What is the #1 Contributing Factor to the ‘Corona Effect’?
The Cause of the ‘Corona Effect’ and its many symptoms is NOT what YOU think!

Take the ‘Corona Effect’ test before you watch the video below!
What is the Cause of the ‘Corona Effect’ or CODvid – 19?
(Choose only ONE)
A. A SARS Virus called CODvid -19
B. Having unsafe sex
C. Picked it up from a friend
D. Radiation poisoning – EMF
E. Chemical poisoning
F. Vaccination
G. Someone sneezed on me
H. I was in Wuhan, China
I. Air Pollution
J. Not wearing a mask
K. Not keeping 6 feet away from other people
L. Eating bat meat
M. A stranger sprayed some unknown chemical on me
N. At a hospital that was treating Corona
O. None of the above
P. All of the above
To learn more about the risks of radiation poisoning read the following scientific published articles:
To learn more about the risks of radiation poisoning watch the following interviews of Dr. Robert O Young: