Micrograph Below Shows a Graphene Ribbon at 8 o’clock, Trypanosoma cruzi Parasite at 10 o’clock with Grpahene Threads at 11 and 12 o’clock with a Large Graphene Cluster From 2 to 6 o’clock

The Micrograph Below Shows Three Graphenated Ribbons in the Live Blood

The Micrograph Below Shows in the Center Several Graphenated Trypanosoma Cruzi Parasites, Microfilariae Parasites with Graphene Quantum Dots

The Micrograph Below Shows a Large Hydrogel Gel Lipid Capsid Holding Graphene Nano Dots and Self-Assembled
Graphene Threads and Clusters

The Micrograph Below Shows a Graphene Ribbon With Graphene Threads

The Micrograph Below Shows a Large Hydrogel Micron Capsid with Graphene Quantum Dots in the Center of the Micrograph Next to a Microfilariae Parasite at 9 o’clock and a Large Graphene Cluster at 1 o’clock

The Micrograph Below Shows a Large Graphene Ribbon and a Trypanosoma Cruzi Parasite at the Bottom of the Ribbon

Graphenated Microfilariae Parasite Center in a Large Polymerized White Protein Pool With Many Graphene Nano and
Micron Quantum Dots

A Large Cluster of Trypanosoma Cruzi and Microfilarae Parasites Coming Out of a Graphene Cluster with Graphene Threads and Ribbons at 3 o’clock to 5 o’clock

The Micrograph Below Shows Center a Large Graphenated Trypanosoma Parasite Surrounded by Graphene Threads and Spiked Protein in a Pool of White Polymerized Protein From Cellular Degeneration of Organs, Glands, Tissues and Blood Cells.
The White Blood Cells for Protection and for Clearing Cellular Fragments Are Completely Absent in All Micrographs!

The Micrograph Below Shows a Graphene Micro Tube Surrounded by Spike Protein Breaking Off From
Cell Membrane Degeneration

Learn More at: https://www.goodwiccan.com/hologram/

A Micrograph From a Graphenated Trypanosma Cruzi Parasite Found in the Blood of an Unvaxxxinated 30 year old Female
Watch and see with your own eyes the blood of what was once human blood transformed Into Non-Human Zombie Blood!

Please share this article and video with everyone you love and care about!
The human race has been completely transfected by YOU know W.H.O.!

To learn more about the work, research and findings of Dr. Robert O. Young go to: www.drrobertyoung.com
To learn more about the Solutions to the Pollutions Read
The pH Miracle revised and updated:

“For the life of ALL FLESH is the BLOOD” Hosea
“My People Perish Because of Ignorance”
Want to Learn More?

Dr. Young has dedicated his life to educate people about healthy lifestyle and diet.
Most of ALL of his time and resources are spent on research and scientific proof of the origin of disease and its’ prevention and natural treatments.


“The Validation That Germs DO NOT Cause Disease But Are The Symptoms of Cellular Breakdown Due to Chemical and Radiation Poisoning!” Dr. Robert O. Young
In 1994, Dr. Robert O. Young documented the theory of pleomorphism from the blood of a Type 1 diabetic taking over 100 units of insulin daily. Her die-it composed of 10 to 12 cups of coffee and fast food.
Below is the micrograph of her live blood under pHase contrast microscopy. Just click on the picture below or the link under the micrograph to watch a red blood cell transform into a rod bacteria, like anthrax, and then biologically transform back into a targeted red blood cell.

In 1996, Dr. Robert O. Young documented the theory of pleomorphism again from a 42 year old male diagnosed with EBV – chronic fatigue living a highly acidic life.
Below are the micrographs of his live blood under phase contrast microscopy showing the birth of bacteria from a red blood cell and then giving birth to a Y-form yeast, like candida albicans. Just click on the picture below to watch the video.

The Validation of Pleomorphism and the Development of Spiked Protein as a Symptom of Radiation and Chemical Poisoning

Blood Giving Birth to Bacteria – An Outfection Caused by Radiation,
Graphene & Parasite Poisoning

The Hidden Science: Greater Cause of Disease Not Germs but Terrain | From Pleomorphism of Microzymas – Educative Panel on Terrain with Dr. Robert Young and Dr. Andy Kaufman

In Report 279: Panel on Terrain recorded Friday, January 28, now published at Bitchute, Brighteon, Odysee, and Rumble (video links below), Dr. Robert Young and Dr. Andy Kaufman discussed their discoveries of 19th century French scientist Antoine Bechamp’s (1816 – 1908) groundbreaking Terrain Theory after he examined cells at the molecular level and found that disease and ill-health stem primarily from unhealthy and acidic internal environments, as also did French physician and physiologist Claude Bernard (1813 -1878) with his focus on the “milieu interieur”– a change from the narratives of Germ Theory which tell us infectious disease comes to us primarily from the outside, on the backs of microscopic bat viruses, fleas, lice, ticks, et al.

“The stability of the internal environment [the milieu intérieur] is the condition for the free and independent life.”– Claude Bernard

Hidden Science We Don’t Hear About from the CDC, WHO NIAID, or Departments of Health

Under the microscope, Dr. Young reveals, Bechamp uncovered specks of granular life beyond cellular, nuclear, and DNA structures he termed microzymas and posited to exist in all human, plant, and animal life, atoms of indestructible life which would never perish but transform into microorganisms on the death of the host organism–later or seemingly coincidentally named protits by Gunther Enderlein, and similar in concept, says Dr. Andy Kaufman, to the somatids of Gaston Naessen, bions of Wilhelm Reich, and to embryonic stem cells, which have the capacity to develop into other cells like heart cells and brain cells.

Dr. Robert Young relates that scientists after Bechamp like Professor Gunther Enderlein (1872 – 1968), an entomologist, physician, and live-blood microscopist, and his protege Professor Med. Dr. Marie Bleker, the latter whom he closely studied with in Germany, found that these microzymas have the capacity to form life into healthy cells in healthy alkaline environments or form into bacteria, yeast and mold of different kinds in acidic environments.

Another scientist and Enderlein student, Dr. Young informs us, is Dr. Virginia Livingston-Wheeler who has theorized an endogenous microscopic living form she named Progenitor Cryptocides as cause for cancer in the body–a form which undergoes pleomorphism into a yeast-like form in a diseased environment but remains dormant otherwise.

Dr. Young has published several videos at his channel showing this astonishing conversion of a red blood cell to anthrax rod bacillus and back again, and says that his independent discovery of this phenomenon under the microscope when examining the blood in 1994 of a young woman with insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus led only later to his learning of Antoine Bechamp in 1996.
Excerpt from Dr. Young’s video, The Biological Transformation of a Red Blood Cell to Anthrax Bacteria

Traveling to Paris in the late ’90s to find out more and read Bechamp’s not-readily available work, Dr. Young reports he was inspired and deeply moved by his finding of microfiches of Bechamp’s hand-drawn microzymas in his books Les Microzymas and Les Microzymas et Microbes in the University of Paris library, which confirmed and validated his own discoveries of pleomorphing red blood cells.

In an extension, although left unrecognized, of Bechamp’s original discoveries of microzymas being the building blocks of all life, Professor Gunther Enderlein studied what Antoine Bechamp studied, and also found pulsing points of life in live blood he termed “protits,” positing eventually that bacterial forms can arise from these, and are not “monomorphic” as Louis Pasteur expressed, having a single, discrete form, but pleomorphic in nature, having the ability to change forms in a cycle of creation.

Bacterial forms in fact, they found, form primarily to try to clean up the acids and toxins in unhealthy acidic plasma, and can be returned to the shape of healthy cells after toxic-waste-clean-up in the right alkaline environment, in an extraordinary and fascinating process heretofore hidden from larger awareness by the Germologists of Modern Pharmaceutically-Shaped Science:

Larger Implications for a
New Understanding of Health
This suggests that germs are endogenous and rise from inside us — and are not lone micro-organisms existing outside, waiting to opportunistically invade and exploit our well-being in waves of infection, contagion, pandemic or endemic, as Virologists and Germologists would have it.

Instead, all health and disease is determined by our own actions, thoughts, and attitudes–our lack of nutrition, exercise, rest and restoration, relaxation and so on, and the toxic stresses on us–chemical, radiation/EMF, environmental, physical, each producing specific bio-effects, which give rise, Dr. Young says, to unhealthy acidic environments inside us, plunging the pH of our interstitial fluids (fluid between cells), vascular fluids (fluid inside blood vessels), and cellular fluids (fluid inside cells) to dangerous and toxified levels much lower than the optimal baseline levels that they and we need to be in good health and thrive.


A truly revolutionary concept with the capacity to overturn all conventional and militarized concepts of our bodies as battlefields and germs as hostile warriors, pleomorphism offers a magical lens to view the fluid transformation and totality of all life. In Antoine Bechamp’s words, “Nothing created is lost. Nothing becomes a prey to death, everything becomes a prey to life.”

In addition Dr. Kaufman addresses in close focus the faulty concept of Virus-Isolation on which germologists predicate Virus-Replication, proof for either of which really does not exist, given that what they begin with and call “isolation” is in actuality NOT isolation–unable to produce a finite specific form from the debris of patient sputum or patient specimen which they admittedly mix with Vero cells–diseased African monkey kidney cells, as well as fetal cells, bovine calf serum, formaldehyde, antibiotics and other chemicals and toxins, they arbitrarily fixate on shreds of debris containing immiscible genetic matter–bits of RNA encased in bits of cellular membrane–extruded from cells, and call these “viruses” which they then genetically sequence using amplification processes like the faulty PCR.

In no way shape or form, scientifically, logically, reasonably or otherwise can they say they have extracted a specific virus from patient sputum after subjecting it to this mix-up-and-stir miasma-creation process, Dr. Kaufman explains, and which leads only, Dr. Young says, to a “Frankensteinian concoction filled with random anatomical elements.”
Are Virologists Looking for a Jaguar in a Forest of Pumas?
No proof of replication of virus exists either, Dr. Kaufman notes, even though many molecular biologists and microbiologists will swear to seeing a “proliferation, replication, or reproduction” of their said-to-be-isolated virus in test-tubes, cell-cultures and petri dishes.
What exactly are they looking at then is the question, if no virus can truly be isolated in a finite, visible, discrete and preservable form?
What are they looking for, notes Dr. Kaufman, may be the more apt question; using a provocative analogy of wild cats in a jungle, he notes that setting out to find a jaguar without knowing what it looks like may lead to hunters rushing after spotted leopards or pumas “or any other feline” and calling it a jaguar. In other words, scientists who tell us they can see viruses replicating cannot prove and have not proved what is replicating.

Living Blood and Living Bodies
In past presentations, both Dr. Kaufman and Dr. Young have discussed the possibility of what is known to be exosomes extruded from cells in the presence of toxins being mistaken for viruses. An important fact to note, say both doctors, is that virus-isolation in labs occurs only in dead cells and tissue and not in living cells; the work that Antoine Bechamp, Dr. Enderlein, and Dr. Young have all done, making discoveries in dark field or phase contrast microscopy under the compound optical microscope, has been with live blood and living fluids.

The route to health, Dr. Young reiterates is to maintain a healthy alkaline balance in the fluids of the body with healthy nutrition and lifestyle choices. Influenced by his studies with Marie Bleker, and evolving from his own inquiries into health through live and dried blood microscopy, Dr. Young has coined the term The “New Biology” to describe his approach to health.

Dr. Neil Solomon, MD, PhD – Former Head of Research at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Physiology Stated the Following Concerning Dr. Robert O. Young!

In tracing his influences and personal discoveries of Bechamp and Terrain theory, Dr. Kaufman names the work of Kelly Brogan, in introducing nutrition and herbal remedies to the treatment of psychiatric ailments such as depression, success with which led him onward in search of the true keys to health, physical and mental, coinciding with the launch of the questionable “plandemic” which also led to his deeper inquiries into virus isolation, for which he has now become well-known, and which he has spoken of in previous podcasts at my channel as elsewhere.
Authentic Medicine marks the name of his ventures in holistic healing, and he too stresses that the human body is filled with natural wisdom and a great intrinsic power for self-healing.

What Do Vaccines and Rattlesnakes Have in Common? They Both Contain a Deadly Poison or Venom and if Injected Will Cause Serious Injury or Death!
Meanwhile the injecting of venomous poisons for the purpose of provoking the creation of so-called antibodies which is what vaccination are purported to do, can be likened to a snake bite, says Dr. Andy Kaufman, injecting dangerous life-threatening venom into the body, a “perfect analogy” Dr. Young says he has also used: the very opposite of health creation.

A rather brilliant meme (source unknown) tying vaccines to chem trails and HAARP’s phased-array antennas via Snake Bite Majeure–a not so far-fetched depiction in light of the new discoveries in COVID vaccines of nanographene biosensors and circuits intended for Mad-Scientist 5G and Terahertz dialing-up of human bodies and brains via COVID vaccines to the Internet of Things, Internet of Nano Bio Things, Internet of Bodies, and Internet of Interlinked Ailing Technocrat Brains Hungry for Yours!
Reminding us that he has examined the Pfizer COVID vaccines under the microscope as also vaccinated blood, reported here earlier in a few articles including this one, Dr. Young refers back to the poisoning of the body with acidifying toxins which put a greater burden on the natural health-orienting, self-healing mechanisms of the human body.

A wide-ranging and detailed presentation from both doctors, this panel on Terrain offers a turning-point in the public understanding of health and disease, which have both been hijacked so far by the virologists and vaccine-makers propping up a diseased profit-driven paradigm run by Big Harma, and which has, through the aegis of politically-minded and totalitarianism-intending over-reachers and abusers of power at the WHO, WEF, and world governments kowtowing to them, ground to a halt currently clutching its unacceptable and absurd valise of Forever lasting Pandemic (reported here earlier).
Who is Robert O. Young CPC, DSc, PhD and Naturopathic Practitioner (to view CV & Recent Publicatons click here)

The following is a portion of my work that was published 22 years later as a declaration for those who have eyes to see and hears to hear the mysteries of the Creator!

Please read, learn and share this article with everyone who you love and care about so they can be at peace within and know there is “nothing to fear but fear itself.” Franklin D. Roosevelt 1933
Citation: Young RO (2016) Who Had Their Finger on the Magic of Life – Antoine Bechamp or Louis Pasteur?. Int J Vaccines Vaccin 2(5): 00047. DOI: 10.15406/ijvv.2016.02.00047

Citation: Young RO (2016) Second Thoughts about Viruses, Vaccines, and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis – Part 1. Int J Vaccines Vaccin 2(3): 00032. DOI: 10.15406/ijvv.2016.02.00032

The truth often comes out when the angel of death is standing at YOUR doorstep. Now is the time to prepare to live your life with health, energy, passion and integrity. You must be the change and the cure you want to see.
To learn more about the research of Robert O. Young go to: https://www.drrobertyoung.com/blog and watch the following interview with Ramola D, Dr. Robert O. Young

https://greensmoothiegirl.com/your-high-vibration-life/episodes/terrain-theory-dr-robert-o-young-part-1/ Dr. Robert Young has devoted his career to discovering the ‘missing pieces” within the larger picture of health. With a specialty in cellular nutrition, biochemistry, and microbiology, his entire career has been focused on health at the cellular level, researching the true causes of “disease” and cellular repair. Dr. Young is the author of more than 100 peer-reviewed articles published in several noted journals, including The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. He is the author and co-author of many books, including the pH Miracle for Cancer and most recently The Cancer Solution, published in 2018. The pH Miracle series of books has sold over 10 million copies, has been translated into 29 languages and has gained a widespread following in more than 159 countries. You will want to listen to this interview several times – and share with everyone you know. Dr. Young explains: > how to remove graphene oxide from your body > how to protect yourself from radiation/EMF frequencies > how to heal from almost every symptom you have….for pennies a day > why the most important part of your immune system is NOT your white blood cells >… and so much more in this hour presentation PACKED with important information –
Website: https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/the-prevention-cure-for-cancer
Blog: www.drrobertyoung/.blog
A few articles: Alkalizing Nutritional Therapy in the Prevention and Treatment of Any Cancerous Condition – The International Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine


LINKS FOR Dr. ANDY KAUFMAN: Website: https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/
COVID-19 Myths Webinar series: https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/live-webinars/
STATEMENT ON VIRUS ISOLATION: https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/sovi/
RECENT PODCAST WITH DR. ANDY KAUFMAN: Report 259: Dr. Andy Kaufman and Dr. Amandha Vollmer Expose COVID Vaccine Fraud & Science Deception https://www.bitchute.com/video/8kVLIr5rqkeE/

“This is the year, 2023, to return to God, truth, intelligence, faith, peace, freedom, forgiveness of self and others, health, hope, love and charity! before it is too late” Dr. Robert O. Young
“Now is the time to prepare to meet OUR CREATOR” – www.drrobertyoung.com
You must be the Health and Fitness YOU Want to See!
The need for education and understanding the truth, can be found in “Truth versus Deception” Part 1 and Part 2, including “The pH MIracle Revised and Updated books.
Part 1

To Order Part I click on the following link: https://www.amazon.com/TRUTH-vs-DECEPTION-Liberty-Covid-19/dp/B0BZF59C17/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1680115764&sr=1-1
Part 2

To Order Part II Click on the Following Below:

Please check out the correlation between EMF radio and microwave frequencies and disease, and the need to bring this information to the whole of humanity.

Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/drrobertyoung/
Twitter: @phmiraclelife
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100007707879435
Telegram: https://t.me/DrRobertOYoungNews
Help Support the Research of Dr. Robert O. Young: https://www.givesendgo.com/research
“My People Perish From Ignorance” – Hosea
“Protect the blood and you will protect against any sickness or dis-ease” – Dr. Robert O. Young
“For the Life of ALL Flesh is the Blood” – Moses was with one million souls who all perished wandering in ignorance in the wilderness!
Nothing Has Changed!
NOW, we have 5 billion VAXXinated men, women and children worldwide wandering and wondering about the truth that would set them free from the corruption and lies if they would just listen, watch, read, learn and JUST BELIEVE!
Truth vs Deception
Liberty vs Tyranny
COVID – 19
Fact vs Fiction
Science vs Scientism
Dr. Robert O. Young and T. M. Ballantyne, Jr. New Book is NOW Available in Hard or Soft Book Cover and Kindle on Amazon.com
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Number 1 in Human Physician & Patient Medical Ethics
Number 1 in Human Rights Law
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To order click on the following link: https://www.amazon.com/TRUTH-vs-DECEPTION-Liberty-Covid-19/dp/B0BZF59C17/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1680115764&sr=1-1

“Our past covidiocy history will some day acknowledge Dr. Robert O. Young as being one of the seminal medical-science icons responsible for redeeming humanity from an unfathomable abyss.
Despite systematically targeted by a quadrillion dollar medical science establishment for decades, he continues to resurrect and claim ever higher ground in his understanding of human health and planetary welfare.
In so doing he elevates the mind and heart of millions of souls who cherish him as a Godly man and a brilliant scholar.
The coupling of Dr Young with the remarkable T.M. Ballantyne Jr. ignites a most inspired and formidable vanguard in truth and disclosure”. Sacha Stone –

Canada Loves YOU Dr. Robert Young
“Thank-you Dr. Robert Young for being the Camelot of our Time in these days where the balance of the Earth is at stake against the fight of this Dark Regime.
“The Fall of the Olden Ones is finally at hand, and your message to the world brings a desperately needed repose to all the voices that have been silenced.
“Your voice resonates through our hearts as your sound words reassures us and heals our wounds of despair & distraught endure these
many years & life times for those who have walked this Earth since it’s beginning.
“Thank you for bringing in the love of humanity as a messenger of hope and deliverance for the many awakening from the grip of falsehood in this duality of reality we call life.
“Perception has many signs of deceit by the spoken word of what we call the English language.
“Perhaps the reversal of this language will finally be exposed and the Rosetta Stone of Truth will finally allow us to walk this elevation of New Earth in peace and harmony with all of humanity.
“We thank you Dr. Robert Young for being our Anchor in the worst of storms, for being our light in our darkest hour.
“Your support is your true crown of loyalty to Source and it is recognized with such admiration.
“We thank you for every word spoken which brings upon a smile on humanities heart & soul.
“You are a true soldier of our days!!!
“As we watch our loved ones decay in these precious times of hope, YOU have brought comfort in knowing that even if the battle is lost that what is coming will finally bring an end to this life we call war!” – George Boulet – Canada

Solutions to Pollutions
You can NOW purchase “The pH Miracle Revised and Updated” with our NEW book, “Truth vs Deception – Liberty vs Tyranny – COVID – 19 Fact vs Fiction” at a reduced price! Check it out at the following link: https://www.amazon.com/TRUTH-vs-DECEPTION-Liberty-Covid-19/dp/B0BZF59C17/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1680115764&sr=1-1

Please support our work, reasearch and findings by purchasing “The pH Miracle Revised and Updated” & “Truth vs Deception – Liberty vs Tyranny – COVID – 19 Facts vs Fiction” and Science vs Scientism by donating at: www.givesendgo.com/research

“This is the year, 2023, to return to God, truth, intelligence, faith, peace, freedom, forgiveness of self and others, health, hope, love and charity! before it is too late” Dr. Robert O. Young
“Now is the time to prepare to meet OUR CREATOR” – www.drrobertyoung.com
You must be the Health and Fitness YOU Want to See!
Should and Needs to READ!

Stop the Insane Agenda of the
World Economic Forum with Truth and Light!

CRY FOR FREEDOM reveals the officially promoted agenda of globalist organizations to create a new species of “humanoids” or “cyborgs”: humans that will be genetically engineered and technologically enhanced, to greatly increase their physical and mental abilities.
These cyborgs will become the new masters of this World, they say!

According to the World Economic Forum, the difference between these humanoids (created by the elites) and the original humans (created by God) will be similar to the difference between humans today and chimpanzees. There will come a separation between humanity (homo sapiens) and this new species (homo deus). “Deus” is Latin for “god”. The reason they name this new species homo deus, is because they literally believe they will become gods.

They claim this new species of “homo deus” will save the world!
The rest of humanity will be considered a lower life form, a useless class, animals without value, equal to chimpanzees.
These are their own exact words, that you can hear in the film ‘CRY FOR FREEDOM’. Their insane idea is being pushed worldwide, among the wealthiest and most powerful, through the World Economic Forum and the financial tyrants who run the World Health Organization, United Nations, World Bank, etc.

CRY FOR FREEDOM exposes their agenda, in order to protect humanity from this hellish plan!

I know we are ALL busy with OUR lives, but please – take some time to watch this revealing documentary.
The whole World must know the truth of all things. We have to wake up and rise up to resist this nefarious elitist plan. We must put on the amour of GOD and share their evil plan with everyone and anyone seeking truth and light!

Watch now, and share far and wide with everyone YOU love and care about!
The Insane Plans of the World Economic Forum

Just how Dangerous are the Plans of The World Economic Forum that is Aiming to Establish World Dominance?
The following is a short list of some of their goals, that are openly discussed on their own official websites, and in their videos, books and conferences. Any online research will reveal countless sources for all of this.
VACCINE BASED SOCIETY Make ongoing vaccinations the condition for partaking in society, with vaccine passports and digital ID’s. Banking, internet, working, shopping, gathering, etc., will only be available to people who are up to date with the latest booster injection.

SOCIAL CREDIT SCORE Base society on a social credit score: citizens who behave perfectly are rewarded. Those that step out of line are punished. Practical example: posting something on social media that criticizes the government will lower your score.

CONSTANT FEAR Make masks, screens, and social distancing permanent. Populations must remain in a perpetual state of fear to justify a vaccination-based world.

Please note that every existing virus is patented, meaning that all these diseases are man-made!
END OF FREE SPEECH Redefine free speech as ”hate speech”. Train humanity to despise everyone diverting from the prescribed narrative. Label all information that is not in line with the official storyline as “disinformation”.

INTERNET GOVERNANCE Govern the internet, so only the prescribed narrative will be available to the world. Delete all the millions of posts and websites that criticize, question, and disprove the official stories.

ISOLATED HUMANITY Limit human interaction by telling everyone to work, shop and school from behind their screens. Isolate humanity behind their devices where they are bombarded 24/7 by the propaganda of the rulers.

NO WEALTH Install a universal income and don’t allow anyone to gather wealth. Being rich is a privilege for the elites. The peasants must be kept poor and dependent on the ruling class.

WEATHER WARFARE – HAARP Use weather warfare technology to cause droughts, floods, earthquakes, wildfires, hurricanes, etc. Blame it on climate change, which is then used as the excuse to further lock down, rob, and control the population.

NO OWNERSHIP Seize all private property from all the citizens of the world. Everything must be rented from the elites: homes, cars, equipment, tools, even clothes. Nobody may own anything. The goal is total dependency on the rulers.

ELECTRIC CARS Make everyone dependent on controllable – and trackable – electric cars. Electric cars are perfect for enforcing lockdowns. Broadcast a signal that disables all vehicles, and the world will not be going anywhere.

LIMITED TRAVEL People using vehicles with combustion engines will be limited in their movements, as they will have a maximum allowed CO2 “footprint”.

BLOCKING THE SUN The WEF is preparing to launch a raft the size of Brazil into the sky, to block the sun from illuminating the earth. Casting a perpetual shadow over the earth is needed, they say, to combat “climate change”.

NO SMALL BUSINESSES Decrease the number of small businesses through pandemic and climate lockdowns, and transfer all wealth to mega corporations, which are not required to cease operations.

NO HUMAN RIGHTS Remove all personal rights and freedoms from humanity under the guise of “we are in this together” and “the greater good”. Create hostility towards people standing up for rights and freedoms, by labeling them “selfish”.

CONTROLLED FINANCES Install a one-world digital currency that will be controlled by those in power. Banking services will only be available to people who have the required vaccination status and social credit score.

SEXUAL CONFUSION End the natural family by pushing the LGTBQA+ agenda. Make unnatural sexual relationships the norm, and project healthy families as “weird”. This is needed to reduce the world population.

NO WILDERNESS Close off all wilderness areas, so humanity no longer has access to wild, unspoiled nature.

PRISON CITIES Lock everybody up in Smart Cities, where their every breath is monitored. Nobody can leave the city without required vaccination status or social credit score.

VIRTUAL REALITY Replace reality with virtual illusions in the MetaVerse. Promote the virtual realm as being “better” than enjoying reality.

TOTAL SURVEILLANCE Fill the world with billions of surveillance cameras, drones, drone bugs, and satellites that will monitor every move of every soul on earth 24/7. All in the name of “public safety”.

EVERYONE A CYBORG End original humanity and make everyone a cyborg that can be monitored and controlled from the cloud by artificial intelligence.

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Replace the majority of jobs with artificial intelligence. Doctors, lawyers, drivers, teachers, ministers, etc. can all easily be replaced by A.I. Naturally the A.I. will be programmed and controlled by the rulers.

5G MIND CONTROL Position millions of 5G towers (in the future 6G, 7G, etc.) to insert thoughts and feelings into the population. Make 5G the central nervous system of every society.

ARTIFICIAL FOOD Replace healthy grass-fed beef with synthetic meat created in factories. Grow genetically modified plant protein and large numbers of engineered bugs to feed the people.

FOOD DEPENDENCY Discourage and eventually forbid people to grow their own food, so they depend entirely on the supply from the elites.

NO ELDERLY Introduce early euthanasia when people are no longer producing money. Encourage all elderly to commit suicide to make room for the next generation, so they will not become a “burden to the global economy”.

All these examples are just the tip of the iceberg of the inhumane plans of the World Economic Forum. Their books, websites and conferences reveal much more, along the same lines.
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“How much time he gains who does not look to see what his neighbour says or does or thinks, but only at what he does himself, to make it just and holy.” MARCUS AURELIUS

Dr. Young’s major article reporting his and other scientists’ findings in the 4 major COVID vaccines:

Report 255 | Dr. Robert Young: All Disease is Outfection Not Infection–Vaccine Nano is Bioweapon!

Newsbreak 135–BREAKING: Immense Harm from Crystallizing Blood Cells/Graphene Poisoning Post-Vaccine

Newsbreak 133: Team of Scientists Confirm Presence of Toxins Graphene, Aluminium, Cadmium Selenide, Stainless Steel, LNP-GO Capsids, Parasites, Other Toxins Variously in 4 COVID Vaccines: Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson

For the Carnicom Disclosure Project on Magnetism, Trans-humanism, Synthetic Biology, Vaccine Poisons, Bio Surveillance, Neuromodulation, Electromagnetic Bio-Human Effects, Virus Confusions, Terrain and Blood Health and the Secret Elixir of Life –

Scientific Articles – www.drrobertyoung.com/blog
Want to learn more?

Special guest Dr. Robert Young makes his first appearance on the show to speak with Liberty Man about his microscopy and spectroscopy findings in the gene juice injections.

Dr. Young and Liberty Man talk about FDA corruption and share perspectives on the nanotechnology aspects of the shots, including topics such as RNA interference, toxicity, shedding, blood clots, and electromagnetic frequencies, and how all of this plays into the larger agenda of a digital ID social-credit prison system.
Support the work, research and findings of Dr. Robert O. Young at: https://www.givesendgo.com/research
Follow Dr. Robert O. Young on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/phmiraclelife

Follow Dr. Robert O. Young on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/phmiraclelife

Extraordinary and riveting account of healing from terminal lung cancer and recovering from COVID symptoms on the pH Miracle Lifestyle healing program of alkaline diet, exercise, and healing foods from Dr. Robert Young, who describes the healing power of the right foods and actions to maintain the right pH balance in the interstitial fluids of the body, and encourages all to learn more about how disease is not transmitted by germs—as Virology would have it—but cultured in acidic environments, and how switching our diets and lifestyles from acidic to alkaline can transform our lives.

Peer-reviewed and Published June 20th, 2016 in the Journal of Vaccines and Vaccinations
[1] Young RO (2016) Second Thoughts about Viruses, Vaccines, and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis – Part 1. Int J Vaccines Vaccin 2(3): 00032. DOI: 10.15406/ijvv.2016.02.00032

[2] Young RO (2016) Second Thoughts Concerning Viruses, Vaccines and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis – Part 2. Int J Vaccines Vaccin 2(3): 00034. DOI: 10.15406/ijvv.2016.02.00034

[3] Young RO (2016) Second Thoughts Concerning Viruses, Vaccines and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis – Part 3 HIV/AIDS and the Monomorphic Disease Model. Int J Vaccines Vaccin 2(3): 00035. DOI: 10.15406/ijvv.2016.02.00035

Published in the Early 90’s One Sickness, One Disease, One Treatment
One Sickness, One Disease, One Treatment First Edition Published in1996 – OUT of PRINT

“There is only one treatment, restore the alkaline design of the body fluids with an alkaline lifestyle and diet.” Dr. Robert O. Young – 1996

Robert O. Young MSc, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner – www.drrobertyoung.com

[1] Young RO (2016) Pathological Blood Coagulation and the Mycotoxic Oxidative Stress Test (MOST). Int J Vaccines Vaccin 2(6): 00048. DOI: 10.15406/ijvv.2016.02.00048
[2] Young RO (2016) Second Thoughts about Viruses, Vaccines, and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis – Part 1. Int J Vaccines Vaccin 2(3): 00032. DOI: 10.15406/ijvv.2016.02.00032
[3] Young RO (2016) Second Thoughts Concerning Viruses, Vaccines and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis – Part 2. Int J Vaccines Vaccin 2(3): 00034. DOI: 10.15406/ijvv.2016.02.00034
[4] Young RO (2016) Second Thoughts Concerning Viruses, Vaccines and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis – Part 3 HIV/AIDS
and the Monomorphic Disease Model. Int J Vaccines Vaccin 2(3): 00035. DOI: 10.15406/ijvv.2016.02.00035
[5] Nanowires patent:
[6] Nanowire arrays for neurotechnology and other applications ~ patent
[7] Internalization of ferromagnetic nanowires by different living cells (2010)
[8] Hydrophobic copper nanowires for enhancing condensation heat transfer
[9] Rotational Maneuver of Ferromagnetic Nanowires for Cell Manipulation
[10] Internalization of ferromagnetic nanowires by different living cells
[11] Ultrathin gold nanowires to enhance radiation therapy
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) of Nano Reduced Graphene Hydroxide and Nano Gold Observed as Wires, Threads, Ribbons and Tubes Removed from the Arteries and Veins of a Deceased Cancer Patient Who Received Radiation Therapy

[12] DARPA-Funded Efforts in the Development of Novel Brain-Computer Interface Technologies